public class MapServer
The MapServer component provides programmatic access to the contents of a map document on disk, and creates images of the map contents based on user requests. Designed for use in building map-based web services and web applications.
MapServer is a coarse-grained ArcObject. This object allows users to display and query ArcGIS map documents in internet development environments. In a server environment, MapServer objects can be accessed via SOAP/XML over an HTTP connection (Internet) or via COM in a Server Object Extension (SOE). In SOE, you can use IRESTRequestHandler to process REST/JSON request. The MapServer coclass contains several interfaces like IMapServer, IMapServerDataAccess with functions for displaying and querying a map service.
In addition to MapServer, a number of MapServer objects are defined to represent input and output parameters for methods on MapServer interfaces. For example, the IMapServer method ExportMapImage requires two inputs: a description of the map to be exported and a description of the output parameters. These inputs are captured in the MapDescription and ImageDescription objects.
Though the methods and properties available through MapServer and its associated objects offer important mapping functionality, they cannot possibly encapsulate all that ArcObjects offers. In some cases you may want to use other, finer-grained, ArcObjects in conjunction with MapServer. Starting at 10.1, you can only do this in an SOE using the IMapServerDataAccess interface which will give you access to the datasource (IFeatureClass or ITable ) of a layer or stand-alone table.
Please note that accessing fine-grained ArcObjects through IMapServerObjects interface has been deprecated at 10.1. Typically you would want to use IMapServerObjects interface to make changes to map, such as modifying a layer's renderer or adding a new layer. Starting at 10.1, you do not need to access fine-grained ArcObjects since these capabilities are available via the coarse-grained MapServer's API. If the mapservice you are accessing is enabled with dynamicLayers (SupportsDynamicLayers), you can use IDynamicLayerDescription to change renderer or to set datasource for a new layer.
It is important to know that all changes made to the MapServer object are temporary. A temporary change would include changes to the MapDescription or LayerDescription using IMapDescription, ILayerDescription or IDynamicLayerDescription. For example, you might change the geographic extent of a map (MapArea), change the visibility (Visible) or renderer (DrawingDescription) of a layer or even add a new layer on-the-fly. These changes are temporary and valid for the duration of the call (stateless). Once the call has ended the MapServer object returns to it's default state and does not remember the changes made by the previouscall.
You may find GenerateDataClasses function to get unique values from fields or generate classes from a field and optionally ask for renderer that can be used with ExportMapImage.
Only certain symbols are supported when working with the MapServer WSDL. These include ISimpleMarkerSymbol, ICharacterMarker, IPictureMarker, ISimpleLineSymbol, ISimpleFillSymbol and IPictureFill.
A MapServer service can have an associated tiled map cache. ArcGIS map services can use a tile cache to significantly improve performance while delivering maps. A map service that fulfills requests with pre-created tiles from a cache instead of dynamically rendering part of the map is called a cached map service. The map cache is a repository that contains image tiles for map extents at specific scale levels.
Service publishers create the cache for a map service using geoprocessing tools in ArcCatalog or via scripting. Applications that work with a cached map service can directly access tiles from the tile cache. Such applications include ArcGIS for Desktop, the ArcGIS for Server Web ADF applications. While other applications that are based on ArcGIS for Server JavaScript, Silverlight or Flex API access tiles using the tile handler.
For optimal performance, use caches. Applications built with caches do not use the parent map service, but instead pull the images directly from the cached virtual directory or by using a tile handler web service running on the server. Use ICacheDescription to get information on the cached service.
Working with MapServer with a cached map service can be different than working with a map service without a cache. Though you will be able to query against a cached map service just as you would a non-cached map service, you will see differences when working with cached map service's MapDescription and the LayerDescription of any map layer belonging to a cache.
If the map service is a cached map service then custom graphics, the rendering of selected features etc. cannot be applied to the MapDescription. In addition, any changes made to the LayerDescription of any of the map layers, such as applying a definition expression, applying a selection buffer, toggling the visibility of labels or changing the visibility of the layer itself are ignored. You will need to use ITileCacheInfo to change the spatial reference or call ExportMapImage function with different spatial reference set to IMapDescription. In the latter case you will get one single image projected to the requested spatial reference instead of multiple tiles.
Field Summary |
Fields inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.system.IRequestHandler |
IID, IID46a0e2ea_3b64_4a46_bd78_88a1660f35bb, xxDummy |
Fields inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.system.IObjectActivate |
IID, IIDe3b78022_143e_4e61_9099_ed319ec061e7, xxDummy |
Fields inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.system.IRESTRequestHandler |
IID, IID9d66a418_d54a_48ed_88bd_043a25fa9c83, xxDummy |
Constructor Summary | |
Constructs a MapServer using ArcGIS Engine. |
MapServer(Object obj)
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS 9.2, replaced by normal Java casts. MapServer theMapServer = (MapServer) obj; |
Method Summary | |
void |
Activates the object. |
void |
applyMapDescription(IMapDescription mapDescription,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay)
Applies the current state of the map description to the map server object. |
void |
beforeStart(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin,
IPropertySet props)
Is called before the configuration is started. |
void |
beforeStop(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin,
IPropertySet props)
Is called before the configuration is stopped. |
double |
computeDistance(String mapName,
IPoint fromPoint,
IPoint toPoint,
int units)
Computes the distance between two points on the specified map. |
double |
computeScale(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay)
Computes the scale of the specified map, at the given map extent, for an image with the given size. |
void |
connect(String filePath)
Initializes the map server with an mxd or pmf file stored at the specified path. |
void |
construct(IPropertySet props)
Two phase object construction. |
void |
Deactivates the object. |
boolean |
equals(Object o)
Compare this object with another |
ILayoutImage |
exportLayout(IPageDescription pageDesc,
IImageDescription imageDesc)
Generates an image of the layout, based on the given page description object, and writes the image to a specified file on disk. |
IImageResult |
exportLegend(ILegend legend,
IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay pMapDisplay,
IColor backgroundColor,
IImageDescription imageDesc)
Exports a legend to an image file. |
IMapImage |
exportMapImage(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDescription imageDesc)
Generates an image of the map, based on the given map description, and writes the image to a specified file on disk. |
IImageResult |
exportNorthArrow(INorthArrow arrow,
IMapDescription mapDesc,
IColor backgroundColor,
IImageDescription imageDesc)
Exports a north arrow to an image file. |
IImageResult |
exportScaleBar(IScaleBar scalebar,
IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay pMapDisplay,
IColor backgroundColor,
IImageDescription imageDesc)
Exports a scale bar to an image file. |
IMapServerFindResults |
find(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapImage,
String searchString,
boolean contains,
String searchFields,
int option,
ILongArray layerIds)
Returns a collection of Map Server Find Result objects that contain the given search string. |
IServerObjectExtension |
findExtensionByCLSID(String cLSID)
Returns a server object extension found using a string representation of its class ID. |
IServerObjectExtension |
findExtensionByTypeName(String name)
Returns a server object extension found using its type name. |
void |
fromMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay,
IPointCollection mapPoints,
ILongArray[] screenXValues,
ILongArray[] screenYValues)
Converts a map coordinate to a screen location. |
void |
fromPagePoints(IEnvelope pageExtent,
IImageDisplay pageDisplay,
IPointCollection pagePoints,
ILongArray[] screenXValues,
ILongArray[] screenYValues)
Converts a page coordinate to a screen location. |
ICacheControlInfo |
getCacheControlInfo(String mapName)
Gets the cache description information for a given map. |
ICacheDescriptionInfo |
getCacheDescriptionInfo(String mapName)
Gets the cache description information for a given map. |
String |
getCacheName(String mapName,
int layerID)
Gets the cache name for a given layer within a map. |
ICacheStorageInfo |
getCacheStorageInfo(String mapName)
Gets the cache storage information. |
static String |
getClsid. |
String |
Name of the server object configuration that defines the server object. |
Object |
getDataSource(String mapName,
int layerID)
Get Data Source |
ILayerDrawingDescriptions |
getDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions(String mapName,
ILongArray pLayerIDs,
IServerSymbolOutputOptions outputOptions)
Get Layer Drawing Description |
String |
Name of the document's active map (data frame). |
IPageDescription |
The default page settings. |
Object |
getDisplayDataSource(String mapName,
int layerOrTableID)
Get Display Data Source |
IPropertySet |
A set of name-value pairs for properties set for the map document (mxd only). |
IFeature |
getFeature(String mapName,
int layerID,
int featureId)
Returns a feature, given the feature ID and layer. |
String |
getFeatureValue(String mapName,
int layerID,
IFeature feature,
String fieldName)
Returns the value of a given feature as a string. |
String |
The map document path. |
ILayer |
getLayer(String mapName,
int layerID)
The layer specified by the map name and layer ID. |
int |
getLayerID(String mapName,
ILayer pLayer)
The layer specified by the map name and layer ID. |
byte[] |
getLayerTile(String mapName,
int layerID,
int level,
int row,
int column)
Gets a tile for a given tile location from a given layer. |
byte[] |
getLayerTileEx(String mapName,
int layerID,
int level,
int row,
int column,
int cacheFormat)
Gets a tile for a given tile location from a given layer. |
IMapServerLegendInfos |
getLegendInfo(String mapName,
ILongArray layerIds,
IMapServerLegendPatch patch,
IImageType imgType)
Returns a collection of Map Server Legend Info objects for the specified layers. |
IMap |
getMap(String mapName)
The map corresponding to the specified map name. |
int |
The number of maps (data frames) in the document. |
String |
getMapName(int index)
Name of the map (data frame) as indicated by the index. |
IMapTableSubtypeInfos |
getMapTableSubtypeInfos(String mapName,
ILongArray pTableIDs)
Returns the MapTableSubtypeInfos in the current map. |
byte[] |
getMapTile(String mapName,
int level,
int row,
int column)
Gets a tile for a given tile location from a given map. |
byte[] |
getMapTileEx(String mapName,
int level,
int row,
int column,
int cacheFormat)
Gets a tile for a given tile location from a given map. |
int |
The maximum number of records buffered on the server for display. |
int |
The maximum height in pixels of an image request. |
int |
The maximum width in pixels of an image request. |
int |
The maximum number of records returned for query results (Identify, Find, QueryFeatureData, and QueryHyperlinks). |
IPageLayout |
The page layout object for the current map document. |
String |
The physical directory for cache files. |
String |
The physical directory for output files. |
String |
This method returns the resource hierarchy of a REST based SOE. |
IMapServerInfo |
getServerInfo(String mapName)
Returns information about a map (data frame). |
IPropertySet |
A set of name-value pairs for properties set for the MapServer Service Configuration Restrictions. |
String |
The parent directory for cache files. |
String |
The parent virtual directory for cache files. |
