United States Dataset

United States Dataset

Data & Maps for the United States is divided into five categories: census, hydrography, landmarks, transportation, and other. Click an image to view the item description for a specific dataset on ArcGIS.com.


Data & Maps for the United States Census category includes the following datasets:

113th Congressional Districts

The 113th Congressional Districts layer presents congressional districts for the United States. The layer is symbolized by the political party of the district's representative, including Democrat and Republican. The layer includes membership information for the 113th United States Congress that began January 3, 2013. The linework source is the U.S. Census individual state boundaries merged into a nationwide file.

Census Block Centroid Populations

This layer represents the number of households per 2010 U.S. Census Block.

USA Households by Census Block represents the population of the 2010 U.S. Census block centroids. U.S. Census blocks are the smallest geographic entities within a county for which the Census Bureau tabulates population.

Census Block Groups

The USA Block Group Boundaries layer provides boundaries for the 2010 U.S. Census block groups within the United States. Block Groups are represented as polygons with over 40 attribute fields from the 2010 Census containing population totals by age and race, along with family and household information.

Census Tracts

This USA Census Tract Boundaries group layer represents the 2010 U.S. Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The largest scale its layers are suitable for display is 1:100,000.

Tracts are represented as polygons with over 40 attribute fields from the 2010 Census containing population totals by age and race, along with family and household information.


Data & Maps for the United States Hydrography category includes the following datasets:

Drainage Systems (Generalized)

U.S. Drainage Systems (Generalized) provides a base map layer of major drainage systems of United States.

U.S. Drainage Systems (generalized) represents the major drainage systems in the United States.

Lakes (Generalized)

This Lakes (Generalized) layer presents the major lakes within the United States. This generalized version provides a base map layer of major lakes of the United States.

National Atlas Water Feature Areas

This layer presents the water feature areas of the United States. It provides the water bodies for geographic display and analysis at regional and national levels.


Data & Maps for the United States Landmarks category includes the following datasets:

Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Buildings

USA Public Buildings presents an automated inventory of the proper names and locations of public buildings located throughout the United States and its Territories. This inventory is part of the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).

GNIS Cemeteries

USA Cemeteries presents an automated inventory of the proper names and locations of cemeteries located throughout the United States and its Territories. This inventory is part of the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).

GNIS Churches

USA Churches presents an automated inventory of the proper names and locations of churches located throughout the United States and its Territories. This inventory is part of the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).