FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Response | Example
Parent Resource: Machines
Supported Operations: Start Machine   Stop Machine   Edit Machine   Unregister Machine  
Child Resources: Status   SSL Certificates  


A server machine represents a machine on which ArcGIS Server software has been installed and licensed. A site is made up one or more of such machines that work together to host GIS services and data and provide administrative capabilities for the site. Each server machine is capable of performing all these tasks and hence a site can be thought of as a distributed peer-to-peer network of such machines.

A server machine communicates with its peers over a range of TCP and UDP ports that can be configured using the
edit operation. For a server machine to host GIS services, it needs to be added to a cluster. Starting and stopping the server machine enables and disables, respectively, its ability to host GIS services.

The administrative capabilities of the server machine are available through the ArcGIS Server Administrator API that can be accessed over HTTP(S). For a server machine to participate in a site, it must be registered with the site. A machine can participate in only one site at a time. To remove a machine permanently from the site, you can use the unregister operation.


Parameter Description
f The response format. The default response format is html.
Values: html | json

Response Format

  "machineName": "<name>",
  "platform": "<OS platform>",
  "adminURL": "<URL>",
  "ports": {


  "machineName": "SERVER1.DOMAIN.COM",
  "platform": "Windows Server 2008 R2-amd64-6.1",
  "adminURL": "http://SERVER1.DOMAIN.COM:6080/arcgis/admin",
  "ports": {