ISQLSyntaxInfo |
getSQLSyntaxInfo(String mapName,
int layerID)
Returns the SQL syntax information for the specified layer. |
ITable |
getStandaloneTable(String mapName,
int standaloneTableID)
The table specified by the map name and table ID. |
int |
getStandaloneTableID(String mapName,
ITable pTable)
The layer specified by the map name and standalone table ID. |
int |
The supported image return types for the map server. |
Picture |
The thumbnail stored in the map document. |
ITileCacheInfo |
getTileCacheInfo(String mapName)
Gets the cache configuration for a given map. |
ITileImageInfo |
getTileImageInfo(String mapName)
Gets the cache tile image information for a given map. |
String |
Type of the server object (MapServer or GeocodeServer). |
String |
The virtual directory for cache files. |
String |
getVirtualCacheDirectory(String mapName,
int layerID)
Gets the virtual cache directory for a given layer within a map. |
String |
The virtual directory for output files. |
byte[] |
handleBinaryRequest(byte[] request)
Handles a binary request. |
byte[] |
handleBinaryRequest2(String capabilities,
byte[] request)
Handles a binary request with explicit capabilities. |
byte[] |
handleRESTRequest(String capabilities,
String resourceName,
String operationName,
String operationInput,
String outputFormat,
String requestProperties,
String[] responseProperties)
Handles REST requests for SOE. |
String |
handleStringRequest(String capabilities,
String request)
Handles a SOAP string request. |
int |
the hashcode for this object |
boolean |
hasLayerCache(String mapName,
int layerID)
Indicates if a given layer has a single tile cache. |
boolean |
hasSingleFusedMapCache(String mapName)
Indicates if a given map has a single fused map tile cache. |
IMapServerIdentifyResults |
identify(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapImage,
IGeometry searchShape,
int tolerance,
int option,
ILongArray layerIds)
Returns a collection of Map Server Identify Result objects at the given location. |
void |
initLogging(ILog log)
Initializes an object with a log. |
void |
interfaceSupportsErrorInfo(GUID riid)
interfaceSupportsErrorInfo |
boolean |
isFixedScaleMap(String mapName)
Indicates if a given map is a fixed scale map. |
IPropertySet |
onAdd(IPropertySet pProps)
Is called when the configuration is added. |
void |
Is called when the configuration is removed. |
void |
onRemoveEx(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin,
IPropertySet props)
Is called when the configuration is removed. |
void |
onStart(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin,
IPropertySet pProps)
Is called when the configuration is started. |
void |
onStop(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin,
IPropertySet pProps)
Is called when the configuration is stopped. |
IAttachmentDataArray |
queryAttachmentData(String mapName,
int tableID,
ILongArray attachmentIDs,
int transportType)
Returns the attachment data for the given features/ rows. |
IAttachmentInfoArray |
queryAttachmentInfos(String mapName,
int tableID,
ILongArray rowIDs)
Returns the attachment info that describe the attachments for the given features/ rows. |
IQueryResult |
queryData(String mapName,
IMapTableDescription pMapTableDescription,
IQueryFilter filter,
IQueryResultOptions options)
Returns a record set of rows that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified table. |
int |
queryFeatureCount(String mapName,
int layerID,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns the count of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
int |
queryFeatureCount2(String mapName,
ILayerDescription pLayerDescription,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns the count of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
IRecordSet |
queryFeatureData(String mapName,
int layerID,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns a record set of features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
IQueryResult |
queryFeatureData2(String mapName,
ILayerDescription pLayerDesciscription,
IQueryFilter filter,
IQueryResultOptions options)
Returns a record set of features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
queryFeatureIDs(String mapName,
int layerID,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns the IDs of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
queryFeatureIDs2(String mapName,
ILayerDescription pLayerDesciscription,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns the IDs of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
IStringArray |
queryHTMLPopups(String mapName,
int tableID,
ILongArray pRowIDs)
Returns the html as text that can be used in popups. |
IMapServerHyperlinks |
queryHyperlinks(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapImage,
ILongArray layerIds)
Returns a collection of Map Server Hyperlink objects for the specified layers. |
IImageResults |
queryRasterValue(String mapName,
int sourceTableID,
ILongArray rowIDs,
String fieldName,
IImageType rasterValueType)
Returns the Raster content that meet the selection criteria for the specified table. |
IQueryResult |
queryRelatedRecords(String mapName,
int sourceTable,
IRelateDescription relateDescription)
Returns the IDs of the rows that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified table. |
int |
queryRowCount(String mapName,
IMapTableDescription pTableDescription,
IQueryFilter pFilter)
Returns the count of the rows that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified table. |
ILongArray |
queryRowIDs(String mapName,
IMapTableDescription pTableDescription,
IQueryFilter pFilter)
Returns the IDs of the rows that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified table. |
void |
Updates the server info based on the current state of the underlying fine-grained objects. |
void |
setMaxBufferCount(int count)
The maximum number of records buffered on the server for display. |
void |
setMaxImageHeight(int height)
The maximum height in pixels of an image request. |
void |
setMaxImageWidth(int width)
The maximum width in pixels of an image request. |
void |
setMaxRecordCount(int count)
The maximum number of records returned for query results (Identify, Find, QueryFeatureData, and QueryHyperlinks). |
void |
setPhysicalCacheDirectory(String pCacheDir)
The physical directory for cache files. |
void |
setPhysicalOutputDirectory(String dirPath)
The physical directory for output files. |
void |
setSOMCacheDirectory(String pCacheDir)
The parent directory for cache files. |
void |
setVirtualCacheDirectory(String pVirtualCacheDir)
The virtual directory for cache files. |
void |
setVirtualOutputDirectory(String dirPath)
The virtual directory for output files. |
void |
startWithData(IDataset pDataset)
An alternative to calling Connect(). |
void |
Clears out all of the map objects in memory. |
IPointCollection |
toMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay,
ILongArray screenXValues,
ILongArray screenYValues)
Converts a screen location to a map coordinate. |
IPointCollection |
toPagePoints(IEnvelope pageExtent,
IImageDisplay pageDisplay,
ILongArray screenXValues,
ILongArray screenYValues)
Converts a screen location to a page coordinate. |
void |
update(IPropertySet props)
Updates object's properties. |
void |
validate(IPropertySet props)
Validates an object. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.interop.RemoteObjRef |
getJintegraDispatch, release |
Constructor Detail |
public MapServer() throws IOException, UnknownHostException
- if there are interop problems
- if there are interop problemspublic MapServer(Object obj) throws IOException
MapServer theMapServer = (MapServer) obj;
to MapServer
- an object returned from ArcGIS Engine or Server
- if there are interop problemsMethod Detail |
public static String getClsid()
public boolean equals(Object o)
in class Object
public int hashCode()
in class Object
public IPropertySet getDocumentInfo() throws IOException, AutomationException
Optimized MapServer also returns two additional properties � AntialiasingMode and TextAntialiasingMode. Return values for AntialiasingMode are Fastest, Fast, Normal, Best or None, TextAntialiasingMode returns None, Normal or Force.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getMapCount() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getMapName(int index) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The index (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getDefaultMapName() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapServerInfo getServerInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
This method returns a MapServerInfo object. Using IMapServerInfo2 you can retrieve information regarding the present state of the MapServer object. If two (or more) data frames have the same name, Map Server adds a distinctive number at the end of the second name. E.g. Layers and Layers2.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapImage exportMapImage(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDescription imageDesc) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ExportMapImage to retrieve a file (image or vector format) of the map.
The input parameter MapDescription contains properties describing the map (also known as the data frame). These include the map's Name, the MapArea, the SpatialReference , as well as collections of LayerDescription objects. Size, resolution and file format are determined by the ImageDescription, which includes ImageDisplay and ImageType objects.
ExportMapImage returns a MapImage object. MapExtent, MapScale and an array of VisibleLayers can be retrieved from the MapImage.
You can export the map to either a vector or an image type. This is specified by the ReturnType property of IImageType.
Setting the size and resolution of the output
Size and resolution are set in the ImageDisplay. Both Height and Width are required. The Height and Width properties of IImageResult are read-only and are not used to make changes. In order to control the size of an exported image, IMapServerInit2 contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth. The default value for these properties is 1024 pixels.
You should be careful when specifying a DeviceResolution to the ImageDisplay. This is merely used by the map service to determine map scale on the server, it does not define the resolution of the map image. Changing the DeviceResolution may lead to unintended changes in the map scale. For example, you export a map image to JPG. You specify an image of 400 pixels by 600 pixels with the DeviceResolution set at 96. The relative MapScale of the resulting image is around 54,000,000. Next, you increase the DeviceResolution to 300 while keeping the size constant. The MapScale of this result is about 205,000,000. The result may not be want you wanted if the map contains layers or labels that are scale-dependent. In order to to maintain the MapScale at around 1:54,000,000 you would need to export a larger image.
If you are exporting to PDF you will need to keep in mind that PDF exits in page space. Setting the Height and Width sets the dimensions of the PDF page. For example, you export a map image to PDF where the ImageDisplay Height is 400 and the Width is 500. The DeviceResolution is 100. The resulting PDF is 4 inches by 5 inches. Holding the Height and Width settings constant, as you increase the DeviceResolution the actual size of the PDF will get smaller. As you decrease the DeviceResolution the size of the PDF gets larger. This will also affect MapScale. If you wish the MapScale to stay constant you will need to increase (or decrease) the ImageDisplay Height and Width values as you increase (or decrease) the DeviceResolution.
DeviceResolution also affects the symbols is rendered. For example, two map images were generated using the same size (250x250), same extent but a different DeviceResolution. The first map image was created with a DeviceResolution of 96 and the second one with 200. You will notice the symbols size differences between those two images. Symbology size is defined using points (1 point = 1/72 inch) in the source map. To determine symbology size in a map, DeviceResolution is used to convert from points to pixels with the following equation:
Symbol Size in Points * (DeviceResolution/Number of Points in 1
In the map image with 96 DeviceResolution, a symbol size of 1 point
will use 1.33 pixels (rounded down to 1 pixel) to render. In
the map image with 200 DeviceResolution, a symbol size of 1 point
will use 2.78 (rounded up to 3 pixels) to render. As a
result, the symbology appears larger in the map image created using
a DeviceResolution of 200.
Image quality and image type of optimized MapServer
Exporting a map from a cached service does not generate map dynamically, instead it creates map using pre-cooked cache tiles.
