The GeoDatabaseExtensions library contains objects to aid in the creation, management, and use of terrain datasets and cadastral fabrics.
Note: At the 9.2 release, the cadastral fabrics related objects are not yet fully implemented and we recommend that developers do not utilize them until the Cadastral Analyst extension is released.
Interface | Description |
IAMSDatasetName | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage dataset names in the tracking workspace. |
ICadastralAdjustmentVectors | Create new feature adjustments |
ICadastralFabric | Provides access to members that control a cadastral fabric and its associated cadastral jobs. |
ICadastralFabric2 | Provides access to members that control a cadastral fabric and its associated cadastral jobs. |
ICadastralFabric3 | Provides access to members that control a cadastral fabric and its associated cadastral jobs. |
ICadastralFabricEditControl | Provides access to method that controls if insert and update cursors on fabric classes can bypass store events. |
ICadastralFabricLocks | Provides access to members that assign object locks for a cadastral job. |
ICadastralFabricLocks2 | Provides access to additional members that assign object locks for a cadastral job. |
ICadastralFabricName | Provides access to properties of a cadastral fabric name. |
ICadastralFabricRegeneration | Provides access to members which regenerate the features of an existing parcel fabric |
ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit | Provides access to members that modify the cadastral fabric schema. |
ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 | Provides access to members that modify the cadastral fabric schema. |
ICadastralGroundToGridTools | Provides access to methods that perform ground to grid conversions. |
ICadastralJob | Provides access to members that control the properties of a cadastral job. |
ICadastralTableFieldEdits | Provides access to the field edits of the cadastral fabric table. |
ICadastralTransformationData | Provides access to members that manage the data used by the cadastral transformation. |
ICadastralUnitConversion | Provides access to methods that allow a distance to be converted from one unit to another. |
ICadastralUnitTools | Provides access to methods that format data. |
IConstructionAdjustment | Provides access to members that manipulate the adjustment settings for the parcel construction. |
IConstructionBasisOfBearing | Provides access to members that manipulate the basis of bearing setting for a parcel construction. |
IConstructionBreakPoints | Provides access to members that manipulate the break lines for a parcel construction. |
IConstructionJoinLinks | Provides access to members that manipulate the join point links for a parcel construction. |
IConstructionParentParcels | Provides access to the parent parcels of a parcel construction. |
IConstructionPoints | Provides access to members that manipulate the construction points for the parcel. |
IConstructionUnbuildableLines | Provides access to members that manipulate the unbuildable lines of a parcel construction. |
IDataMessage | Provides access to methods and properties used to manage data messages. |
IDatasetNames | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage dataset name information. |
IDECadastralFabric | Provides access to members that describe cadastral fabric data elements. |
IDECadastralFabric2 | Provides access to members that describe cadastral fabric data elements. |
IDECadastralFabric3 | Provides access to members that describe cadastral fabric data elements. |
IDECadastralFabricType | Provides access to an indicator interface for the Cadastral Fabric Data Element type object. |
IDETerrain | Provides access to members of Terrain Data Element. |
IDETerrainType | Provides access to the Terrain Data Element Type. |
IDETerrainWindowSize | Provides access to members of Terrain Data Element. |
IDynamicSurface | Provides access to members used to derive raster and TIN surfaces from a terrain. |
IDynamicSurface2 | Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces. |
IDynamicSurface3 | Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces. |
IEnumEnvelope | Provides access to envelopes. |
IEnumLasPoint | Provides access to members of LasPointEnumerator. |
IExcludedEventIDs | Provides access to Tracking Connection EventIDs to be permanently purged from cache and ignored in future. |
IGPTerrainMembership | Provides access to members that describe the properties of a feature class' terrain membership. |
IInternalTable | |
ILasAttributeFilter | Provides controls for accessing LAS points. |
ILasClassCodeStatistics | Provides access to LasClassCodeStatistics object. |
ILasDataset | Provides access to members of LasDataset. |
ILasDatasetEdit | Provides access to members of LasDataset. |
ILasDatasetWorkspace | Provides access to members of LasDataset workspace. |
ILasFile | Provides access to members of LasFile. |
ILasFilter | Provides access to members of LasFilter. |
ILasHeaderInfo | Provides access to the header information of LAS files. |
ILasPointCloud | Provides access to points. |
ILasPointEdit | Provides access to members of LasDataset. |
ILasPointFilter | |
ILasPointInfo | Provides access to LAS point information. |
