ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerEnvironmentXHelper Interface

Helper interface to set properties on the server environment.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AddEnvProperty Adds or updates a property into the server environment.
Method AddServerDirectory Adds a new server directory into the server environment.
Method ChangeLogDirectory Changes the log directory for the logger configured in the server environment.
Method ChangeLogLevel Changes the log level for the logger configured in the server environment.
Method ChangeLogMachineName Changes the machine name for the logger configured in the server environment.
Method ChangeMaxLogFileSize Change the max log file size
Method EnableCrashDumpGeneration Enable crash dump files generation
Method RemoveEnvProperty Removes a property from the server environment.
Method RemoveServerDirectory Removes a server directory from the server environment.
Method ResetJobID Resets the job ID.
Method SetEnvProperties Sets the environment properties.
Method SetJobID Sets the job ID in the server environment.
Method SetUserInfo Sets the user information into the server environment.

CoClasses that implement IServerEnvironmentXHelper

CoClasses and Classes Description