Exporting a map is different than exporting a layout. Page space is an important component of ExportLayout. It exists for all map documents and the map services the documents are based on. This page space provides the default size of the exported layout (for best results you should use this default). Page space does not exist in ExportMapImage. Therefore, you will see differences in results when adjusting the Height, Width or DeviceResolution for a ExportMapImage as compared to making similar adjustments for ExportLayout.
Use IMapServerGeoTransformation when the image output from a map service is to be displayed in a coordinate system where the underlying geographic coordinate system is different than the underlying geographic coordinate system of the DefaultMapDescription.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)imageDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapServerFindResults find(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapImage, String searchString, boolean contains, String searchFields, int option, ILongArray layerIds) throws IOException, AutomationException
Find performs a search based on a string value. This search can be conducted on a single field of a single layer, on many fields of a single layer or on many fields on many layers. Find returns a collection of objects that implement IMapServerFindResult.
Find requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapDescription, an ImageDisplay, the search string, a Boolean value on whether the search string is an exact match (False) or not (True), a comma delimited list of string values for the names of the fields you want to search, the esriFindOption, and an array of layer Ids to be searched.
Please note that Find only works with layer and does not work with StandaloneTable. It also does not honor any time setting of a layer.
The MapDescription contains all the LayerDescriptions in the map. These LayerDescriptions include a DefinitionExpression property. A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be set in the source map document as a definition query, or can be set using the DefinitionExpression property. The DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any any definition query set in the source map. MapServer Find results should honor any definition query or DefinitionExpression set on the layer.
This is needed to determine whether layers are visible or not based on the current map scale.
Search Fields
If the searchFields parameter is blank all fields will be searched.
The esriFindOption parameter includes: esriFindAllLayers and esriFindVisibleLayers. If esriFindAllLayers is being used all layers are valid. If esriFindVisibleLayers is used, the search will be conducted only on layers that are visible in the map display. Layer visibility depends on whether the layer is on or off (the Visible property on ILayerDescription3) or whether the layer is on, but not visible due to scale dependencies (the MinScale and MaxScale properties on IMapLayerInfo2). The mapImage parameter is needed to determine whether the layer is not visible based on scale dependencies. This parameter can be Nothing/Null if esriFindAllLayers is used.
The parameters esriFindOption and LayerIDs behave like a boolean AND. There is no precedence. For example: if esriFindOption is esriFindVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all the visible layers are searched. If esriFindOption is esriFindVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs contains only the first layer, the first layer is searched only if it is visible.
Find always honors field visibility, and by default it respects field aliases and field formatting set in the source map document. If you want to use field names instead of field aliases, set ReturnFieldNamesInResults to True. When you want to have value in original data type (i.e. as Double instead of formatted string) so that you can do some computation (e.g. change the numeric or date to your locale settings), set FormatValuesInResults to False. It is important to note that these properties are only honored when the layer being searched implements IFeatureLayer (e.g. FeatureLayer). If the feature being queried has more than one field with the same alias (e.g. when joined), only one will be passed back to the client and the rest will be dropped from the result.
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system. The value of the Shape field in the result is a string showing the type of the geometry. To get the geometry associated with the result, use the IMapServerFindResult::FeatureShape property.
In some cases, for performance reasons, you may want limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the find result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. If IncludeGeometry is set to False, FeatureShape returns nothing. This should increase performance in cases where feature geometry is large. When ILayerResultOptions is not used, FeatureShape returns geometry. If the Shape field is invisible in the source map, FeatureShape may still contain geometry depending on how IncludeGeometry is set by the user. You can also choose to densify or generalize the geometry returned in FeatureShape using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance. If LayerResultOptions are not specified for the LayerDescription, query results will include the original geometry.
There are two key differences between Find and the other query methods such as QueryData, QueryRowIDs, QueryFeatureData etc. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 1,000. If 1,100 features match a given query only the first 1,000 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 1,100. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapImage
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)searchString
- The searchString (in)contains
- The contains (in)searchFields
- The searchFields (in)option
- A com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriFindOption constant (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapServerIdentifyResults identify(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapImage, IGeometry searchShape, int tolerance, int option, ILongArray layerIds) throws IOException, AutomationException
Identify returns map features and their attribute values based on a search location. This can be conducted on an individual layer, the top-most layer, all layers, or just on all the visible layers. This method returns a collection of objects that implement IMapServerIdentifyResult.
Identify requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapDescription, an ImageDisplay, a search shape, a tolerance, the esriIdentifyOption, and an array of layer Ids to be identified. Please note that it does not work with StandaloneTable.
Time aware layer
Identify recognizes time settings of a layer. When a layer's UseTime is true and MapDescription's TimeValue is set, Identify only searches features that fall within the time frame.
Layer with HTMLPopup
Identify can return results additionally in rich html format. When a layer's HTMLPopupType is not esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone, you can use one of identify two htmlpopup options to get identify result in html format the way it is authored.
The MapDescription contains all the LayerDescriptions in the map. These LayerDescriptions include a DefinitionExpression property. A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be set in the source map document as a definition query, or can be set using the DefinitionExpression property. The DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any any definition query set in the source map. MapServer Identify results should honor any definition query or DefinitionExpression set on the layer.
This is needed to determine whether layers are visible or not based on the current map scale.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
Tolerance is the distance in which features are searched. The unit is in pixel. It is only used for when SearchShape is a point.
The esriIdentifyOption parameter includes: esriIdentifyAllLayers, esriIdentifyVisibleLayers and esriIdentifyTopmost. If esriIdentifyAllLayers is being used all features for all layers in the map that fall within the tolerance value of the searchShape will be returned. If esriIdentifyVisibleLayers is used then only features from visible layers are returned. Layer visibility depends on whether the layer is on or off (the Visible property on ILayerDescription3) or whether the layer is on, but not visible due to scale dependencies (the MinScale and MaxScale properties on IMapLayerInfo2). The mapImage parameter is needed to determine whether the layer is not visible based on scale dependencies. The esriIdentifyOption esriIdentifyTopmost refers to the visible layer that is topmost in the map drawing order at the location specified by searchShape.
Layer IDs
The parameters esriIdentifyOption and LayerIDs behave like a boolean AND. There is no precedence. For example: if esriIdentifyOption is esriIdentifyVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all the visible layers are searched. If esriIdentifyOption is esriIdentifyVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs contains only the first layer, the first layer is searched only if it is visible.
Identify always honors field visibility, and by default it respects field aliases and field formatting set in the source map document. If you want to use field names instead of field aliases, set ReturnFieldNamesInResults to True. When you want to have value in original data type (i.e. as Double instead of formatted string) so that you can do some computation (e.g. change the numeric or date to your locale settings), set FormatValuesInResults to False. It is important to note that these properties are only honored when the layer being identified implements IFeatureLayer (e.g. FeatureLayer).
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system. The value of the Shape field in the IMapServerIdentifyResult::PropetySet or in related IMapServerRow::PropertySet is a string showing the type of the geometry. To get the geometry associated with the result, use the IMapServerIdentifyResult::Shape property instead. Identify does not return geometry associated with any related feature. If the feature being identified has more than one field with the same name, only one will be passed back to the client and the rest will be dropped from the result.
In some cases, for performance reason, you may want limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the identify result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. If IncludeGeometry is set to False, Shape property returns nothing. This should increase performance in cases where feature geometry is large. When ILayerResultOptions is not used, the Shape property returns geometry. If the Shape field is invisible in the source map, the Shape property may still contain geometry depending on how IncludeGeometry is set by the user. You can also choose to densify or generalize the returned geometry by using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 1000. If 1,100 features match a given query only the first 1,000 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 1,100. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
If the layer being identified has a relationship to other tables, the IMapServerRelationship and IMapServerRow interfaces provide access to properties of the relationship and related tables. The number of rows returned is not limited by MaxRecordCount.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapImage
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)searchShape
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry (in)tolerance
- The tolerance (in)option
- A com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriIdentifyOption constant (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int queryFeatureCount(String mapName, int layerID, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureCount returns the number of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryFeatureCount requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, or a combination of both.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryFeatureCount or QueryFeatureCount2.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureCount. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IFIDSet queryFeatureIDs(String mapName, int layerID, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureIDs returns the IDs (FIDSet) of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryFeatureIDs requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, or a combination of both.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryFeatureIDs or QueryFeatureIDs2.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureIDs. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
The results of this function can be used with LayerDescription::SelectionFeatures to display the selection in the exported image.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IRecordSet queryFeatureData(String mapName, int layerID, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureData returns the records of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter. QueryFeatureData returns a RecordSet .
QueryFeatureData requires a number of input parameters. These include: a Name, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, a combination of both or null.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
It can be set to null or Nothing to retrieve all data (which is also limited by MaxRecordCount)
If geometry is not desired in the output RecordSet, IQuerFilter’s SubFields must be defined without ‘Shape’ field. When SubFields is empty or includes ‘Shape’, IRecordSet will include the fields "shape_length" and "shape_area". If the desired spatial reference of the output geometry is different than the original one, OutputSpatialReference should be used. Otherwise geometry is returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription by default. When SubFields is not defined or = “*”, it returns all visible fields. Invisible or invalid field names or field aliases must not be included in SubField’s string or it will return an error. Please note ObjectID field is always returned regardless of whether it is in the SubFields or not. Only expection is when DISTINCT is used.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
QueryFeatureData honors field visibility set in the source map document. Field aliases, set in the source map document, are honored only when working with the MapServer WSDL or accessing a MapServer object through an AGSServerConnection (LAN or internet), but not honored for DCOM connection. However, the RecordSet does NOT honor any field formatting set in the source map.
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system, unless OutputSpatialReference is explicitly set to another coordinate system by the user (for SOAP/WSDL, both OutputSpatialReference & SpatialReferenceFieldName properties must be set). To get the coordinate system, IField::GeometryDef should be used.
In some cases, may be for performance reasons, you may want to limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the record set result. You cannot adjust returned geometry using QueryFeatureData. You will need to use QueryFeatureData2 in order to do this.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureData. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapServerHyperlinks queryHyperlinks(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapImage, ILongArray layerIds) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryHyperlinks returns a collection of objects that implement IMapServerHyperlink.
QueryHyperlinks requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapDescription, ImageDisplay, and LayerID.
The MapDescription contains all the LayerDescriptions in the map. These LayerDescriptions include a DefinitionExpression property. A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be set in the source map document as a definition query, or can be set using the DefinitionExpression property. The DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryHyperlinks results should honor any definition query or DefinitionExpression set on the layer.
