public interface IMapServer
Provides access to members that serve maps.
Note: the IMapServer interface has been superseded by IMapServer2
Method Summary | |
double |
computeDistance(String mapName,
IPoint fromPoint,
IPoint toPoint,
int units)
Computes the distance between two points on the specified map. |
double |
computeScale(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay)
Computes the scale of the specified map, at the given map extent, for an image with the given size. |
IMapImage |
exportMapImage(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDescription imageDesc)
Generates an image of the map, based on the given map description, and writes the image to a specified file on disk. |
IMapServerFindResults |
find(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapImage,
String searchString,
boolean contains,
String searchFields,
int option,
ILongArray layerIds)
Returns a collection of Map Server Find Result objects that contain the given search string. |
void |
fromMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay,
IPointCollection mapPoints,
ILongArray[] screenXValues,
ILongArray[] screenYValues)
Converts a map coordinate to a screen location. |
String |
Name of the document's active map (data frame). |
IPropertySet |
A set of name-value pairs for properties set for the map document (mxd only). |
IMapServerLegendInfos |
getLegendInfo(String mapName,
ILongArray layerIds,
IMapServerLegendPatch patch,
IImageType imgType)
Returns a collection of Map Server Legend Info objects for the specified layers. |
int |
The number of maps (data frames) in the document. |
String |
getMapName(int index)
Name of the map (data frame) as indicated by the index. |
IMapServerInfo |
getServerInfo(String mapName)
Returns information about a map (data frame). |
ISQLSyntaxInfo |
getSQLSyntaxInfo(String mapName,
int layerID)
Returns the SQL syntax information for the specified layer. |
int |
The supported image return types for the map server. |
IMapServerIdentifyResults |
identify(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapImage,
IGeometry searchShape,
int tolerance,
int option,
ILongArray layerIds)
Returns a collection of Map Server Identify Result objects at the given location. |
int |
queryFeatureCount(String mapName,
int layerID,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns the count of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
IRecordSet |
queryFeatureData(String mapName,
int layerID,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns a record set of features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
queryFeatureIDs(String mapName,
int layerID,
IQueryFilter filter)
Returns the IDs of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer. |
IMapServerHyperlinks |
queryHyperlinks(IMapDescription mapDesc,
IImageDisplay mapImage,
ILongArray layerIds)
Returns a collection of Map Server Hyperlink objects for the specified layers. |
IPointCollection |
toMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription,
IImageDisplay mapDisplay,
ILongArray screenXValues,
ILongArray screenYValues)
Converts a screen location to a map coordinate. |
Method Detail |
IPropertySet getDocumentInfo() throws IOException, AutomationException
Optimized MapServer also returns two additional properties � AntialiasingMode and TextAntialiasingMode. Return values for AntialiasingMode are Fastest, Fast, Normal, Best or None, TextAntialiasingMode returns None, Normal or Force.
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.int getMapCount() throws IOException, AutomationException
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.String getMapName(int index) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The index (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.String getDefaultMapName() throws IOException, AutomationException
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IMapServerInfo getServerInfo(String mapName) throws IOException, AutomationException
This method returns a MapServerInfo object. Using IMapServerInfo2 you can retrieve information regarding the present state of the MapServer object. If two (or more) data frames have the same name, Map Server adds a distinctive number at the end of the second name. E.g. Layers and Layers2.
- The mapName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IMapImage exportMapImage(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDescription imageDesc) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use ExportMapImage to retrieve a file (image or vector format) of the map.
The input parameter MapDescription contains properties describing the map (also known as the data frame). These include the map's Name, the MapArea, the SpatialReference , as well as collections of LayerDescription objects. Size, resolution and file format are determined by the ImageDescription, which includes ImageDisplay and ImageType objects.
ExportMapImage returns a MapImage object. MapExtent, MapScale and an array of VisibleLayers can be retrieved from the MapImage.
You can export the map to either a vector or an image type. This is specified by the ReturnType property of IImageType.
Setting the size and resolution of the output
Size and resolution are set in the ImageDisplay. Both Height and Width are required. The Height and Width properties of IImageResult are read-only and are not used to make changes. In order to control the size of an exported image, IMapServerInit2 contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth. The default value for these properties is 1024 pixels.
