FRAMES | NO FRAMES | Description | Parameters | Response | Example |
URL: | http://server:port/arcgis/admin/security/users/getRoles |
HTTP Method: | POST |
Parent Resource: | Roles |
Required Privileges: | Publisher or Administrator |
This operation gives you a pageable view of roles in the role store. It is intended for iterating through all available role accounts. To search for specific role accounts instead, use the Search Roles operation.
Parameter | Description |
startIndex | The starting index (zero-based) from the roles list that must be returned in the result page. The default is 0. |
pageSize | The maximum number of roles to return in the result page. The default size is 10. The pageSize is also governed by the underlying implementation of the role store. |
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
{ "roles": [ <role1>, <role2>, ...], "hasMore": <true|false> }
To get 20 roles starting from the 10th position:
http://server:port/arcgis/admin/security/roles/getRoles startIndex=9 pageSize=20