This is needed to determine whether layers are visible or not based on the current map scale. Layer visibility depends on whether the layer is on or off (the Visible property on ILayerDescription3) or whether the layer is on, but not visible due to scale dependencies (the MinScale and MaxScale properties on IMapLayerInfo2).
In some cases, for performance reasons, you may want to adjust the geometry being returned in the QueryHyperlink result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. You can choose to densify or generalize the returned geometry by using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance. Setting IncludeGeometry property has no effect, QueryHyperLinks always returns geometry.
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapImage
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public double computeScale(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapDisplay) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public double computeDistance(String mapName, IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint, int units) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)fromPoint
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint (in)toPoint
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint (in)units
- A com.esri.arcgis.system.esriUnits constant (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IPointCollection toMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription, IImageDisplay mapDisplay, ILongArray screenXValues, ILongArray screenYValues) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)screenXValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)screenYValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void fromMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription, IImageDisplay mapDisplay, IPointCollection mapPoints, ILongArray[] screenXValues, ILongArray[] screenYValues) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)mapPoints
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPointCollection (in)screenXValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in/out: use single element array)screenYValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in/out: use single element array)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapServerLegendInfos getLegendInfo(String mapName, ILongArray layerIds, IMapServerLegendPatch patch, IImageType imgType) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use GetLegendInfo to retrieve individual legend elements including the symbol image, labels, descriptions and headings. A common use would be to populate a table of contents. Note that composite layers such as group layers and annotation layers do not contain legend elements. To export a single image of the legend use ExportLegend on IMapServerLayout.
The GetLegendInfo method returns a collection of MapServerLegendInfo objects. Legends are associated with renderers that belong to each layer in a map. Each layer has a separate renderer. Each renderer has one or more legend groups. Each legend group has one or more legend classes. Customizing the legend patch can be done using IMapServerLegendPatch . When passing in "Nothing" for this input parameter ("patch") the default legend patch is used.
MapServerLegendInfo doesn't contain information about whether the data frame and the layers in the TOC are expanded or collapsed in the original map document. You have to write your own code to find this out.
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)patch
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapServerLegendPatch (in)imgType
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageType (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ISQLSyntaxInfo getSQLSyntaxInfo(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getSupportedImageReturnTypes() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServer
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] getMapTileEx(String mapName, int level, int row, int column, int cacheFormat) throws IOException, AutomationException
This call gets the specified tile from a map service that has a single fused cache.
in interface ITiledMapServer2
- The mapName (in)level
- The level (in)row
- The row (in)column
- The column (in)cacheFormat
- The cacheFormat (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] getLayerTileEx(String mapName, int layerID, int level, int row, int column, int cacheFormat) throws IOException, AutomationException
This call gets the specified tile from the specified layer for a map service that has a multi layer cache.
in interface ITiledMapServer2
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)level
- The level (in)row
- The row (in)column
- The column (in)cacheFormat
- The cacheFormat (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ITileImageInfo getTileImageInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
GetTileIMageInfo returns information describing the image format for the cached tiles. TileImageInfo has two main properties Format and Compression quality. Format can have values (PNG8, PNG24, PNG32 and JPEG). If the selected format is JPEG, then the compression quality can have a value from 0 to 100. The value of format must be used in constructing the url to the tile.
in interface ITiledMapServer2
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ICacheDescriptionInfo getCacheDescriptionInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
GetCacheDescriptionInfo returns information on a cached map service in one call including its cache type, its tiling scheme (TileCacheInfo), image information (TileImageInfo) and control information (TileControlInfo). The cache description also includes an array of layer cache infos that can be used to determine if a specific layer has a cache in the case of map services that have a multi layer cache.
in interface ITiledMapServer2
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ICacheControlInfo getCacheControlInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
Returns cache control information that allows clients to discover information such as if client caching is allowed.
in interface ITiledMapServer2
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public boolean isFixedScaleMap(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use this method to determine if a map service is cached. The term fixed scale map service and cached map service are used synonymously in the API. A fixed scale map service works with a cache of images that represent pre-rendered tiles for either the entire map service or for individual layers in the map service.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public boolean hasSingleFusedMapCache(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use this method to determine if a cached map service has a single fused map cache.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ITileCacheInfo getTileCacheInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
The TileCacheInfo object contains information on the tiling scheme for the cache. The tiling scheme includes the tiling origin, spatial reference, tile size in pixels and information on the Levels of Detail at which the service is cached.
LODInfos enumerate a LODInfo object which describes a scale and resoluton.
Using the tiling scheme information in the TileCacheInfo object the client can calculate the tiles that cover any rectangular extent in map space and then retrieve tiles either directly from the virtual directory, or from the tile handler or by making GetMapTile or GetLayerTile requests against the map service.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] getMapTile(String mapName, int level, int row, int column) throws IOException, AutomationException
This call gets the specified tile from a map service that has a single fused cache. GetMapTile only returns a tile if the cache is generated using PNG format. When the cache format specified in the TileImageInfo is not PNG the client should use GetMapTileEx.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)level
- The level (in)row
- The row (in)column
- The column (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public boolean hasLayerCache(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use this method to discover if a particular layer in a map service with a multi layer cache is cached or not. If IsFixedScaleMap is true and HasSingleFusedMapCache is false, then the map service has a multi layer cache that is made up of individual layer caches. Not all layers in such a map service need be cached.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] getLayerTile(String mapName, int layerID, int level, int row, int column) throws IOException, AutomationException
This call gets the specified tile from the specified layer for a map service that has a multi layer cache. GetLayerTile method only returns a tile if the cache is generated using PNG format. When the cache format specified in the TileImageInfo is not PNG the client should use GetLayerTileEx.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)level
- The level (in)row
- The row (in)column
- The column (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getVirtualCacheDirectory(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
This call retrieves the virtual directory that hosts the cache tiles for this map service. Use -1 as the layerid in order to get the virtual cache directory for a map service that has a single fused cache. This is an optional property and may not always be present, for example, on a secure server or on an on demand server. If present then this is the preferred (most optimal) way for a client to retrieve tiles.
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getCacheName(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITiledMapServer
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ICacheStorageInfo getCacheStorageInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITiledMapServer3
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void construct(IPropertySet props) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IObjectConstruct
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] handleBinaryRequest(byte[] request) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IRequestHandler
- An unsigned byte (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String handleStringRequest(String capabilities, String request) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IRequestHandler
- The capabilities (in)request
- The request (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] handleBinaryRequest2(String capabilities, byte[] request) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IRequestHandler2
- The capabilities (in)request
- An unsigned byte (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMap getMap(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ILayer getLayer(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IPageLayout getPageLayout() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public Picture getThumbnail() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void refreshServerObjects() throws IOException, AutomationException
Use RefreshServerObjects when you have made changes to the fine-grained ArcObjects and want to apply them to the MapServer object. Keep in mind that this will change the default state of the MapServer object. In order to get the updated MapDescription, you have to call GetServerInfo on IMapServer2 again.
Any custom graphics (IMapDescription2 or IPageDescription) set previous to the RefreshServerObjects call will be lost. You will need to repeat the code for the custom graphics.
RefreshServerObjects does not refresh the extent on IPageDescription . Therefore, if you have zoomed to a particular extent of the page layout using the fine-grained ArcObjects (IActiveView) and you want to apply this extent to the PageDescription, you have to do this manually.
in interface IMapServerObjects
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void applyMapDescription(IMapDescription mapDescription, IImageDisplay mapDisplay) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ApplyMapDescription to apply changes made in IMapDescription2 to the map server object. ApplyMapDescription will not apply any custom graphics (IMapDescription2 or IPageDescription) to the map server object. See the following example on how to apply custom graphics to the map server object.
in interface IMapServerObjects
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getLayerID(String mapName, ILayer pLayer) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects2
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- The mapName (in)pLayer
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILayer (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getStandaloneTableID(String mapName, ITable pTable) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- The mapName (in)pTable
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.ITable (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ITable getStandaloneTable(String mapName, int standaloneTableID) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerObjects3
- The mapName (in)standaloneTableID
- The standaloneTableID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getFeatureValue(String mapName, int layerID, IFeature feature, String fieldName) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerData
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)feature
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeature (in)fieldName
- The fieldName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IFeature getFeature(String mapName, int layerID, int featureId) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerData
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)featureId
- The featureId (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IPageDescription getDefaultPageDescription() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerLayout
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ILayoutImage exportLayout(IPageDescription pageDesc, IImageDescription imageDesc) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ExportLayout to retrieve a file (image or vector format) of the map's layout.
PageDescription refers to properties describing the actual map layout. These include the Height and Width of the layout in page Units , the layout page extent in page units, map descriptions for each map frame in the layout and any CustomGraphics to be placed in the layout. Size, resolution and file format are determined by the ImageDescription, which includes ImageDisplay and ImageType .
ExportLayout returns a LayoutImage object. The page Extent of the layout, an array of MapImages (data frames), can be gleaned from this object. In addition, the geographic MapExtent, MapScale and an array of VisibleLayers for each data frame in the layout can be retrieved from the MapImage object.
Do not use IMapServerLayout to create new layouts or to create layouts "on-the-fly". You cannot change the actual page size of the map layout, reposition map elements on the layout nor can you add or remove layout elements such as titles, text, graphics, scale bars, north arrows and legends. However, you can define the size and resolution of the output. How these parameters are defnied can affect the results. These effects are outlined below. You can also choose to export a clipped portion of the page layout.
Let's look at an example. An existing map layout has a portrait page orientation with a height of 11 inches and a width of 8.5 inches. The absolute scale for the map is 1:30,000,000. There are some layers within the map that are scale dependent. This scale is based on the page size of the layout and the relative size of the map's data frame.
You can export the layout to either a vector or an image type. This is specified by the ReturnType property of IImageType.
Exporting to vector format (e.g. PDF)
If you are exporting to a vector format, such as PDF, and want to retain the original size of the layout as specified in the map document the dimensions need not be set. Not specifying a Height and Width for IImageDisplay2, or specifying 0 for both, will cause the export result to maintain the original size of the layout as specified in the source map document. The Height and Width properties of IImageResult are read-only and are not used to make changes.
The the best results it is recommended that you do not specify Height or Width in the ImageDisplay. Let the page size set in the source map determine the size of our output.
If you have a raster layer in your map, or the map has transparency, you may want to increase the DeviceResolution set in IImageDisplay for better results. The map scale and layer visibility should not be affected. The size of ExportLayout result should be adjusted using the height and width properties of the ImageDisplay. You can increase or decrease the relative size of the map layout. Remember, you are not changing the size of the layout of the source map. You are changing the size of the exported result.
