Interface ILayerPosition

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasemapLayer, CadAnnotationLayer, CadastralFabricSubLayer, CadFeatureLayer, CadLayer, CoverageAnnotationLayer, DimensionLayer, FDOGraphicsLayer, FeatureLayer, GdbRasterCatalogLayer, GlobeServerLayer, GroupLayer, ILayerPositionProxy, ImageServerLayer, IMSMapLayer, IMSSubLayer, KmlLayer, LasDatasetLayer, MapServerLayer, MosaicLayer, NALayer, NetworkLayer, NITFGraphicsLayer, ProcessLayer, RasterCatalogLayer, RasterLayer, SchematicLayer, TemporalFeatureLayer, TerrainLayer, TinLayer, TopologyLayer, WCSLayer, WMSGroupLayer, WMSMapLayer, WMTSLayer

public interface ILayerPosition
extends Serializable

Provides access to members that control a layer's default position in the map interface.


ILayerPosition is implemented by layers that wish to define their order when added to higher level components, like maps, when auto arrange is used. The LayerWeight property defines the weight of the layer in the auto arrange order. During auto arrange, the higher weight layers are added to the map first, which means they draw lower in the draw order.

Default weights for layers are these values:
Annotation layers = 97
Points layers = 98
Polyline layers = 99
Polygon Layers = 100

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Method Summary
 double getLayerWeight()
          Default layer position.
 void setLayerWeight(double layerWeight)
          Default layer position.

Method Detail


double getLayerWeight()
                      throws IOException,
Default layer position.


The LayerWeight property defines the weight of the layer in the auto arrange order. During auto arrange, the higher weight layers are added to the map first, which means they draw lower in the draw order.

Default weights for layers are these values:
Annotation layers = 97
Points layers = 98
Polyline layers = 99
Polygon Layers = 100

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

The layerWeight
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


void setLayerWeight(double layerWeight)
                    throws IOException,
Default layer position.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

layerWeight - The layerWeight (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.