You should be careful when specifying a DeviceResolution to the ImageDisplay. This is merely used by the map service to determine map scale on the server, it does not define the resolution of the map image. Changing the DeviceResolution may lead to unintended changes in the map scale. For example, you export a map image to JPG. You specify an image of 400 pixels by 600 pixels with the DeviceResolution set at 96. The relative MapScale of the resulting image is around 54,000,000. Next, you increase the DeviceResolution to 300 while keeping the size constant. The MapScale of this result is about 205,000,000. The result may not be want you wanted if the map contains layers or labels that are scale-dependent. In order to to maintain the MapScale at around 1:54,000,000 you would need to export a larger image.
If you are exporting to PDF you will need to keep in mind that PDF exits in page space. Setting the Height and Width sets the dimensions of the PDF page. For example, you export a map image to PDF where the ImageDisplay Height is 400 and the Width is 500. The DeviceResolution is 100. The resulting PDF is 4 inches by 5 inches. Holding the Height and Width settings constant, as you increase the DeviceResolution the actual size of the PDF will get smaller. As you decrease the DeviceResolution the size of the PDF gets larger. This will also affect MapScale. If you wish the MapScale to stay constant you will need to increase (or decrease) the ImageDisplay Height and Width values as you increase (or decrease) the DeviceResolution.
DeviceResolution also affects the symbols is rendered. For example, two map images were generated using the same size (250x250), same extent but a different DeviceResolution. The first map image was created with a DeviceResolution of 96 and the second one with 200. You will notice the symbols size differences between those two images. Symbology size is defined using points (1 point = 1/72 inch) in the source map. To determine symbology size in a map, DeviceResolution is used to convert from points to pixels with the following equation:
Symbol Size in Points * (DeviceResolution/Number of Points in 1
In the map image with 96 DeviceResolution, a symbol size of 1 point
will use 1.33 pixels (rounded down to 1 pixel) to render. In
the map image with 200 DeviceResolution, a symbol size of 1 point
will use 2.78 (rounded up to 3 pixels) to render. As a
result, the symbology appears larger in the map image created using
a DeviceResolution of 200.
Image quality and image type of optimized MapServer
Exporting a map from a cached service does not generate map dynamically, instead it creates map using pre-cooked cache tiles.
Exporting a map is different than exporting a layout. Page space is an important component of ExportLayout. It exists for all map documents and the map services the documents are based on. This page space provides the default size of the exported layout (for best results you should use this default). Page space does not exist in ExportMapImage. Therefore, you will see differences in results when adjusting the Height, Width or DeviceResolution for a ExportMapImage as compared to making similar adjustments for ExportLayout.
Use IMapServerGeoTransformation when the image output from a map service is to be displayed in a coordinate system where the underlying geographic coordinate system is different than the underlying geographic coordinate system of the DefaultMapDescription.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)imageDesc
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IMapServerFindResults find(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapImage, String searchString, boolean contains, String searchFields, int option, ILongArray layerIds) throws IOException, AutomationException
Find performs a search based on a string value. This search can be conducted on a single field of a single layer, on many fields of a single layer or on many fields on many layers. Find returns a collection of objects that implement IMapServerFindResult.
Find requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapDescription, an ImageDisplay, the search string, a Boolean value on whether the search string is an exact match (False) or not (True), a comma delimited list of string values for the names of the fields you want to search, the esriFindOption, and an array of layer Ids to be searched.
Please note that Find only works with layer and does not work with StandaloneTable. It also does not honor any time setting of a layer.
The MapDescription contains all the LayerDescriptions in the map. These LayerDescriptions include a DefinitionExpression property. A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be set in the source map document as a definition query, or can be set using the DefinitionExpression property. The DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any any definition query set in the source map. MapServer Find results should honor any definition query or DefinitionExpression set on the layer.
This is needed to determine whether layers are visible or not based on the current map scale.
Search Fields
If the searchFields parameter is blank all fields will be searched.
The esriFindOption parameter includes: esriFindAllLayers and esriFindVisibleLayers. If esriFindAllLayers is being used all layers are valid. If esriFindVisibleLayers is used, the search will be conducted only on layers that are visible in the map display. Layer visibility depends on whether the layer is on or off (the Visible property on ILayerDescription3) or whether the layer is on, but not visible due to scale dependencies (the MinScale and MaxScale properties on IMapLayerInfo2). The mapImage parameter is needed to determine whether the layer is not visible based on scale dependencies. This parameter can be Nothing/Null if esriFindAllLayers is used.