For example, you wish to reduce the image of the 11 inch by 8.5 inch layout described above by half. The DeviceResolution is set at 96. You will need to specify a height of 528 and a width of 408. Please note that the map scale does not change. The absolute scale of the map will be incorrect, though the scale bar should be correct since its size changes relative to the change in output size. This effect is similar to shrinking a printed map using a photocopying machine. The result will be 5.5 inches by 4.25 inches PDF.
Once you specify the height and width the value of the DeviceResolution will have an impact on the result. Think of 96 as a baseline for the layout's page (1 inch = 96 pixels). Values different from 96 will require appropriate adjustments in height and width. Using the example above, if the DeviceResolution was 300, the height and width needed to reduce the resulting layout to a PDF of 5.5 inches by 4.25 inches would be 1650 pixels by 1275 pixels.
Changing the aspect ratio (height x width) of the ExportLayout output will not change the aspect ratio of the map layout. For example, again using the layout example above, a height of 816 and a width of 1056 pixels are specified. This will not change the orientation of the page layout from portrait to landscape. Instead, the original portrait orientation of the layout will be maintained and will be fitted into the 816 x 1056 space. This will result in white space on either side of the layout.
Exporting to image format (e.g. JPG)
You can change the size of results using the height and width properties of IImageDisplay. For example, you wish to reduce the image of the 11 by 8.5 layout described above by half. You specify a height of 528 and a width of 408 for the image result. Please note that the map scale does not change. Remember, it is the output size of the image result that is being adjusted. Therefore, the absolute scale of the map will be incorrect, though the scale bar should be correct since its size changes relative to the change in output size. This effect is similar to shrinking or enlarging a printed map using a photocopying machine. When specifying a height and width for a raster format, the value set for DeviceResolution will have no affect on the result.
If you do not specify height or width (or use 0) the size of the image file will be a function of the DeviceResolution and the size of the layout page (where 1 inch = 96 pixels). For example, you specify a DeviceResolution of 96 for the above layout the result will be an image of 1056 pixels by 816 pixels. Increasing the DeviceResolution will increase the size of the output. For example, setting the DeviceResolution to 300 will result in an image of 3300 pixels by 2550 pixels.
Changing the aspect ratio (height x width) of the ExportLayout output will not change the aspect ratio of the map layout. For example, again using the layout example above, a height of 816 and a width of 1056 pixels are specified. This will not change the orientation of the page layout from portrait to landscape. Instead, the original portrait orientation of the layout will be maintained and will be fitted into the 816 x 1056 space. This will result in white space on either side of the layout.
In order to control the size of an exported image, IMapServerInit2 contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth. The default value for these properties is 1024 pixels.
If you wish to export a portion of the page layout use Extent on IPageDescription. The extent is in the page units of the map document.
Page space is an important component of ExportLayout. It exists for all map documents and the map services the documents are based on. This page space provides the default size of the exported layout (for best results you should use this default). Page space does not figure in ExportMapImage. Therefore, you will see differences in results when adjusting the Height, Width or DeviceResolution for a ExportLayout as compared to making similar adjustments for ExportMapImage.
Another important thing to consider when authoring a layout to be used with IMapServerLayout is to uncheck the "Use Printer Paper Settings" checkbox on the Page and Print Setup dialog in ArcMap before saving the map. Otherwise, the page setup may be dependent on a printer unavailable to the server or users. This may result in a rescaling of the map and unexpected results.
in interface IMapServerLayout
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IPageDescription (in)imageDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IImageResult exportLegend(ILegend legend, IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay pMapDisplay, IColor backgroundColor, IImageDescription imageDesc) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ExportLegend to export a single image representing the map's legend. Use the input parameter ILegend to access the Legend object in order to customize the legend. If the MapDescription parameter is Nothing/Null the default map description is used. Use TransparentColor in IImageDisplay2 if you want the background to be transparent. Size, resolution and file format are determined by the ImageDescription object, which includes ImageDisplay and ImageType. ExportLegend results in an ImageResult object.
An ExportLegend result displays all visible layers in the map (default).
The default size of a legend is based on the number of layers, symbol size and length of label or description text. This size is likely to vary from map to map.
To best manage the size of the ExportLegend request keep either the width or the height set in ImageDisplay constant. This ImageDisplay object is part of the imageDesc parameter. Don't confuse this ImageDisplay object with the one that refers to the map (MapDisplay).
In order to ensure a constant size do not specify a height and width, or set a value of 0 for each, for the ImageDisplay. However, you can enter your own height or width values. For example, set the ImageDisplay width at 150 and set the height at 0. A setting of 0 will calculate a default value for best fit. The actual height value will adjust as the legend changes to accommodate changes in layer visibility. Depending on the symbols and text you have in youir legend, symbol and text size may not be constant as the number of legend items changes such as when you turn on or off map layers. Make sure to provide an adequate size to the legend to accomodate this. Otherwise, parts of the legend may be cut off or the legend may be illegible. You may need to experiment to find an adequate size. Remember, setting 0 for both the height and width will provide the most consistent and accurate results.
To achieve more control over the legend of a MapServer map use the ILegend input parameter or use GetLegendInfo on IMapServer.
in interface IMapServerLayout
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILegend (in)mapDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)pMapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)backgroundColor
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.display.IColor (in)imageDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IImageResult exportScaleBar(IScaleBar scalebar, IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay pMapDisplay, IColor backgroundColor, IImageDescription imageDesc) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ExportScaleBar to retrieve the map's scale bar. To customize the scale bar pass in a ScaleBar object. If you pass in Nothing/Null for the input paramter ScaleBar, a default alternating scale bar is drawn. The scale is calculated according to the height and width of the the image (pMapDisplay). This ImageDisplay object refers to the map. Another ImageDisplay object will be used (as part of the imageDesc parameter) that refers to the Scale Bar image. A color background can be set for the ScaleBar swatch by using the backgroundColor parameter. If this is Nothing/Null a white background will be used. Use TransparentColor in IImageDisplay2 if you want the background to be transparent. Size, resolution and file format are determined by ImageDescription, which includes ImageDisplay and ImageType. ExportScaleBar returns an ImageResult object.
Use the height and width properties of IImageDisplay
(as part of the imageDesc parameter) to set the proper size of the
scalebar. Entering a 0 for either the height or the width for
ExportScaleBar output results in an error.
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
in interface IMapServerLayout
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IScaleBar (in)mapDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)pMapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)backgroundColor
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.display.IColor (in)imageDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IImageResult exportNorthArrow(INorthArrow arrow, IMapDescription mapDesc, IColor backgroundColor, IImageDescription imageDesc) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ExportNorthArrow to export the map's north arrow. To customize the north arrow (e.g. size) or to change the type of north arrow marker pass in a NorthArrow object. If you pass in Nothing/Null for this input parameter, a standard north arrow is drawn. A color background can be set for the North Arrow swatch by using the backgroundColor parameter. If this is Nothing/Null a white background will be used. Use TransparentColor in IImageDisplay2 if you want the background to be transparent. Size, resolution and file format are determined by ImageDescription, which includes ImageDisplay and ImageType. ExportNorthArrow results in an ImageResult object.
The orientation of the NorthArrow is determined by the MapRotation property on IMapDescription.
ExportNorthArrow output does not require a size. A default size is calculated based on the size of the NorthArrowMarker symbol. Setting 0 for both the height and the width property of IImageDisplay for ExportNorthArrow output results in a default size that best fits the NorthArrowMarker symbol.
in interface IMapServerLayout
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.INorthArrow (in)mapDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)backgroundColor
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.display.IColor (in)imageDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IPointCollection toPagePoints(IEnvelope pageExtent, IImageDisplay pageDisplay, ILongArray screenXValues, ILongArray screenYValues) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ToPagePoints to convert pixel coordinates on the screen to page units coordinates on the layout.
in interface IMapServerLayout
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope (in)pageDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)screenXValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)screenYValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void fromPagePoints(IEnvelope pageExtent, IImageDisplay pageDisplay, IPointCollection pagePoints, ILongArray[] screenXValues, ILongArray[] screenYValues) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use FromPagePoints to convert page unit coordinates on the layout to pixel coordinates on the screen.
in interface IMapServerLayout
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope (in)pageDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)pagePoints
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPointCollection (in)screenXValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in/out: use single element array)screenYValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in/out: use single element array)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void connect(String filePath) throws IOException, AutomationException
Initializing a map server with an MSD file with this method is not supported.
in interface IMapServerInit
- The filePath (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void startWithData(IDataset pDataset) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IDataset (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void stop() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setPhysicalOutputDirectory(String dirPath) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- The dirPath (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getPhysicalOutputDirectory() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setVirtualOutputDirectory(String dirPath) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- The dirPath (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getVirtualOutputDirectory() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getFilePath() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getMaxRecordCount() throws IOException, AutomationException
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount affects the following IMapServer methods: Find, Identify, QueryFeatureData, QueryFeatureData2, QueryHyperlinks, and QueryHyperlinks2. It does not affect QueryFeatureCount, QueryFeatureIDs or the number of Rows of a MapServerRelationship. The MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setMaxRecordCount(int count) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- The count (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getMaxBufferCount() throws IOException, AutomationException
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a buffer, a maximum number of records to be buffered can be set. This value is contained in the MaxBufferCount property. The default value for this property is 100. If the number of features to be buffered exceeds MaxBufferCount no features will be buffered. The MaxBufferCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setMaxBufferCount(int count) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- The count (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getMaxImageWidth() throws IOException, AutomationException
In order to control the size of an exported map image, IMapServerInit contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth. The default value for these properties is 2048 pixels. The MaxImageHeight can also be changed by modifying the MaxImageHeight XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setMaxImageWidth(int width) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- The width (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getMaxImageHeight() throws IOException, AutomationException
In order to control the size of an exported map image, IMapServerInit contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth. The default value for these properties is 2048 pixels. The MaxImageHeight can also be changed by modifying the MaxImageHeight XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
in interface IMapServerInit
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setMaxImageHeight(int height) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit
- The height (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setPhysicalCacheDirectory(String pCacheDir) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- The pCacheDir (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getPhysicalCacheDirectory() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setVirtualCacheDirectory(String pVirtualCacheDir) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- The pVirtualCacheDir (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getVirtualCacheDirectory() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setSOMCacheDirectory(String pCacheDir) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- The pCacheDir (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getSOMCacheDirectory() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getSOMVirtualCacheDirectory() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IMapServerInit2
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void activate() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IObjectActivate
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void deactivate() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IObjectActivate
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void update(IPropertySet props) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IObjectUpdate
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void initLogging(ILog log) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ILogSupport
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILog (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void interfaceSupportsErrorInfo(GUID riid) throws IOException, AutomationException
Indicates whether the interface supports IErrorInfo.
in interface ISupportErrorInfo
- A Structure: com.esri.arcgis.support.ms.stdole.GUID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getConfigurationName() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObject
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getTypeName() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObject
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IServerObjectExtension findExtensionByCLSID(String cLSID) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectExtensionManager
- The cLSID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IServerObjectExtension findExtensionByTypeName(String name) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectExtensionManager
- The name (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int queryFeatureCount2(String mapName, ILayerDescription pLayerDescription, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureCount2 returns the number of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryFeatureCount2 requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, LayerDescription and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, or a combination of both.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be also be set in the source map document as a definition query. Any DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryFeatureCount2 honors DefinitionExpression.
