ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

IDynamicSurface Interface

Provides access to members used to derive raster and TIN surfaces from a terrain. Note: the IDynamicSurface interface has been superseded byIDynamicSurface2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The IDynamicSurface interface is used to extract rasters, TINs, and measurement points/vertices from a terrain based on extent and level of detail.

This interface is implemented by the DynamicSurface class which is instantiated via the ITerrain.CreateDynamicSurface member of the terrain object.


Method GetTin Returns a TIN for a given area of interest and terrain pyramid level.
Method QueryAsFeatureClass Writes terrain measurement points and breakline vertices to a multipoint feature class for a given area of interest and terrain pyramid level.
Method QueryRaster Writes surface heights to a raster dataset for a given area of interest and terrain pyramid level.
Read/write property RasterBlockSize The pixel block allocation size used when creating a raster.
Read-only property Terrain The source terrain from which the DynamicSurface was derived.

CoClasses that implement IDynamicSurface

CoClasses and Classes Description
DynamicSurface Esri DynamicSurface object.

.NET Related Topics

How to perform surface analysis on a terrain dataset