The parameters esriFindOption and LayerIDs behave like a boolean AND. There is no precedence. For example: if esriFindOption is esriFindVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all the visible layers are searched. If esriFindOption is esriFindVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs contains only the first layer, the first layer is searched only if it is visible.
Find always honors field visibility, and by default it respects field aliases and field formatting set in the source map document. If you want to use field names instead of field aliases, set ReturnFieldNamesInResults to True. When you want to have value in original data type (i.e. as Double instead of formatted string) so that you can do some computation (e.g. change the numeric or date to your locale settings), set FormatValuesInResults to False. It is important to note that these properties are only honored when the layer being searched implements IFeatureLayer (e.g. FeatureLayer). If the feature being queried has more than one field with the same alias (e.g. when joined), only one will be passed back to the client and the rest will be dropped from the result.
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system. The value of the Shape field in the result is a string showing the type of the geometry. To get the geometry associated with the result, use the IMapServerFindResult::FeatureShape property.
In some cases, for performance reasons, you may want limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the find result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. If IncludeGeometry is set to False, FeatureShape returns nothing. This should increase performance in cases where feature geometry is large. When ILayerResultOptions is not used, FeatureShape returns geometry. If the Shape field is invisible in the source map, FeatureShape may still contain geometry depending on how IncludeGeometry is set by the user. You can also choose to densify or generalize the geometry returned in FeatureShape using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance. If LayerResultOptions are not specified for the LayerDescription, query results will include the original geometry.
There are two key differences between Find and the other query methods such as QueryData, QueryRowIDs, QueryFeatureData etc. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 1,000. If 1,100 features match a given query only the first 1,000 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 1,100. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapImage
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)searchString
- The searchString (in)contains
- The contains (in)searchFields
- The searchFields (in)option
- A com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriFindOption constant (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IMapServerIdentifyResults identify(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapImage, IGeometry searchShape, int tolerance, int option, ILongArray layerIds) throws IOException, AutomationException
Identify returns map features and their attribute values based on a search location. This can be conducted on an individual layer, the top-most layer, all layers, or just on all the visible layers. This method returns a collection of objects that implement IMapServerIdentifyResult.
Identify requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapDescription, an ImageDisplay, a search shape, a tolerance, the esriIdentifyOption, and an array of layer Ids to be identified. Please note that it does not work with StandaloneTable.
Time aware layer
Identify recognizes time settings of a layer. When a layer's UseTime is true and MapDescription's TimeValue is set, Identify only searches features that fall within the time frame.
Layer with HTMLPopup
Identify can return results additionally in rich html format. When a layer's HTMLPopupType is not esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone, you can use one of identify two htmlpopup options to get identify result in html format the way it is authored.
The MapDescription contains all the LayerDescriptions in the map. These LayerDescriptions include a DefinitionExpression property. A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be set in the source map document as a definition query, or can be set using the DefinitionExpression property. The DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any any definition query set in the source map. MapServer Identify results should honor any definition query or DefinitionExpression set on the layer.
This is needed to determine whether layers are visible or not based on the current map scale.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
Tolerance is the distance in which features are searched. The unit is in pixel. It is only used for when SearchShape is a point.
The esriIdentifyOption parameter includes: esriIdentifyAllLayers, esriIdentifyVisibleLayers and esriIdentifyTopmost. If esriIdentifyAllLayers is being used all features for all layers in the map that fall within the tolerance value of the searchShape will be returned. If esriIdentifyVisibleLayers is used then only features from visible layers are returned. Layer visibility depends on whether the layer is on or off (the Visible property on ILayerDescription3) or whether the layer is on, but not visible due to scale dependencies (the MinScale and MaxScale properties on IMapLayerInfo2). The mapImage parameter is needed to determine whether the layer is not visible based on scale dependencies. The esriIdentifyOption esriIdentifyTopmost refers to the visible layer that is topmost in the map drawing order at the location specified by searchShape.
Layer IDs
The parameters esriIdentifyOption and LayerIDs behave like a boolean AND. There is no precedence. For example: if esriIdentifyOption is esriIdentifyVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all the visible layers are searched. If esriIdentifyOption is esriIdentifyVisibleLayers and pLayerIDs contains only the first layer, the first layer is searched only if it is visible.