Let's look at some examples. You have a layer in your map that represents sales regions. The layer includes fields REGIONS, SALES and MANAGER.
Example #1: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". No DefintionExpression is specified in LayerDescription. Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be a count of all sale region features that fall within the North region and are managed by Bob.
Example #2: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be a count of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureCount2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription. The DefinitionExpression overrides the definition query set in the source map. If you wish to include the layer's original defintion query, "REGION = 'North'" in your final query, you must include this in your QueryFilter, ""MANAGER = 'Bob' AND "REGION = 'North'".
Example #3: In the source map the layer has no definition query. You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be a count of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureCount2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription.
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryFeatureCount or QueryFeatureCount2.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureCount2. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pLayerDescription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILayerDescription (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IFIDSet queryFeatureIDs2(String mapName, ILayerDescription pLayerDesciscription, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureIDs2 returns the IDs (FIDSet) of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryFeatureIDs2 requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, or a combination of both.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be also be set in the source map document as a definition query. Any DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryFeatureIDs2 honors DefinitionExpression.
Let's look at some examples. You have a layer in your map that represents sales regions. The layer includes fields REGIONS, SALES and MANAGER.
Example #1: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". No DefintionExpression is specified in LayerDescription. Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be the ids of all sale region features that fall within the North region and are managed by Bob.
Example #2: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be the ids of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureIDs2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription. The DefinitionExpression overrides the definition query set in the source map. If you wish to include the layer's original defintion query, "REGION = 'North'" in your final query, you must include this in your QueryFilter, ""MANAGER = 'Bob' AND "REGION = 'North'".
Example #3: In the source map the layer has no definition query. You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be the ids of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureIDs2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription.
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryFeatureIDs or QueryFeatureIDs2.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureIDs2. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
The results of this function can be used with LayerDescription::SelectionFeatures to display the selection in the exported image.
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pLayerDesciscription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILayerDescription (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IQueryResult queryFeatureData2(String mapName, ILayerDescription pLayerDesciscription, IQueryFilter filter, IQueryResultOptions options) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureData2 returns the records of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter. QueryFeatureData2 returns a QueryResult. A QueryResult format can be either KML or a RecordSet. The Format of the QueryResult is specified in QueryResultOptions. QueryResultOptions can also be used to specify a GeoTransformation if one is needed.
QueryFeatureData2 requires a number of input parameters. These include: a Name, LayerDescription and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, a combination of both or null. ILayerDescription2 has SourceID property that can be used to query against a GP result.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid �non-GIS data specific� SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = �BD� or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date �YYYY-MM-DD�; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database�s help.
It can be set to null or Nothing to retrieve all data (which is also limited by MaxRecordCount)
If geometry is not desired in the output RecordSet, IQuerFilter�s SubFields must be defined without �Shape� field. When SubFields is empty or includes �Shape�, IRecordSet will include the fields "shape_length" and "shape_area". If the desired spatial reference of the output geometry is different than the original one, OutputSpatialReference should be used. Otherwise geometry is returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription by default. When SubFields is not defined or = �*�, it returns all visible fields. Invisible or invalid field names or field aliases must not be included in SubField�s string or it will return an error. Please note ObjectID field is always returned regardless of whether it is in the SubFields or not. Only expection is when DISTINCT is used.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be also be set in the source map document as a definition query. Any DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryFeatureData2 honors DefinitionExpression.
Let's look at some examples. You have a layer in your map that represents sales regions. The layer includes fields REGIONS, SALES and MANAGER.
Example #1: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". No DefintionExpression is specified in LayerDescription. Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be all sale region features that fall within the North region and are managed by Bob.
Example #2: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureData2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription. The DefinitionExpression overrides the definition query set in the source map. If you wish to include the layer's original defintion query, "REGION = 'North'" in your final query, you must include this in your QueryFilter, ""MANAGER = 'Bob' AND "REGION = 'North'".
Example #3: In the source map the layer has no definition query. You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureData2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription.
The result can be returned in two formats: KML and RecordSet.
When KML is the desired output, it is passed back as a URL (when QueryResultFormat is esriQueryResultKMLAsURL) or as a MIME object (when QueryResultFormat is esriQueryResultKMLAsMime). The file or Mime is returned in compressed KMZ format.
Setting LayerResultOptions has no effect on KML output.
When esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject is selected as QueryResultFormat, the function returns RecordSet as an Object. Use IQueryResult::Object property to access that. The returned object needs to be QI to IRecordSet.
QueryData honors field visibility and field aliases set in the source map document. However, the RecordSet does NOT honor any field formatting set in the source map.
Result Geometry
By default, geometry is returned in the same spatial reference as the DefaultMapDescription. The spatial reference of QueryFeatureData2 results can be set to something different than the DefaultMapDescription by using OutputSpatialReference. OutputSpatialReference is a property of IQueryFilter. For SOAP/WSDL users, both OutputSpatialReference & SpatialReferenceFieldName properties are required and must be set.
In some instances the result may require a GeoTransformation . For example, a given map service may be using a spatial reference system based on GCS_WGS_1984. A client wants to display QueryFeatureData2 results based on this map service in a different spatial reference, GCS_European_1950. The results will use the spatial reference of the DefaultMapDescription, GCS_WGS_1984, and display these results incorrectly in GCS_European_1950. Features may not "line up" correctly. In order to correctly display these results a GeoTransformation is needed. Applying the correct GeoTransformation ensures the spatial correctness of the result.
Another instance where a GeoTransformation may be need to be specified in the QueryResultsOption is if the queried layer is projected on the fly within the map service. That is, the coordinate system of the layer's source is different than the DefaultMapDescription coordinate system, and no appropriate transformation has been set in the map document before serving. In this case, you can access the coordinate system of a layer source by first getting the layer's MapLayerInfo, then get Fields from MapLayerInfo, get the Shape Field from Fields, get GeometryDef from Field, and finally, get the SpatialReference from GeometryDef.
A GeoTransformation is not needed if the projected coordinate systems share the same underlying geographic coordinate system. For best results it is optimal for data (layers within the map service), map service and MapServer output to use the same coordinate system.
In some cases, may be for performance reasons, you may want limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the record set result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. If IncludeGeometry is set to False, geometry is not included in the recordset. This should increase performance in cases where feature geometry is large. You can also choose to densify or generalize the returned geometry by using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance.
Field visibility and field aliases
QueryFeatureData2 honors field visibility and field aliases set in the source map document. However, the RecordSet does NOT honor any field formatting set in the source map.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureData2. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
Precedence. In case where both IQueryFilter::SubField and ILayerResultOption::IncludeGeometry is set, SubField takes precedence over IncludeGeometry. For example, when SubField = �Shape, FName, LName, Address� and IncludeGeometry = False, the output recordset will contain geometry as contained within the Shape field.
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pLayerDesciscription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILayerDescription (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)options
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IQueryResultOptions (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IPropertySet getServiceConfigurationInfo() throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ServiceConfigurationInfo to get restrictions set for a map service by the publisher that are stored in map service configuration file (.cfg). This property returns a PropertySet. This PropertySet includes: MaximumRecordCount, MaximumBufferCount, MaximumImageWidth, MaximumImageHeight and SupportedImageFormatTypes .
Image formats supported by optimized MapServices are �PNG32, PNG24, PNG, JPG, DIB, TIFF , EMF, PS, PDF, GIF, SVG, SVGZ� and by standard MapServices are �PNG24, PNG, JPG, DIB, TIFF, EMF, PS, PDF, GIF, SVG, SVGZ, AI�.
in interface IMapServer2
in interface IMapServer3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IQueryResult queryData(String mapName, IMapTableDescription pMapTableDescription, IQueryFilter filter, IQueryResultOptions options) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryData returns the records of map features from a layer or of rows from a table that match the parameters of a given query filter. QueryData returns a QueryResult. A QueryResult format can be a RecordSet, a KMZ, JSON or AMF. The Format of the QueryResult is specified in QueryResultOptions. QueryResultOptions can also be used to specify a GeoTransformation if one is needed.
QueryData requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, IMapTableDescription and a IQueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL expression), a spatial query, a time query, a combination of all or null. ILayerDescription2 has SourceID property that can be used to query against a GP result.
LayerDescription for a layer can be obtained from MapServerInfo::DefaultMapDescription while StandaloneTableDescription can be obtained using MapServerInfo::StandaloneTableDescriptions property.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression), a spatial filter, time filter, a combination of both or null. Attribute filters take any valid �non-GIS data specific� SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = �BD� or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date �YYYY-MM-DD�; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the syntax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database�s help.
It can be set to null or Nothing to retrieve all data (which is also limited by MaxRecordCount)
If geometry is not desired in the output RecordSet, IQuerFilter�s SubFields must be defined without �Shape� field. When SubFields is empty or includes �Shape�, IRecordSet will include the fields "shape_length" and "shape_area". If the desired spatial reference of the output geometry is different than the original one, OutputSpatialReference should be used. Otherwise geometry is returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription by default.
When SubFields is not defined or = �*�, it returns all visible fields. Invisible or invalid field names or field aliases must not be included in SubField�s string or it will return an error. You may get the list of all visible fields from IMapTableInfo::Fields. Please note ObjectID field is always returned regardless of whether it is in the SubFields or not. Only expection is when DISTINCT is used.
When only the unique value from a field is desired, you need to set PrefixClause = "DISTINCT". In case when you want the result sorted by field(s), set ORDER BY <field1, field2,...> to PostfixClause. Please note these options will only be honored when the source database supports that such as ArcSDE GeoDatabase, File GeoDatabase and Personal GeoDatabase.
