Using WMTS Services
Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) services can be used in ArcMap (as well as in ArcGlobe) as map layers. Following are common tasks for working with WMTS service layers.
Table of Contents
WMTS services are pregenerated images that are stored as small tiles covering the entire map extent and for multiple scales. These services do not have any legend and do not allow you to turn on/off individual sublayers inside the map service layer.
Getting information about the WMTS service layer
Information about the WMTS service layer is available on the service layer's Source tab. To access the Source tab,
- Double-click on the service layer in the Table of Contents window, or
- Right-click on the service layer and select Properties
The Source tab contains information regarding the WMTS service URL, file (image) format, dpi, cache scales, and coordinate system of the service.
The Set Data Source button on the Source tab enables you to repair the map service layer if for any reason the connection to the server was interrupted when opening the map. You can tell if the layer needs repairing because it won't be drawn, its check box in the table of contents will be unavailable, and there will be a red exclamation point next to its check box.
Changing the WMTS service layer configuration
The WMTS service layer supports updating its configuration in the WMTS tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. To access the WMTS tab,
- Double-click on the service layer in the Table of Contents window, or
- Right-click on the service layer and select Properties
The WMTS service layer supports style, tiling scheme, and dimensions configuration properties.
- Style—lists all available representations of the map.
- Tiling scheme—lists the WMTS tile matrix sets, which contain information regarding the coordinate system, map scales, extent, tile size, and tile matrix size.
- Dimensions—lists the available dimensions, if the WMTS service is a multidimensional tile service. For example, a multidimensional WMTS service may contain tiles that were generated for each value of a dimension such as time or elevation.