Class LayerLegendInfoCollection

  extended by com.esri.core.internal.value.LayerLegendInfoCollection

public class LayerLegendInfoCollection
extends Object

This class contains a collection of LayerLegendInfo instances with one for each sublayer of the layer that this class came from. An instance of this class can be created by calling fromJson(JsonParser, String) with the appropriate initialised JsonParser and a service URL. More usually though, an instance of this class will come from a call to getLegend() on a layer.

Method Summary
static LayerLegendInfoCollection fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser, String url)
          Create a new instance of this class with the given JsonParser.
 LayerLegendInfo getLayerLegendInfo(int layerId)
          Gets the layer legend info that corresponds to the given sublayer id.
 List<LayerLegendInfo> getLayerLegendInfos()
          Gets all the layer legend info instances
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public List<LayerLegendInfo> getLayerLegendInfos()
Gets all the layer legend info instances

the layer legend infos


public LayerLegendInfo getLayerLegendInfo(int layerId)
Gets the layer legend info that corresponds to the given sublayer id.

layerId - the sublayer id
the layer legend info or null if there is no match for the given ID.


public static LayerLegendInfoCollection fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser,
                                                 String url)
                                          throws Exception
Create a new instance of this class with the given JsonParser. Ensure that the parser has been initialised with the correct JSON string.

parser - the parser initialised with JSON describing a service's legend information
url - the url of the service
the layer legend info collection
Exception - the exception

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