Note: MapServer query function does not support raster data. You should avoid including raster field from SubFields.
When a layer is time aware (use IMapTableTimeInfo::SupportsTime property), a query can be made to retrieve a set of features that are available at a specific time or for a period of time. In order to perform a time query, TimeQueryFilter object needs to created and passed in to this function. Since the object implements IQueryFilter and ISpatialFilter interfaces, an attribute or spatial query can be combined with time.
Values in StartTimeField or EndTimeField are returned in the Layer's TimeReference. If the desired time reference is different than the layer's one, OutputTimeReference should be explicitly set.
It is only required for spatial query. Since a table does not contain geometry, SearchShape is ignored when a table is queried. Geometry set in SpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer or a standalone table in order to limit layer features or rows available for display or query. This expression can be also be set in the source map document as a definition query. Any DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription or StandaloneTableDescription will override any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryData honors DefinitionExpression.
Let's look at some examples. You have a layer in your map that represents sales regions. The layer includes fields REGIONS, SALES and MANAGER.
Example #1: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". No DefinitionExpression is specified in LayerDescription. Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be all sale region features that fall within the North region and are managed by Bob.
Example #2: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryData honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription. The DefinitionExpression overrides the definition query set in the source map. If you wish to include the layer's original definition query, "REGION = 'North'" in your final query, you must include this in your QueryFilter, ""MANAGER = 'Bob' AND "REGION = 'North'".
Example #3: In the source map the layer has no definition query. You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryData honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription.
For KML (Keyhole Markup Language), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or AMF (Action Message Format), result can be passed back as a URL (when QueryResultOptions.Format is esriQueryResultKMLAsURL) or as a MIME object (when QueryResultOptions.Format is esriQueryResultKMLAsMime).
KML is returned in compressed KMZ format. Setting LayerResultOptions has no effect on KML output.
When esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject is selected as QueryResultFormat, the function returns RecordSet as an Object. Use IQueryResult::Object property to access that. The returned object needs to be QI to IRecordSet.
Result Geometry
By default, geometry is returned in the same spatial reference as the DefaultMapDescription. The spatial reference of QueryFeatureData2 results can be set to something different than the DefaultMapDescription by using OutputSpatialReference. OutputSpatialReference is a property of IQueryFilter. For SOAP/WSDL users, both OutputSpatialReference & SpatialReferenceFieldName properties are required and must be set.
In some instances the result may require a GeoTransformation . For example, a given map service may be using a spatial reference system based on GCS_WGS_1984. A client wants to display QueryFeatureData2 results based on this map service in a different spatial reference, GCS_European_1950. The results will use the spatial reference of the DefaultMapDescription, GCS_WGS_1984, and display these results incorrectly in GCS_European_1950. Features may not "line up" correctly. In order to correctly display these results a GeoTransformation is needed. Applying the correct GeoTransformation ensures the spatial correctness of the result.
Another instance where a GeoTransformation may be need to be specified in the QueryResultsOption is if the queried layer is projected on the fly within the map service. That is, the coordinate system of the layer's source is different than the DefaultMapDescription coordinate system, and no appropriate transformation has been set in the map document before serving. In this case, you can access the coordinate system of a layer source by first getting the layer's MapLayerInfo, then get Fields from MapLayerInfo, get the Shape Field from Fields, get GeometryDef from Field, and finally, get the SpatialReference from GeometryDef.
A GeoTransformation is not needed if the projected coordinate systems share the same underlying geographic coordinate system. For best results it is optimal for data (layers within the map service), map service and MapServer output to use the same coordinate system.
In some cases, may be for performance reasons, you may want limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the record set result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. If IncludeGeometry is set to False, geometry is not included in the recordset. This should increase performance in cases where feature geometry is large. You can also choose to densify or generalize the returned geometry by using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance.
Field visibility and field aliases
QueryData honors field visibility and field aliases set in the source map document. However, the RecordSet does NOT honor any field formatting set in the source map.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureData2. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
The main differences between QueryData & QueryFeatureData are that the former can search both layer and table and honors their settings e.g. DefinitionExpression etc.
In case where both IQueryFilter::SubField and ILayerResultOption::IncludeGeometry is set, SubField takes precedence over IncludeGeometry. For example, when SubField = �Shape, FName, LName, Address� and IncludeGeometry = False, the output recordset will contain geometry as contained within the Shape field.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pMapTableDescription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapTableDescription (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)options
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IQueryResultOptions (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int queryRowCount(String mapName, IMapTableDescription pTableDescription, IQueryFilter pFilter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryRowCount returns the number of map features from a layer or of row from a table that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryRowCount requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, IMapTableDescription and a IQueryFilter.
LayerDescription for a layer can be obtained from MapServerInfo::DefaultMapDescription while StandaloneTableDescription can be obtained using MapServerInfo::StandaloneTableDescriptions property.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression), a spatial filter, time filter, a combination of both or null. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
When a layer is time aware (use IMapTableTimeInfo::SupportsTime property), a query can be made to retrieve a set of features that are available at a specific time or for a period of time. In order to perform a time query, TimeQueryFilter object needs to created and passed in to this function. Since the object implements IQueryFilter and ISpatialFilter interfaces, an attribute or spatial query can be combined with time.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be also be set in the source map document as a definition query. Any DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryFeatureCount2 honors DefinitionExpression.
Let's look at some examples. You have a layer in your map that represents sales regions. The layer includes fields REGIONS, SALES and MANAGER.
Example #1: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". No DefintionExpression is specified in LayerDescription. Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be a count of all sale region features that fall within the North region and are managed by Bob.
Example #2: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be a count of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureCount2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription. The DefinitionExpression overrides the definition query set in the source map. If you wish to include the layer's original defintion query, "REGION = 'North'" in your final query, you must include this in your QueryFilter, ""MANAGER = 'Bob' AND "REGION = 'North'".
Example #3: In the source map the layer has no definition query. You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be a count of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureCount2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription.
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryRowCount.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pTableDescription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapTableDescription (in)pFilter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ILongArray queryRowIDs(String mapName, IMapTableDescription pTableDescription, IQueryFilter pFilter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryRowIDs returns an array of ObjectIDs unlike QueryFeatuerIDs or QueryFeatureIDs2. Each integer represents a unique identifier for each feature (FID) of a layer or row of a table being queried.
Please note quering a table with no ObjectID field (such as Excel, text files etc.) fails. You may want to check OIDFieldName to find out whether the table has ObjectID field.
The key differences between QueryRowIDs and QueryFeatureIDs2 are:
QueryRowIDs requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, IMapTableDescription and a IQueryFilter.
LayerDescription for a layer can be obtained from MapServerInfo::DefaultMapDescription while StandaloneTableDescription can be obtained using MapServerInfo::StandaloneTableDescriptions property.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression), a spatial filter, time filter, a combination of both or null. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
When a layer is time aware (use IMapTableTimeInfo::SupportsTime property), a query can be made to retrieve a set of features that are available at a specific time or for a period of time. In order to perform a time query, TimeQueryFilter object needs to created and passed in to this function. Since the object implements IQueryFilter and ISpatialFilter interfaces, an attribute or spatial query can be combined with time.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be also be set in the source map document as a definition query. Any DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryFeatureIDs2 honors DefinitionExpression.
Let's look at some examples. You have a layer in your map that represents sales regions. The layer includes fields REGIONS, SALES and MANAGER.
Example #1: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". No DefintionExpression is specified in LayerDescription. Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be the ids of all sale region features that fall within the North region and are managed by Bob.
Example #2: In the source map the layer has a definition query, "REGION = 'North'". You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be the ids of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureIDs2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription. The DefinitionExpression overrides the definition query set in the source map. If you wish to include the layer's original defintion query, "REGION = 'North'" in your final query, you must include this in your QueryFilter, ""MANAGER = 'Bob' AND "REGION = 'North'".
Example #3: In the source map the layer has no definition query. You apply a DefinitionExpression in LayerDescription as "SALES > 1000". Your QueryFilter where clause is "MANAGER = 'Bob'". The result will be the ids of all sale region features with sales over 1000 and are managed by Bob. QueryFeatureIDs2 honors the DefinitionExpression set in LayerDescription.
Page through Result
Result from QueryRowIDs can be used to page through a result. When a query is expected to return a lot of rows and showing all those records on a single page is not desirable, you may use the following steps to page through your result and get records for a selected subset on demand:
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryRowIDs.
The results of this function can be used with LayerDescription::SelectionFeatures to display the selection in the exported image.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pTableDescription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapTableDescription (in)pFilter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IQueryResult queryRelatedRecords(String mapName, int sourceTable, IFIDSet pFIDs, IRelateDescription relateDescription) throws IOException, AutomationException
When esriRelateResultRelatedRecordSetAsObject is selected as ResultFormat, the function returns RelatedRecordSet embedded within a QueryResult. Use QueryResult.Object to get RelatedRecordSet.
An FIDSet needs to be created and assign an array of ObjectID to FIDArray property. Related records for ObjectID(s) contained by FIDSet will be queried. Typically this function follows QueryData, in that case you can use values of OIDField from the returned RecordSet to populate FIDSet.
RelateDescription contains information about relationship that will be explored. RelateDescription needs to be created and populated with relates ID, list of fields and output result format. In case where both RelatedTableFields and IncludeGeometry is set, RelatedTableFields takes precedence over IncludeGeometry. For example, when RelatedTableFields = “Shape, FName, LName, Address” and IncludeGeometry = False, the output recordset will contain geometry as contained within the Shape field.
When more than one ObjectID is passed, use SourceRowID to relate ‘related rows’ back to the source feature or row.
The result honors the fields visibility set in the layer or the standalone table.
Output Spatial and Time Reference
If the desired spatial reference of the output geometry is different than the original one, OutputSpatialReference should be used. Otherwise geometry is returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription by default.
Values in StartTimeField or EndTimeField are returned in the Layer's TimeReference. If the desired time reference is different than the layer's one, OutputTimeReference should be explicitly set.
