Interface Summary | |
esriGeoAnalysisEnforceEnum | Enforce Options in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisFilterEnum | Filter Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisResampleEnum | Resampling Types in Spatial Analyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisSemiVariogramEnum | Semi-Variogram types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisSliceEnum | Slice Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisSlopeEnum | Slope Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisSplineEnum | Spline Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisStatisticsEnum | Statistics types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisTrendEnum | Trend Surface Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisUnitsEnum | Units Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriGeoAnalysisVisibilityEnum | Visibility Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriRasterEnvSettingEnum | Raster analysis environment types for extent and cell size. |
esriRasterGDBCompressionEnum | Raster GeoDatabase compression types. |
esriRasterNeighborhoodEnum | Raster Neighborhood Types in GeoAnalyst. |
esriRasterVerifyEnum | Verification types of the Raster environment. |
esriSpatialAnalystError | Error codes for the Spatial Analyst. |
IConversionOp | Provides access to members that convert between raster and feature data. |
IFeatureClassDescriptor | Provides access to members that control the FeatureClass descriptor. |
IGeoAnalysisEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the GeoAnalysis environment. |
IGeoAnalysisSemiVariogram | Provides access to members that control the Interpolation semi-variogram object. |
IGeoDataDescriptor | Provides access to members that control the GeoDataset descriptor. |
IGridTableOp | Provides access to members that performs grid VAT operations. |
IInterpolationOp | Provides access to members that control the Interpolating of a GeoDataset. |
IInterpolationOp2 | Provides access to additional members that control the Interpolating of a GeoDataset. |
IInterpolationOp3 | Provides access to additional members that control the Interpolating of a GeoDataset. |
IMathSupportOp | Provides access to members that control the mathematical operations for support other products. |
IMLClassifyFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control ML classification function arguments. |
INumberRemap | Provides access to members that control reclassification of numerical data. |
IRasterAnalysisEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the environment for raster analysis. |
IRasterAnalysisGDBEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the environment for Geodatabase raster analysis. |
IRasterAnalysisGlobalEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the global environment for raster analysis. |
IRasterConvertHelper | Provides access to members that convert geodatasets to rasters or feature classes. |
IRasterDescriptor | Provides access to members that control the Raster descriptor. |
IRasterExportOp | Provides access to members that control the export to raster formats. |
IRasterImportOp | Provides access to members that control the import of raster formats. |
IRasterImportOp2 | Provides access to additional members that control the import of raster formats. |
IRasterMakerOp | Provides access to members that control the Raster Maker operations. |
IRasterModel | Provides access to members that control the Raster Model. |
IRasterNeighborhood | Provides access to members that control the analytical region used when performing neighborhood analsis. |
IRasterNeighborhood2 | Provides access to additional members that control the analytical region used when performing neighborhood analsis. |
IRasterOpBase | Interface of RasterOpBase object |
IRasterRadius | Provides access to members that control the radius used to determine a surface through interpolation. |
IReclassOp | Provides access to members that control the Reclass Operation. |
IRemap | Provides access to members that control reclassification of data. |
IStringRemap | Provides access to members that control reclassification of string data. |
ISurfaceOp | Provides access to members that control the Surface Operation. |
ISurfaceOp2 | Provides access to additional members that control the Surface Operation. |
ITransformationOp | Provides access to members that control the transformation operations. |
Class Summary | |
FeatureClassDescriptor | GeoAnalyst FeatureClass descriptor object. |
GeoAnalysisSemiVariogram | Esri GeoAnalysis SemiVariogram object. |
GridTableOp | Esri grid VAT operations class. |
MLClassifyFunction | The The ML classification function. |
MLClassifyFunctionArguments | The ML classification function arguments. |
NumberRemap | GeoAnalyst Number remap object. |
RasterAnalysis | A collection of information about the raster analysis environment. |
RasterConversionOp | Esri raster conversion and import operations class. |
RasterConvertHelper | Raster conversion helper class. |
RasterDescriptor | GeoAnalyst Raster descriptor object. |
RasterInterpolationOp | Raster interpolation operation class. |
RasterMakerOp | A mechanism for generating rasters. |
RasterMathSupportOp | Raster mathematic support operation class. |
RasterModel | A mechanism that allows scripting of operations, and inclusion of non-raster input/output formats (feature data, tables, etc). |
RasterNeighborhood | Esri Raster neighborhood object. |
RasterRadius | GeoAnalyst Raster radius object. |
RasterReclassOp | Raster Reclass operation class. |
RasterSurfaceOp | Raster surface operation class. |
RasterTransformationOp | Esri Transformation operations class. |
StringRemap | GeoAnalyst String remap object. |
The GeoAnalyst library contains core spatial analysis operations that are used by both the SpatialAnalyst and 3DAnalyst extensions.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.