ArcGIS API for Silverlight - Library Reference
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit Namespace
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All controls, or widgets, are included in the same namespace.


ClassAttachmentEditor The AttachmentEditor Control allows for uploading, downloading, and deleting of files associated with Graphic features in a FeatureLayer.
ClassAttachmentEditor.BeginUploadEventArgs Event argument for the BeginUpload event.
ClassAttachmentEditor.UploadFailedEventArgs Event argument for the UploadFailed event.
ClassAttribution The Attribution Control displays Copyright information for Layers that have the IAttribution Interface implemented.
ClassBookmark The Bookmark Control allows for setting pre-defined Map.Extent values using a name for speedy navigation of the Map.
ClassBookmark.MapBookmark Bookmark class for storing named extents
ClassCodedValueDomainColumn CodedValueDomainColumn is used for coded value domains from the feature layer. CodedValueDomains also are used for FeatureTypes
ClassDateTimePickerColumn DateTimePickerColumn is used for editing DateTime fields using an internal DateTimePicker control that allows for working with date and time.
ClassDynamicCodedValueDomainColumn DynamicCodedValueDomainColumn is used for coded value domain types that change depending on the value of another column. i.e when the TypeIDField value changes a new set of coded values may apply.
ClassEditorWidget Editor widget.
ClassFeatureDataForm The FeatureDataForm Control. Provides the ability to view/modify graphic attributes in Graphics/Feature layers.
ClassFeatureDataGrid Feature DataGrid Control.
ClassInfoWindow Creates an instance of the InfoWindow that positions itself on top of the map
ClassLegend The Legend is a utility control that displays the symbology of Layers and their description for map interpretation. By altering its various DataTemplates, the Legend Control functionality can be altered to behave like an interactive Table of Contents (TOC).
ClassLegend.RefreshedEventArgs Legend Event Arguments used when the legend is refreshed.
ClassMagnifier Map Magnifying glass
ClassMagnifyingGlass Magnifying control for the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map using a ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.TiledMapServiceLayer.
ClassMapProgressBar A Map ProgressBar control that automatically fades in and out when map loads tiles.
ClassMapTip Graphics Layer MapTip control
ClassNavigation Navigation control supporting pan, zoom and rotation.
ClassOverviewMap OverviewMap Control
ClassScaleLine The ScaleLine Control generates a line representing a certain distance on the map in both Metric and US units.
ClassSignInDialog The SignInDialog Control challenges the user for a name and password when trying to access secured ArcGIS services. From these name and password, the SignInDialog generates a Token and returns this token encapsulated in a ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.IdentityManager.Credential object.
ClassSymbolTemplate The template in a template picker layer
ClassTemplateGroup A group of templates representing a layer in the template picker
ClassTemplatePicker A template picker control enables selecting feature types to add when editing a feature layer that is based on a feature service.
ClassTimeSlider The TimeSlider is a utility Control that emits TimeExtent values typically for use with the Map Control to enhance the viewing of geographic features that have attributes based upon Date/Time information.
ClassTimeSlider.ValueChangedEventArgs System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs used when raising the TimeSlider.ValueChanged event.


EnumerationFeatureDataFormLabelPosition The enumeration type indicating position of field labels in the FeatureDataForm.
EnumerationInfoWindow.PlacementMode Describes how the InfoWindow will be displayed;
EnumerationLegend.Mode LayerItems mode enumeration defines the structure of the legend : Flat or Tree.
EnumerationScaleLine.ScaleLineUnit Unit used by the scale line control
EnumerationTimeMode TimeMode represents the way dates are measured over time for the TimeSlider control.

See Also

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