Relates with non GeoDatabase Tables
Since QueryRelatedRecords relies on IDs of features or rows from the source layer/table, when a table does not have an OIDField (not a Geodatabase table), finding related records from the source layer/table from the destination table is not possible. For example, when a Parcel layer is related to a Owership table (for example from an Oracle database), you may find related ownership information for a parcel, but the function does not allow to find parcels belong to a owner. In order to traverse the other way a table must have a OIDField. You may consider one of the following options for this type of scenario:
Please note that retrieving related rows that has joins may impact the performance.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)sourceTable
- The sourceTable (in)pFIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFIDSet (in)relateDescription
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IRelateDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IImageResults queryRasterValue(String mapName, int sourceTableID, ILongArray rowIDs, String fieldName, IImageType rasterValueType) throws IOException, AutomationException
An array of IImageResult3. IImageResult3 contains the returned mime type and either the url to the image or the mime data itself.
The ImageResult in the resultant array are returned in the same order the OIDs are passed in. If the feature does not have any raster data, a null is returned.
RasterFieldName is optional since a layer can have only one raster field. In case of join, you may need to pass in the field name, if an empty string is passed the raster field from the base table will be used.
OutImageType is optional as well. When a null is passed in as outImageType, jpeg and url are used as the default image format and returned type respectively.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)sourceTableID
- The sourceTableID (in)rowIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)fieldName
- The fieldName (in)rasterValueType
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageType (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IAttachmentInfoArray queryAttachmentInfos(String mapName, int tableID, ILongArray rowIDs) throws IOException, AutomationException
An array of objects that supports IAttachmentInfo. Each AttachmentInfo object represents metadata for each multimedia data such as Attachment ID, content mime type, name, source OID and size in bytes.
You should check MapLayerInfo.HasAttachments before using this function.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)tableID
- The tableID (in)rowIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IAttachmentDataArray queryAttachmentData(String mapName, int tableID, ILongArray attachmentIDs, int transportType) throws IOException, AutomationException
An array of objects that support IAttachmentData. Each AttachmentData object contains AttachmentInfo to relate the data back to the feature/row that this data is attached to, the attachment data and the url to the data.
Use QueryAttachmentInfos to get AttachmentIDs for all attached multimedia data attached to a feature/row.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)tableID
- The tableID (in)attachmentIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)transportType
- A com.esri.arcgis.system.esriTransportType constant (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IStringArray queryHTMLPopups(String mapName, int tableID, ILongArray pRowIDs) throws IOException, AutomationException
An array of string. Each string represents rich html formatted attributes of a feature.
You should check MapLayerInfo.HTMLPopupType before using this function.
The html content in results are returned in the same order the OIDs are passed in. If you want to query feature based on location and get result back as rich html, you may use Identify function with esriIdentifyVisibleWithHTMLPopup or esriIdentifyTopOneWithHTMLPopup.
This function does not allow a client to format the attribute, instead it returns html content the way an author formatted the result in the source map.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)tableID
- The tableID (in)pRowIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public ILayerDrawingDescriptions getDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions(String mapName, ILongArray pLayerIDs, IServerSymbolOutputOptions outputOptions) throws IOException, AutomationException
An array of ILayerDrawingDescription for layers which IDs were passed in. The result contains drawing descriptions only for feature layers. Therefore the count of input LayerIDs may not match with the count of returned array. If any ID is passed in that is neither of a FeatureLayer nor of an existing layer, no drawing description will be returned for that ID.
You may want to use IMapLayerInfo::HasLayerDrawingDescription to check whether MapServer will return ILayerDrawingDescription for a layer.
outputOptions parameter can be Null, in that case MapServer returns images in PNG format. In absence of virtual directory images are returned as PNG mime.
A LayerDrawingDescription object contains information on the symbology and label specified by the author. FeatureRenderer describes how the layer is symbolized while LabelingDescription contains all label classes defined in the source map by the author.
Please note that MapServer only returns the followings:
Types of renderer:
Types of symbol:
point features
line features
polygon features
If a layer’s renderer is not one of those supported one, nothing will be returned. Symbols that are not the supported get downgraded to one of supported one. Please see the rules below.
Here is how a layer’s symbols get downgraded:
Point symbols
Line symbols
Polygon symbols
Script Type | Supported Keywords | Converted Keywords |
VBScript Concatenation | & | CONCAT |
VBScript Newline | vbNewline, vbLf, VbCrLf, vbCr | NEWLINE |
VBScript Literals | " " | " " |
VBScript Functions |
FormatDateTime( [FieldName] , NamedFormat )
* please note the numeric values for these |
FormatDate([Date_Time] , FormatString)
UCase([FieldName]) | UCASE([FieldName]) | |
LCase([FieldName]) | LCASE([FieldName]) | |
Round([FieldName], n) | ROUND([FieldName], n) | |
JScript expressions | are not supported for 10.0 |
In ArcMap label positions are constrained by 2 different options. They are listed below. The list also shows what are they converted to by MapServer.
When more than one options are checked in ArcMap, MapServer gives priority in the order they are listed above unless “Start Point Priorities” are blocked for that position.
Here are few examples:
Example#1: check the screen shot below where in ArcMap (a)
"Above" is checked, (b) "Location along the line" is "At Start" and
(c) "Before" in "Start Point Priorities" has higher priority,
MapServer returns
Example#2: check the screen shot below where in ArcMap (a) both "On the line" and "Below" positions are checked, (b) "Location along the line" is "At Start" and (c) "At" and "After" in "Start Point Priorities" have same higher priority than "Before", MapServer returns esriServerLinePlacementCenterStart .
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pLayerIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)outputOptions
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IServerSymbolOutputOptions (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IMapTableSubtypeInfos getMapTableSubtypeInfos(String mapName, ILongArray pTableIDs) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use GetMapTableSubtypeInfos to get the subtype and domain information for all or given layers and standalonetables from a Map. The function returns IMapTableSubtypeInfos which contains a collection of IMapTableSubtypeInfo for each layer/standalonetable whose HasSubtype value is True.
The function takes an array of standalonetable and layer ids. When this parameter is Nothing/Null, all layers and standalonetables are checked for subtypes. No IMapTableSubtypeInfo returned for layers/tables that does not have subtypes. Therefore the count of input TableIDs may not match with the count of returned array of IMapTableSubtypeInfo. Use TableID to find which layer/table one IMapTableSubtypeInfo belongs to.
IMapTableSubtypeInfo contains information about all subtypes and domains assigned at subtype level. When a field is invisible even though it may have domain assigned for a subtype, FieldDomainInfo for that field is not returned.
Also, note that subtype and domains are not returned from joined table.
The function returns empty result when the CodeCount of all CodedValueDomains from all layers and tables exceeds MaxDomainCodeCount. It does not affect DCOM clients.
in interface IMapServer3
- The mapName (in)pTableIDs
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public IPropertySet onAdd(IPropertySet pProps) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void onRemove() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void onStart(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin, IPropertySet pProps) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager2
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectAdmin (in)pProps
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void onStop(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin, IPropertySet pProps) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager2
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectAdmin (in)pProps
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void onRemoveEx(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin, IPropertySet props) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager2
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectAdmin (in)props
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void beforeStart(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin, IPropertySet props) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager2
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectAdmin (in)props
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void beforeStop(IServerObjectAdmin pAdmin, IPropertySet props) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IServerObjectConfigurationManager2
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectAdmin (in)props
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void validate(IPropertySet props) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IObjectValidate
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IPropertySet (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public Object getDataSource(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
This function allows fine-grained object access to a FeatureLayer, a RasterLayer or a StandaloneTable by returning IFeatureClass, IRaster or ITable respectively. If the layer or standalone table has any joins, the returned object will not contain the joined portion. In addition any field visibility or field alias set to the layer in the source map document will be ignored as it returns the underlying data source.
in interface IMapServerDataAccess
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public Object getDisplayDataSource(String mapName, int layerOrTableID) throws IOException, AutomationException
This function allows fine-grained object access to a FeatureLayer, a RasterLayer or a StandaloneTable by returning IFeatureClass, IRaster or ITable respectively, or IRelQueryTable when it is joined. In addition any field visibility or field alias set to the layer in the source map document will be ignored as it returns the underlying data source.
The main difference between GetDisplayDataSource and GetDataSouce functions is that the former one honors joins and returns IRelQueryTable when join exists. This IRelQueryTable interface gives you access to the source or destination table, or the relationship class. When the layer or standalone table is not participating in any join, the behavior of GetDisplayDataSource and GetDataSouce functions are identical.
in interface IMapServerDataAccess
- The mapName (in)layerOrTableID
- The layerOrTableID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public byte[] handleRESTRequest(String capabilities, String resourceName, String operationName, String operationInput, String outputFormat, String requestProperties, String[] responseProperties) throws IOException, AutomationException
This method is invoked by ArcGIS Server's REST handler, which intercepts client's request (in URL form), parses it and passes it on to this method in form of parameter values.
The REST SOE developer must add logic to use these parameter values to determine which resource/operation is being requested and accordingly handle these requests and generate responses in the output format indicated by the "outputFormat" parameter. For more information on developing REST SOEs, please consult the Java ArcObjects Developer Guide.
Developer doc: Developing extensions > Server Object Extensions > SOE Web Services > REST Web Services > Developing SOE REST Web Services
Samples: Samples > Server Object Extensions section
in interface IRESTRequestHandler
- The capabilities supported by the SOE. An admin can choose which
capabilities are enabled on a particular SOE (in ArcGIS Manager or ArcCatalog), based on certain criteria such as security roles.
This list of allowed capabilities is then sent to this method, at runtime, as a comma separated list. (in)resourceName
- Name of the resource being addressed. If empty, its assumed
that root resource is being addressed. (in)operationName
- Name of the operation being invoked. If empty, description of
resource is returned. (in)operationInput
- Input parameters, in form of comma separated list, to the operation specified by operationName parameter. (in)outputFormat
- OutputFormat of operation. Possible formats are JSON, HTML, AMF, etc. (in)requestProperties
- The requestProperties (in)responseProperties
- The responseProperties (out)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getSchema() throws IOException, AutomationException
For an SOE that has a root resource (called "root") with one operation ("operation0"), and 2 sub-resources with one operation each ("operation1" and "operation2" respectively), the schema would look like:
"name": "MyRESTSOE",
"description": "My REST SOE with 3 resources and 1 operation each.",
"isCollection": false,
"operations": [
"name": "operation0",
"parameters": ["param01"],
"supportedOutputFormats": ["json"]
"resources": [
"name": "subresource1",
"description": "Sub Resource 1",
"isCollection": true,
"operations": [
"name": "operation1",
"parameters": ["param10", "param11"],
"supportedOutputFormats": ["json"]
"name": "subresource2",
"description": "Sub Resource 2",
"isCollection": true,
"operations": [
"name": "operation2",
"parameters": ["param20", "param21"],
"supportedOutputFormats": ["json"]
in interface IRESTRequestHandler
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.