ILasReturnStatistics | Provides access to LasReturnStatistics object. |
ILasStatistics | Provides access to members of LasFile. |
ILasSurface | Provides access to members of LasSurface. |
ILineResequencer | Provides access to members that sort a set of lines so that they form the boundary of a parcel. Multipart/islands are supported. |
IListener | Provides access to enable notification to the display controller when data is added or removed. |
ILockedFeatureSearch | Provides access to methods needed to select, search and lock MBDB records. |
IParcelConstructionData | Provides access to methods that read and write a parcel contruction to the cadastral packet. |
ISimpleStatistics | Provides access to Statistics. |
ITemporalCursor | Provides access to methods needed to control the temporal cursor. |
ITemporalFeature | Provides access to properties specifying the temporal feature type. |
ITemporalFeatureClass2 | Provides access to server name info. |
ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage message rate statistics. |
ITemporalObjectTable | |
ITemporalObservationsTable | |
ITemporalObservationsTable2 | Provides access to the Track ID. |
ITemporalOperator | Provides access to methods and properties used to identify and manage temporal playback settings. |
ITemporalQueryFilter | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal query filters. |
ITemporalQueryFilter2 | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal query filters. |
ITemporalRecordSet | Provides access to methods needed to set up and fill a temporally sorted record set. |
ITemporalTable | Provides access to properties and methods in which a temporal table can be controlled. |
ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage message rate statistics in workspace. |
ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics2 | Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage message rate statistics in workspace. |
ITerrain | Provides access to members used to acquire information about a Terrain and to retrieve DynamicSurface objects from which raster and TIN surfaces are made. |
ITerrain2 | Provides access to members used to acquire information about a Terrain and to retrieve DynamicSurface objects from which raster and TIN surfaces are made. |
ITerrainAsciiDataImporter | Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in ASCII format. |
ITerrainAsciiDataImporter2 | Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in ASCII format. |
ITerrainBlobReader | Provides access to members that provide information about an attribute blob. |
ITerrainBlobWriter | Provides access to members that construct an attribute blob. |
ITerrainBlockCursor | Provides access to TerrainBlockCursor object. |
ITerrainDataImporter | Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data. |
ITerrainDataSource | Provides access to members of Terrain Data Source. |
ITerrainDataSource2 | Provides access to members of Terrain Data Source. |
ITerrainEdit | Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain. |
ITerrainEdit2 | Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain. |
ITerrainEdit3 | Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain. |
ITerrainEditEvents | Provides access to events that occur with a Terrain dataset. |
ITerrainEmbeddedDataSource | Provides access to members associated with embedded data sources. |
ITerrainEmbeddedDataSource2 | Provides access to members associated with embedded data sources. |
ITerrainFieldStatistics | Provides access to TerrainFieldStatistics object. |
ITerrainLasDataImporter | Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in LAS format. |
ITerrainLasDataInfo | Provides access to members that provide information about a LAS file. |
ITerrainLasDataInfo2 | Provides access to members that provide information about a LAS file. |
ITerrainName | Provides access to members that set and return the associated feature dataset name object. |
ITerrainPyramidLevel | Provides access to members of Terrain Pyramid Level. |
ITrackingConnectionFolder | Indicator interface used to identify an object as a trackingconnection folder. |
ITrackingServiceDef | Provides access to properties that define a tracking service. |
ITxEnumTrackId | Provides access to the list of unique Track IDs. |
ITxFeatureClass | Provides access to tracking feature class. |
ITxWorkspaceEditor | Provides access to properties and methods needed to edit a tracking workspace objects connection properties. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
CadastralDataTools | Tools that assist in unit translation and storage. |
CadastralFabric | A container for querying information about a cadastral fabric. |
CadastralFabricFDExtension | A container for describing this cadastral fabric's feature dataset extension properties. |
CadastralFabricName | Esri Cadastral Fabric Name Object. |
CadastralFabricRegenerator | Class for regenerating parcel fabric components. |
CadastralJob | A container for the properties of a Cadastral Job. |
CadastralTableFieldEdits | Esri Cadastral Table Field Edits Object. |
CadastralTransformationData | CadastralTransformationData CoClass holding the information passed to the CadastralTransformation object. |
CadastralUnitConversion | Converts distance values from one unit to another. |
