Working with WMTS services
Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is an Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), web service specification for exchanging maps through pregenerated rasterized images, or tiles. They are often used to improve web map performance, since it's faster for a web server to distribute a tile than draw a map. The server administrator does the work to create the tiles before exposing the service to a wide audience.
When you publish a map or image service using ArcGIS for Server and create a tile cache for that service, the service is automatically exposed through WMTS specifications. To learn more about publishing WMTS services using ArcGIS for Server, see WMTS services.
Additionally, WMTS services can be used in ArcGIS for Desktop. For example, you can add a WMTS service as a layer in an ArcMap document. To learn more about this, see the following: