Overview of OGC and ISO TC211 support
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 211 (TC211) are the two leading geospatial standards organizations. Esri and other companies in the GIS community participate within these organizations to continually develop and improve these standards.
As OGC and ISO standards evolve, ArcGIS is updated to support them through new releases and service packs. Information on OGC compliance testing for ArcGIS can be found at http://www.opengeospatial.org/resources/?page=products.
Many ArcGIS client applications have built-in support for working with OGC services. The table below summarizes the OGC services that are supported in each application.
KML | WCS | WFS | WMS | WMTS | WPS | |
ArcGIS for Desktop | X | X | X | X | X | |
ArcGIS.com map viewer | X | X | ||||
ArcGIS Viewer for Flex | X | X | ||||
ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight | X | X | ||||
ArcGIS API for JavaScript | X | X | X | |||
ArcGIS API for Flex | X | X | X | |||
ArcGIS API for Silverlight | X | X | X | |||
ArcGIS Explorer Online | X | X |
To learn more about how ArcGIS implements and supports OGC and ISO TC211 standards, you can reference the following topics:
Web Services
Specification |
Links |
WCS—Web Coverage Service |
WFS—Web Feature Service |
WMS—Web Mapping Service and SLD—Styled Layer Descriptor |
WMTS—Web Map Tile Service | |
WPS—Web Processing Service |
The above topics explain the types of OGC-compliant services you can publish with ArcGIS for Server and their uses. The ArcGIS for Server help books contain many topics about publishing these service types. Start with OGC support in ArcGIS Server.
GIS Data Formats
Specification |
Links |
KML—(formerly Keyhole Markup Language) | |
GML—Geography Markup Language |
OGC and ISO Simple Features (See notes below.) |

Geodatabases in IBM DB2, Informix, Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL implement the OGC and ISO SQL data type for Spatial. This data type provides full geodatabase support as well as SQL access to feature class geometry.
- The OGC reference is OpenGIS Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option.
- The ISO reference is ISO/IEC 13249-3 SQL multimedia and application packages - Part 3: Spatial.
Metadata specifications
Specification |
Links |
Content standards for geospatial metadata |
Metadata management in ArcGIS |
Publishing and searching metadata on the web |
Publishing metadata using the GIS Portal Toolkit |
CSW—OGC Catalog services for the web |
Working with a CSW metadata service using the GIS Portal Toolkit (See the PDF guide Using the GIS Portal Toolkit.) |
Z39.50—Library catalog services from the U.S. Library of Congress and ISO (Standard 23950) |
Registering and using a Z39.50 metadata service using the GIS Portal Toolkit (See the PDF guide Using the GIS Portal Toolkit.) |