Identify always honors field visibility, and by default it respects field aliases and field formatting set in the source map document. If you want to use field names instead of field aliases, set ReturnFieldNamesInResults to True. When you want to have value in original data type (i.e. as Double instead of formatted string) so that you can do some computation (e.g. change the numeric or date to your locale settings), set FormatValuesInResults to False. It is important to note that these properties are only honored when the layer being identified implements IFeatureLayer (e.g. FeatureLayer).
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system. The value of the Shape field in the IMapServerIdentifyResult::PropetySet or in related IMapServerRow::PropertySet is a string showing the type of the geometry. To get the geometry associated with the result, use the IMapServerIdentifyResult::Shape property instead. Identify does not return geometry associated with any related feature. If the feature being identified has more than one field with the same name, only one will be passed back to the client and the rest will be dropped from the result.
In some cases, for performance reason, you may want limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the identify result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. If IncludeGeometry is set to False, Shape property returns nothing. This should increase performance in cases where feature geometry is large. When ILayerResultOptions is not used, the Shape property returns geometry. If the Shape field is invisible in the source map, the Shape property may still contain geometry depending on how IncludeGeometry is set by the user. You can also choose to densify or generalize the returned geometry by using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 1000. If 1,100 features match a given query only the first 1,000 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 1,100. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
If the layer being identified has a relationship to other tables, the IMapServerRelationship and IMapServerRow interfaces provide access to properties of the relationship and related tables. The number of rows returned is not limited by MaxRecordCount.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapImage
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)searchShape
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry (in)tolerance
- The tolerance (in)option
- A com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriIdentifyOption constant (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.int queryFeatureCount(String mapName, int layerID, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureCount returns the number of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryFeatureCount requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, or a combination of both.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryFeatureCount or QueryFeatureCount2.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureCount. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IFIDSet queryFeatureIDs(String mapName, int layerID, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureIDs returns the IDs (FIDSet) of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter.
QueryFeatureIDs requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapName, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, or a combination of both.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
MaxRecordCount does not affect QueryFeatureIDs or QueryFeatureIDs2.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureIDs. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
The results of this function can be used with LayerDescription::SelectionFeatures to display the selection in the exported image.
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IRecordSet queryFeatureData(String mapName, int layerID, IQueryFilter filter) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryFeatureData returns the records of map features that match the parameters of a given query filter. QueryFeatureData returns a RecordSet .
QueryFeatureData requires a number of input parameters. These include: a Name, LayerID, and a QueryFilter. The QueryFilter can be an attribute query (SQL espression), a spatial query, a combination of both or null.
QueryFilter provides the ability to query based on attribute filter (SQL expression) a spatial filter, or a combination of both. Attribute filters take any valid ‘non-GIS data specific’ SQL statement. For example, CNTRY_CODE = ‘BD’ or POPULATION = 12345. Syntax for querying date fields depend on the underlying data. If you are working with Shapefile or File GeoDatabase data the syntax is <FieldName> = date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’; for Access-based Personal GeoDatabase the sytax is #YYYY-MM-DD#. For SDE database, check with the specific database’s help.
It can be set to null or Nothing to retrieve all data (which is also limited by MaxRecordCount)
If geometry is not desired in the output RecordSet, IQuerFilter’s SubFields must be defined without ‘Shape’ field. When SubFields is empty or includes ‘Shape’, IRecordSet will include the fields "shape_length" and "shape_area". If the desired spatial reference of the output geometry is different than the original one, OutputSpatialReference should be used. Otherwise geometry is returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription by default. When SubFields is not defined or = “*”, it returns all visible fields. Invisible or invalid field names or field aliases must not be included in SubField’s string or it will return an error. Please note ObjectID field is always returned regardless of whether it is in the SubFields or not. Only expection is when DISTINCT is used.
Geometry set in ISpatialFilter should meet the following criteria:
QueryFeatureData honors field visibility set in the source map document. Field aliases, set in the source map document, are honored only when working with the MapServer WSDL or accessing a MapServer object through an AGSServerConnection (LAN or internet), but not honored for DCOM connection. However, the RecordSet does NOT honor any field formatting set in the source map.
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system, unless OutputSpatialReference is explicitly set to another coordinate system by the user (for SOAP/WSDL, both OutputSpatialReference & SpatialReferenceFieldName properties must be set). To get the coordinate system, IField::GeometryDef should be used.
