Interface |
Description |
IConfigurationFactory |
Provides access to members that can be called during server object configuration events. |
IConfigurationFactory2 |
Provides access to members that can be called during server object configuration events. |
IConfigurationFactory3 |
Provides access to members that can be called during server object configuration events. |
IDataStoreValidator |
Tests access to the data store. |
IEnumServerDirectory |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerDirectories. |
IEnumServerDirectoryInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerDirectoryInfos. |
IEnumServerMachine |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerMachines. |
IEnumServerObjectConfiguration |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectConfigurations. |
IEnumServerObjectConfigurationInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectConfigurationInfos. |
IEnumServerObjectExtensionType |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the registered server object extension types. |
IEnumServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the registered server object extension types. |
IEnumServerObjectType |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectTypes. |
IEnumServerObjectTypeInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectTypeInfos. |
IGISServer |
Provides access to members that manage the collection of IGISServer objects. |
IGISServerConnection |
Provides access to members that connect to a GIS server. |
IGISServerConnection2 |
Provides access to methods that connect a specified user to an ArcGIS server. |
IGISServers |
Provides access to members that manage the collection of IGISServer objects. |
IGPServerHelper |
Helper interface to process Geoprocessing requests. |
IIdentity |
Provides access to members that define a user. |
IManagerWebService |
Provides access to members that manage a collection of IGISServer objects in the Manager web service catalog. |
IPermissionsAdmin |
Provides administrative access to the Permissions Store. |
IPermissionsAdmin2 |
Provides administrative access to the Permissions Store. |
IPermissionsManager |
Provides managerial access to the Permissions Store. |
IRole |
Interface that represents a role in the role store. |
IRoleStore |
An interface to access the role repository. |
IServer |
Provides access to members that connect to a GIS server. |
IServer2 |
Provides access to methods that connect a specified user to an ArcGIS server. |
IServerCLRHost |
Provides access to a method that cleans CLR managed objects. |
IServerConfigurationStorage |
IServerContext |
Provides access to members for managing a server context, and the objects running within that server context. |
IServerDirectory |
Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a server directory to administrators. |
IServerDirectory2 |
Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a server directory to administrators. |
IServerDirectory3 |
Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a server directory to administrators. |
IServerDirectoryInfo |
Provides access to properties of a server directory. |
IServerDirectoryInfo2 |
Provides access to properties of a server directory. |
IServerEnvironmentEx |
Provides access to Server configuration information. |
IServerEnvironmentImpl |
IServerEnvironmentImpl2 |
IServerEnvironmentXHelper |
Helper interface to set properties on the server environment. |
IServerErrorReports |
Provides access to Server error reporting settings. |
IServerHelper |
Helper interface for Server. |
IServerInfo |
Provides access to members that define a SOM (Server Object Manager). |
IServerInfos |
Provides access to members that manage the collection of IServerInfo objects (SOMs in a GIS Server). |
IServerInit |
Server initialization. |
IServerInit2 |
Server initialization. |
IServerJobManager |
IServerLog |
Provides access to members that query and retrieve log records. |
IServerLog2 |
Provides access to members that query and retrieve log records. |
IServerLogQuery |
Provides access to members that configure a query to the ArcGIS Server logs. |
IServerMachine |
Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators. |
IServerMachine2 |
Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators. |
IServerMachine3 |
Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators. |
IServerMachineEnvironment |
IServerMachineInfo |
Provides information about specific Server Machine. |
IServerMachineStatus |
Provides access to the properties of the status of a specific SOC machine. |
IServerObject |
Provides access to properties of a map or geocode server object. |
IServerObjectAdmin |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin2 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin3 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin4 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin5 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin6 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin7 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectAdmin8 |
Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server. |
IServerObjectConfiguration |
Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration. |
IServerObjectConfiguration2 |
Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration with extensions. |
IServerObjectConfiguration3 |
Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration with extensions. |
IServerObjectConfiguration4 |
Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration with extensions. |
IServerObjectConfiguration5 |
Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration with extensions. |
IServerObjectConfigurationInfo |
Provides access to properties of a server object configuration. |
IServerObjectConfigurationInfo2 |
Provides access to the properties of a server object configuration with extensions. |
IServerObjectConfigurationManager |
Provides access to additional members that support initializing a server object. |
IServerObjectConfigurationManager2 |
Provides access to additional members that support initializing a server object. |
IServerObjectConfigurationStatus |
Provides access to properties of a server object configuration's status to administrators. |
IServerObjectExtension |
Provides access to the members that control a server object extension. |
IServerObjectExtensionManager |
Provides access to members that help locate installed server object extensions. |
IServerObjectExtensionType |
Provides access to properties, for administrators, of a server object extension type. |
IServerObjectExtensionType2 |
Provides access to properties, for administrators, of a server object extension type. |
IServerObjectExtensionType3 |
Provides access to properties, for administrators, of a server object extension type. |
IServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo |
Provides access to the properties of a server object extentsion type. |
IServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo2 |
Provides access to the properties of a server object extentsion type. |
IServerObjectFactory |
Provides access to the method used to create a server object outside a server object container. |
IServerObjectFactoryX |
Factory interface to create server objects. |
IServerObjectHelper |
Provides access to a holder for a reference to a server object. |
IServerObjectHelper2 |
Provides access to a holder for a reference to a server object. |
IServerObjectManager |
Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager. |
IServerObjectManager2 |
Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager for server object extensions. |
IServerObjectManager3 |
Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager for server object extensions. |
IServerObjectManager4 |
Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager. |
IServerObjectType |
Provides access to methods, for administrators, that control the behavior and properties of a server object type. |
IServerObjectType2 |
Provides access to methods, for administrators, that control the behavior and properties of a server object type. |
IServerObjectType3 |
Provides access to methods, for administrators, that control the behavior and properties of a server object type. |
IServerObjectType4 |
Provides access to methods, for administrators, that control the behavior and properties of a server object type. |
IServerObjectTypeInfo |
Provides access to properties of a server object type. |
IServerObjectTypeInfo2 |
Provides access to properties of a server object type. |
IServerObjectTypeInfo3 |
Provides access to properties of a server object type. |
IServerStatistics |
Provides access to members that report statistics for a GIS server to administrators. |
IServerStatus |
Provides access to the properties of the status of the ArcGIS Server. |
IServerTimeRange |
Provides access to members that report the actual time range for GIS server statistics reported by IServerStatstics to administrators. |
IServiceCatalog |
Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog. |
IServiceCatalog2 |
Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog. |
IServiceCatalog3 |
Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog. |
IServiceCatalogAdmin |
Provides access to members that control the contents of an ArcGIS Server web services catalog. |
IServiceCatalogAdmin2 |
Provides access to members that control the contents of an ArcGIS Server web services catalog. |
IServiceCatalogAdmin3 |
Provides access to members that control the contents of an ArcGIS Server web services catalog. |
IServiceDescription |
Provides access to members that control the properties of an ArcGIS Server web service description. |
IServiceDescription2 |
Provides access to members that control the properties of an ArcGIS Server web service description. |
IServiceDescription3 |
Provides access to members that control the properties of an ArcGIS Server web service description. |
IServiceDescriptionArray |
Provides access to members that control the contents of web services description array. |
ISOMController |
Provides access to members that start and stop ArcGIS server. |
IUser |
Interface that represents a user in the user store. |
IUserStore |
An interface to access the user repository. |
IWPISilentConfig |
Provides access to members that configure the web services post install silently. |