Find nearby features

The Find Nearby tool allows you to find features in a layer within a specified distance of a selected feature or features. For example, if you have a Cities layer and an Airports layer, you could select a city from the Cities layer, then use the Find Nearby tool to locate features (airports) from the Airports layer within a specified distance of the selected city.

To use the Find Nearby tool in the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight, you must add it to a toolbar, as it is not included in new Viewer applications by default. The following steps describe how to add the Find Nearby tool and perform a find nearby analysis. For more information on adding tools, see Add and manage tools and toolbars.

  1. On the Tools tab of the Application Buildertoolbar, click Add Tool.
  2. In the Add Tool dialog box that appears, navigate to the Selection group, select Find Nearby, then click Next:
    Add Tool > Find Nearby
  3. Specify the tool properties, including the toolbar on which to place the Find Nearby tool, then click OK:
    Find Nearby tool properties

The Find Nearby tool will only become active if the map has selected features from a points layer. The following steps describe the use of the tool.


Only distance between point features can be evaluated using the Find Nearby tool.

  1. Select a point feature on the map for use in the find nearby analysis. The Find Nearby tool will not be enabled until a feature is selected. (See Select features for more information).
  2. Click the newly added Find Nearby tool on the toolbar.
  3. On the Find Nearby dialog box that appears, select the target point layer to query from the Layer drop-down list.
  4. Enter a distance in the Distance text box:
    Find Nearby dialog box
  5. Select the distance unit type from the drop-down list:
    Select distance unit
  6. Click Find. This adds two new layers to the map, one containing all the features retrieved by the query and one containing the buffer that encompasses those features:
    Nearby features in buffer zone