In some cases, may be for performance reasons, you may want to limit or adjust the geometry being returned in the record set result. You cannot adjust returned geometry using QueryFeatureData. You will need to use QueryFeatureData2 in order to do this.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
There are two key differences between Find and QueryFeatureData. The first is that Find can work on multiple layers while the query methods work with a single layer. The second is that Find only works with a search string. The query methods use a queryFilter as a parameter. This allows the query to be based on either an attribute filter (SQL expression) or a spatial filter.
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)filter
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IQueryFilter (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IMapServerHyperlinks queryHyperlinks(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapImage, ILongArray layerIds) throws IOException, AutomationException
QueryHyperlinks returns a collection of objects that implement IMapServerHyperlink.
QueryHyperlinks requires a number of input parameters. These include: a MapDescription, ImageDisplay, and LayerID.
The MapDescription contains all the LayerDescriptions in the map. These LayerDescriptions include a DefinitionExpression property. A DefinitionExpression can be set on a layer in order to limit layer features available for display or query. This expression can be set in the source map document as a definition query, or can be set using the DefinitionExpression property. The DefinitionExpression set in the LayerDescription will override any any definition query set in the source map. MapServer QueryHyperlinks results should honor any definition query or DefinitionExpression set on the layer.
This is needed to determine whether layers are visible or not based on the current map scale. Layer visibility depends on whether the layer is on or off (the Visible property on ILayerDescription3) or whether the layer is on, but not visible due to scale dependencies (the MinScale and MaxScale properties on IMapLayerInfo2).
In some cases, for performance reasons, you may want to adjust the geometry being returned in the QueryHyperlink result. Use ILayerResultOptions to manage this. You can choose to densify or generalize the returned geometry by using GeometryResultOptions. Densification is used to better support clients that do not support Arcs (e.g. Bezier, Circular etc.). Generalization reduces the amount of geography being sent across the network and should lead to better performance. Setting IncludeGeometry property has no effect, QueryHyperLinks always returns geometry.
Geometry is always returned in the same spatial reference system as the DefaultMapDescription, even though the source data of a layer may be in a different coordinate system.
In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property on IMapServerInit2. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapImage
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.double computeScale(IMapDescription mapDesc, IImageDisplay mapDisplay) throws IOException, AutomationException
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.double computeDistance(String mapName, IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint, int units) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The mapName (in)fromPoint
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint (in)toPoint
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint (in)units
- A com.esri.arcgis.system.esriUnits constant (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IPointCollection toMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription, IImageDisplay mapDisplay, ILongArray screenXValues, ILongArray screenYValues) throws IOException, AutomationException
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)screenXValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)screenYValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void fromMapPoints(IMapDescription mapDescription, IImageDisplay mapDisplay, IPointCollection mapPoints, ILongArray[] screenXValues, ILongArray[] screenYValues) throws IOException, AutomationException
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapDescription (in)mapDisplay
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay (in)mapPoints
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPointCollection (in)screenXValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in/out: use single element array)screenYValues
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in/out: use single element array)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IMapServerLegendInfos getLegendInfo(String mapName, ILongArray layerIds, IMapServerLegendPatch patch, IImageType imgType) throws IOException, AutomationException
Use GetLegendInfo to retrieve individual legend elements including the symbol image, labels, descriptions and headings. A common use would be to populate a table of contents. Note that composite layers such as group layers and annotation layers do not contain legend elements. To export a single image of the legend use ExportLegend on IMapServerLayout.
The GetLegendInfo method returns a collection of MapServerLegendInfo objects. Legends are associated with renderers that belong to each layer in a map. Each layer has a separate renderer. Each renderer has one or more legend groups. Each legend group has one or more legend classes. Customizing the legend patch can be done using IMapServerLegendPatch . When passing in "Nothing" for this input parameter ("patch") the default legend patch is used.
MapServerLegendInfo doesn't contain information about whether the data frame and the layers in the TOC are expanded or collapsed in the original map document. You have to write your own code to find this out.
- The mapName (in)layerIds
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ILongArray (in)patch
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapServerLegendPatch (in)imgType
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageType (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.ISQLSyntaxInfo getSQLSyntaxInfo(String mapName, int layerID) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The mapName (in)layerID
- The layerID (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.int getSupportedImageReturnTypes() throws IOException, AutomationException
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.