Selecting features

The ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight allows you to select features from ArcGIS Server layers, Spatial Data Service layers, geoRSS layers, and graphics layers. See Layer types for more information.

Once you have selected specific features on the layer, you can perform tasks on the selected features such as zooming to them, exporting their attributes, or finding nearby features.


Individual features can only be selected from layers within an ArcGIS Server map service, not the entire map service itself.

Selecting features interactively

To select features interactively, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Configure Layers panel or Map Contents panel.
  2. Click the layer with the features you want. The Select tool only works with the selected layer:
    Layer selected in Map Contents Panel
  3. Select features in one of the following ways:
    • Click the feature on the map:
      1. Click the Select button on the Viewer Main toolbar:
        Select button on Main toolbar
      2. Click the feature on the map to select it:
        Selected feature on map
    • Click the feature in the attribute table:
      1. Locate the feature in the attribute table.
      2. Click the row to select it:
        Selected feature in attribute table
To select multiple features in a layer, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting. This can be done when selecting on the map and when selecting in the attribute table.

Selecting all features

Select all features in the selected layer by clicking the Select All button. You can find the Select All button on the Attribute table toolbar. Additionally, you can add the Select All button to any toolbar in the Viewer. See Add and manage tools and toolbars for more information.

Select all features

Clearing selected features

Clear the layer's selected features by clicking the Clear Selection button. You can find the Clear Selection button on both the Viewer main toolbar and the Attribute table toolbar.

Clear selection

Zooming to selected features

Features that have been selected using the Attribute Table may be out of view. Use the Zoom To Selection button to zoom to the selected features. The Zoom To Selection button is located on the Attribute table toolbar. Additionally, you can add the Zoom To Selection button to any toolbar in the Viewer. See Add and manage tools and toolbars for more information.

Zoom To selected features
