ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerObjectConfigurationInfo2 Interface

Provides access to the properties of a server object configuration with extensions.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property Description Description of the server object configuration.
Read-only property ExtensionInfo The extension-dependent info for the server object configuration.
Read-only property Extensions An array of the registered server object extensions for a given configuration.
Read-only property Info Auxiliary Information for the server objects created by the server object configuration ?passive properties only.
Read-only property IsPooled Indicates whether the server objects defined by this configuration are pooled.
Read-only property Name Name of the server object configuration.
Read-only property TypeName Type of the server object configuration (MapServer or GeocodeServer).

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IServerObjectConfigurationInfo Provides access to properties of a server object configuration.

CoClasses that implement IServerObjectConfigurationInfo2

CoClasses and Classes Description
ServerObjectConfigurationInfo The ServerObjectConfigurationInfo object which provides information about server object configurations to users without administrative privileges to the GIS server.


IServerObjectConfigurationInfo2 extends IServerObjectConfigurationInfo to provide the names of all enabled server object extensions for a particular configuration. Note that only those server object extensions that are enabled for this configuration are returned by the Extensions property. To get a complete list of all server object extensions that are supported for a particular type of server object, use the GetExtensionTypeInfos method on IServerObjectManager2.