CadastralWorkspaceDatasetExtension | A container for describing this cadastral fabric's workspace extension properties. |
DECadastralFabric | Cadastral Fabric Data Element object. |
DECadastralFabricType | Esri Cadastral Fabric Data Element Type Object. |
DETerrain | Esri Terrain data element object. |
DETerrainType | Terrain Data Element object Type. |
DynamicSurface | Esri DynamicSurface object. |
GPTerrainMembership | The Terrain Membership object. |
LasAttributeStatistics | Esri LasAttributeStatistics object. |
LasClassCodeStatistics | Esri LasClassCodeStatistics object. |
LasDataset | Esri LasDataset component. |
LasDatasetName | The Esri LasDatasetName component. |
LasDatasetToRasterFunction | The LasDatasetToRasterFunction class. |
LasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments | The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments. |
LasDatasetWorkspaceFactory | Esri LasDataset workspace-factory component. |
LasFile | Esri LasFile object. |
LasFilter | Esri LasFilter component. |
LasHeaderInfo | Esri LAS header info object. |
LasPointEnumerator | Las Point Enumerator. |
LasPointInfo | Esri LAS point info object. |
LasReturnStatistics | Esri LasReturnStatistics object. |
LasStatistics | Esri LasStatistics object. |
LasSurface | Esri LasSurface object. |
LasToRasterFunction | The LasToRasterFunction class. |
LasToRasterFunctionArguments | The LasToRasterFunction arguments. |
LineResequencer | Class for sorting lines to form parcel boundaries. |
ParcelConstructionData | Esri Cadastral Fabric Parcel Construction Data Class. |
Terrain | The Esri Terrain component. |
TerrainAsciiDataImporter | Esri Terrain ASCII Data Importer object. |
TerrainBlobReader | Esri Terrain blob reader. |
TerrainBlobWriter | Esri Terrain blob writer. |
TerrainBlockCursor | Esri TerrainBlockCursor object. |
TerrainDataSource | Esri Terrain Data Source object. |
TerrainFeatureDatasetExtension | Esri TerrainFeatureDatasetExtension object. |
TerrainFieldStatistics | Esri TerrainFieldStatistics object. |
TerrainLasDataImporter | Esri Terrain LAS Data Importer object. |
TerrainName | Esri Terrain Name object. |
TerrainPyramidLevelWindowSize | |
TerrainPyramidLevelZTolerance | |
TerrainToRasterFunction | The TerrainToRasterFunction class. |
TerrainToRasterFunctionArguments | The TerrainToRasterFunction arguments. |
TerrainWorkspaceExtension | Esri TerrainWorkspaceExtension component. |
Structure | Description |
RGB32 | RGB color. |
Enumeration | Description |
enumMessageType | Indicates the type of Tracking message. |
enumObjectSource | Indicates data source of Tracking Service object. |
enumPurgeRule | TMS Feature Class Purge Rule Type. |
enumShapeSource | Indicates data source of a Tracking Service shape. |
enumTemporalConversion | Temporal Column Conversion enumerations. |
enumTemporalCursorType | Temporal Cursor Type. |
enumTemporalFeatureType | TMS Temporal Feature Type. |
enumTemporalOperatorType | Temporal Operator Type Enum. |
enumTemporalOperatorUnits | TemporalOperatorUnits enumeration type. |
enumTemporalOrder | Temporal cursor sorting order. |
enumTemporalRelation | Temporal Filter Relation enumerations. |
enumTemporalSource | Temporal Source enumeration type. |
esriCadastralAreaUnits | The supported area units. |
esriCadastralDensifiedType | The reason code for densifying line geometry. |
esriCadastralDistanceUnits | The supported distance units. |
esriCadastralFabricTable | The Cadastral Fabric Table. |
esriCadastralFabricType | The Cadastral Fabric Type. |
esriCadastralJob | Cadastral Job State Types. |
esriCadastralLineCategory | Cadastral Line Category Types. |
esriCadastralLineParameters | Cadastral Line Parameter Types. |
esriCadastralLinePointCategory | Cadastral Line Point Category types. |
esriCadastralPacketSetting | Bitmask of flags used for posting or inserting a Cadastral packet to the database |
esriCadastralPointCategory | Cadastral Point Category Types. |
esriCadastralPropertySetType | Cadastral Property Set Types. |
esriCadastralRegeneratorSetting | Bitmask of flags used to indicate which operations the regenerator is to perform |
esriLasAttributeType | LAS point attribute type. |
esriLasClassFlag | LAS classification flag type. |
esriLasClassFlagEditType | LAS classification flag edit type. |
esriLasDatasetError | LasDataset's error codes. |
esriLasPointStatsType | LAS point statistics type. |
esriLasZSource | Las Z source. |
esriParcelAdjustmentType | Cadastral Parcel Adjustment Types. |
esriPointToRasterMethod | Point data to Raster methods. |
esriPointToRasterVoidFillMethod | Point data to Raster void filling methods. |
esriTerrainAsciiDataFormatType | Terrain ASCII data format type. |
esriTerrainBlobDataType | Terrain property data type. |
esriTerrainDecimalSeparatorType | ASCII data decimal separator type. |
esriTerrainError | Terrain's error codes. |
esriTerrainLasDataPropertyType | Terrain LAS data property type. |
esriTerrainLasReturnType | LAS return type. |
esriTerrainPyramidType | Terrain pyramid type. |
esriTerrainWindowSizeMethod | Terrain window size method. |
esriTerrainZThresholdStrategy | Terrain window size Z threshold strategy. |
esriTinPointSelectionMethod | TIN point selection methods. |
esriTxFeatureClassCachingMode | Tracking feature class caching mode. |