Interface Summary | |
esriAIDriverOptions | AI (Adobe Illustrator) Driver Options. |
esriCMYKIndex | Index of CMYK plates. |
esriColorCorrectionDataType | Color Correction Data Type. |
esriExportColorspace | Colorspace settings for the export operation. |
esriExportErrorReturnCodes | Output Error Return Codes. |
esriExportImageCompression | Export Image Compression settings. |
esriExportImageType | The Export Image Type. |
esriExportMultipleFiles | Select multiple pages as multiple files for output. |
esriExportPDFLayerOptions | Export PDF Layers and Feature Attributes settings. |
esriExportPSEmulsion | PostScript Export Emulsion settings. |
esriExportPSImage | PostScript Export Image settings. |
esriExportPSLanguageLevel | PostScript Export Language Level settings. |
esriGIFCompression | The GIF Compression Type. |
esriOutputErrorReturnCodes | Output Error Return Codes. |
esriOutputSelection | Select pages for output. |
esriPDFExtensionErrorCodes | PDF Extension errors. |
esriPDFExtensionSecurityEncryptionMethod | PDF extension security encryption method options. |
esriPDFExtensionSecurityEncryptionOption | PDF extension security encryption options. |
esriPDFExtensionSecurityPermission | PDF extension security permissions. |
esriPSDriverEmulsion | PostScript Driver Emulsion settings. |
esriPSDriverHalfTone | PostScript Driver Halftone settings. |
esriPSDriverImage | PostScript Driver Image settings. |
esriPSDriverImageCompression | PostScript Driver Image Compression settings. |
esriPSDriverMarks | PostScript Driver Registration Marks settings. |
esriPSDriverPSLanguageLevel | PostScript Driver Language Level settings. |
esriPSDriverSeparates | PostScript Driver Color Separation settings. |
esriTIFFCompression | The TIFF Compression type. |
IAIDriver | Superseded by IExportAI. |
IAIExporter | Superseded by IExportAI. |
IBmpExporter | Superseded by IExportBMP. |
IColorCorrection | Provides access to members that control the Color Correction. |
IDibExporter | Superseded by IExportBMP. |
IEmfExporter | Superseded by IExportEMF. |
IEmfPrinter | Indicator interface that identifies the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. |
IExport | Provides access to members that control the Export. |
IExportAI | Provides access to members that control the AI (Adobe Illustrator) Export. |
IExportAI2 | Provides access to members that control advanced settings of AI (Adobe Illustrator) exporting. |
IExportBMP | Provides access to members that control the BMP (Windows Bitmap) Export. |
IExportColorspaceSettings | Provides access to members that control the Destination Colorspace for Export. |
IExportEMF | Provides access to members that control the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Export. |
IExporter | Superseded by IExport. |
IExporter2 | Superseded by IExport. |
IExporterPriority | Superseded by IExport. |
IExportGIF | Provides access to members that control the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Export. |
IExportImage | Provides access to members that control the Image Export. |
IExportJPEG | Provides access to members that control the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Export. |
IExportPagesMultipleFile | Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) export. |
IExportPDF | Provides access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) Export. |
IExportPDF2 | Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) Export. |
IExportPDF3 | Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) export. |
IExportPDFPasswordSecurity | Provides extended access to members that control the PDF (Portable Document Format) export. |
IExportPNG | Provides access to members that control the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Export. |
IExportPS | Provides access to members that control the PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) Exports. |
IExportPS2 | Provides extended access to members that control the PostScript export. |
IExportSVG | Provides access to members that control the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Export. |
IExportTIFF | Provides access to members that control the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Export. |
IExportVector | Provides access to members that control the Vector Export. |
IExportVectorOptions | Provides access to members that control the Vector Export Options. |
IExportVectorOptionsEx | Provides access to members that control the extra Vector Export Options. |
IFontMap | Provides access to members that control the Font Map Object. |
IFontMap2 | Provides access to members that control the Font Map 2 Object. |
IFontMapCollection | Provides access to members that control a Collection of Font Map Objects. |
IFontMapEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the Font Mapping Environment. |
IJpegExporter | Superseded by IExportJPEG. |
IOutputCleanup | Superseded by IExport. |
IOutputPageOptionsAdmin | Private interface to output page options. |
IPaper | Provides access to members that control the default printer page settings. |
IPaper2 | Provides access to members that control the default printer page settings. |
IPDFDriver | Superseded by IExportPDF. |
IPDFExporter | Superseded by IExportPDF. |
IPrintAndExportPageOptions | Provides access to multiple page settings for printing and export. |
IPrinter | Provides access to members that control the Printer Driver. |
IPrinterMPage | Provides access to members for controlling multipage printing. |
IPSDriver | Provides access to members that control the PostScript Driver. |
IPSDriver2 | Provides access to members that control the other options of the PostScript Driver. |
IPsExporter | Superseded by IExportPS. |
IPsPrinter | Indicator interface that identifies the PostScript Printer Driver. |
ISettingsInRegistry | Provides access to members that control storing/restoring of object settings to/from the registry. |
ISpotPlate | Provides access to members that control the Spot Color Plate. |
ISpotPlateCollection | Provides access to members that control the Collection of Spot Plates. |
IStepProgressorSetup | Provides access to members that set up the Step Progressor. |
ITiffExporter | Superseded by IExportTIFF. |
ITrackCancelSetup | Provides access to members that set up the Track Cancel. |
IWorldFileSettings | Provides access to members that control the settings of the World File Exporter. |
IWorldFileSettings2 | Provides access to members that control the additional settings of the World File Exporter. |
Class Summary | |
AIDriver | Superseded by ExportAI. |
AIExporter | Superseded by ExportAI. |
DibExporter | Superseded by ExportBMP. |
EmfExporter | Superseded by ExportEMF. |
EmfPrinter | Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. |
ExportAI | Class used to export maps to AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. |
ExportBMP | Class used to export maps to BMP (Windows Bitmap) format. |
ExportEMF | Class used to export maps to EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format. |
ExportGIF | Class used to export maps to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). |
ExportJPEG | Class used to export maps to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. |
ExportPDF | Class used to export maps to PDF (Portable Document Format) format. |
ExportPNG | Class used to export maps to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. |
ExportPS | Class used to export maps to PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. |
ExportSVG | Class used to export maps to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. |
ExportTIFF | Class used to export maps to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). |
FontMap | Class used to map a font from a TrueType Font to a resident Adobe Type 1 Font for the PostScript Printer Driver, EPS Export Driver and PDF Export Driver. |
FontMapCollection | A collection of font mappings. |
FontMapEnvironment | A global collection of font mapping settings. |
IOutputPageOptionsAdminProxy | Private interface to output page options. |
JpegExporter | Superseded by ExportJPEG. |
Paper | The default printer page settings. |
PDFDriver | Superseded by ExportPDF. |
PDFExporter | Superseded by ExportPDF. |
PrintAndExportPageOptions | Print and Export Page Options. |
PSDriver | Class used to print maps with the PostScript Driver. |
PsExporter | Superseded by ExportPS. |
PsPrinter | Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. |
SpotPlate | Class used to print maps with a PostScript Spot Plate. |
TiffExporter | Superseded by ExportTIFF. |
The Output library contains the objects required generate output, most commonly from Maps or PageLayouts, to both printers and plotters or exporting to files.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.