ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

ITemporalRecordSet Interface

Provides access to methods needed to set up and fill a temporally sorted record set.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property CacheFeatures Controls whether features are cached in the renderer's feature memory or are read from the feature class.
Read-only property Count Number of features contained by the cursor.
Read/write property FeatureCacheWindow Determines the number of features to cache if FeaturesCached property is true.
Read/write property FeatureClass A reference to the feature class of which this record set is a member.
Method IndexFeatureClass Re-builds the temporal index and caches features based on the supplied temporal parameters.
Read-only property MostCurrentFeature Returns success, but does nothing.
Read-only property OldestFeature Returns success, but does nothing.
Method Search Performs a query on the record set for the given time range, returning a feature cursor.
Method SelectByDate Allows user to select record set by its date value.
Read/write property TemporalColumnName Identifies the column containing time and date information.
Read/write property TimeSeriesColumnName Identifies column in the feature class containing temporal observations with time series.

CoClasses that implement ITemporalRecordSet

CoClasses and Classes Description
TemporalRecordSet (esriTrackingAnalyst) Defines the COM coclass for the TemporalRecordSet COM object.