Interface | Description |
IAddCommands | IAddCommands Interface. |
IARControlEventsHelper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the ArcReaderControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
IAssemblyLookup | Provides facilities to find the type library for a given type amongst a collection of type libraries. |
IAssemblyLookup2 | Provides further facilities to find the type library for a given type amongst a collection of type libraries. |
ICatHelper | ICatHelper Interface. |
ICodeConverter | Provides facilities to upgrade ArcObjects code to work the latest release of ArcGIS. |
ICommandEnum | ICommandEnum Interface. |
ICommandLineHelper | ICommandLineHelper Interface. |
IComponentCategoryEnum | IComponentCategoryEnum Interface. |
ICreationHelper | ICreationHelper Interface. |
IDocumentHelper | Provides access to the DocumentHelper. |
IDocumentHelper2 | IDocumentHelper2 Interface. |
IDocumentHelper3 | IDocumentHelper3 Interface. |
IElementHelper | IElementHelper Interface. |
IErrorDialog | Interface used to manipulate the Error Log UI. |
IErrorMessageBox | Interface used to manipulate the Error Message Box UI. |
IEventListenerHelper | |
IGlobeControlEventsHelper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the GlobeControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
IGUIDHelper | IGUIDHelper Interface. |
ILib83Lookup | Provides facilities for inspecting the names of libraries that were supplied at ArcGIS 8.3. |
ILib91Lookup | Provides facilities for inspecting the names of libraries that were supplied at ArcGIS 9.1. |
ILibLookupExtension | Provides information about an extension to the library handling classes used by the VB6 Code Converter addin and the Library Locator tool. |
ILibraryLookupInfo | Returns information about the library lookup handling environment. |
IMapControlEvents2Helper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the MapControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
IPageLayoutControlEventsHelper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the PageLayoutControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
IRegisterServer | IRegisterServer Interface. |
IRegistryHelper | IRegistryHelper Interface. |
ISceneControlEventsHelper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the SceneControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
ITOCControlEventsHelper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the TOCControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
IToolbarControlEventsHelper | Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the ToolbarControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only. |
IVB6ErrorHandler | Provides facilities for creating ErrorHandlers in VB6 projects. |
IVB6LibraryLister | Provides a list of library references used in a chunk of VB6 code. |
IVB6ReferenceHandler | Provides facilities for manipulating references in VB6 projects. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
ActiveViewEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide event IActiveViewEvents support to the C++ API. |
AddCommands | AddCommands Class. |
AnnotationErrorEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IAnnotationErrorEvents support to the C++ API. |
ARControlEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IARControlEvents support to the C++ API. |
BasicOverposterEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IBasicOverposterEvents support to the C++ API. |
CatHelper | CatHelper Class. |
CommandEnum | CommandEnum Class. |
CommandLineHelper | CommandLineHelper Class. |
ComponentCategoryEnum | ComponentCategoryEnum Class. |
ComPropertySheetEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IComPropertySheetEvents support to the C++ API. |
CreationHelper | CreationHelper Class. |
CustomizeDialogEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ICustomizeDialogEvents support to the C++ API. |
DisplayEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IDisplayEvents support to the C++ API. |
DocumentHelper | DocumentHelper Class. |
ERasterStatusListener | Helper coclass to provide IERasterStatus support to the C++ API. |
ErrorDialog | Error Dialog Class. |
ErrorMessage | Error MessageBox Class. |
FeatureLayerSelectionEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents support to the C++ API. |
FeatureProgressListener | Helper coclass to provide IFeatureProgress support to the C++ API. |
GeoReferenceEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IGeoReferenceEvents support to the C++ API. |
GlobeControlEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IGlobeControlEvents support to the C++ API. |
GlobeDisplayEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IGlobeDisplayEvents support to the C++ API. |
GraphicsContainerEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IGraphicsContainerEvents support to the C++ API. |
GUIDHelper | GUIDHelper Class. |
LayerEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ILayerEvents support to the C++ API. |
MapControlEvents2Listener | Helper coclass to provide IMapControlEvents2 support to the C++ API. |
MapEvents2Listener | Helper coclass to provide IMapEvents2 support to the C++ API. |
MapEvents3Listener | Helper coclass to provide IMapEvents3 support to the C++ API. |
MapEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IMapEvents support to the C++ API. |
MapFrameEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IMapFrameEvents support to the C++ API. |
MapSurroundEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IMapSurroundEvents support to the C++ API. |
NAContextEvents2Listener | Helper coclass to provide INAContextEvents2 support to the C++ API. |
NAContextEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide INAContextEvents support to the C++ API. |
NALayerEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide INALayerEvents support to the C++ API. |
NetworkLoaderProgressListener | Helper coclass to provide INetworkLoaderProgress support to the C++ API. |
ObjectClassEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IObjectClassEvents support to the C++ API. |
ObjectClassSchemaEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IObjectClassSchemaEvents support to the C++ API. |
OperationProgressListener | Helper coclass to provide IOperationProgress support to the C++ API. |
PageEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IPageEvents support to the C++ API. |
PageLayoutControlEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IPageLayoutControlEvents support to the C++ API. |
RasterDataManagementEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IRasterDataManagementEvents support to the C++ API. |
RasterStatus2Listener | Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatus2 support to the C++ API. |
RasterStatusEvent2Listener | Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatusEvent2 support to the C++ API. |
RasterStatusEventListener | Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatusEvent support to the C++ API. |
RasterStatusListener | Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatus support to the C++ API. |
RealTimeFeedEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IRealTimeFeedEvents support to the C++ API. |
RealTimeFeedManagerEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IRealTimeFeedManagerEvents support to the C++ API. |
RegisterServer | RegisterServer Class. |
RegistryHelper | RegistryHelper Class. |
RelationshipClassEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IRelationshipClassEvents support to the C++ API. |
RepairConnectivityProgressEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IRepairConnectivityProgressEvents support to the C++ API. |
ReplicaProgressListener | Helper coclass to provide IReplicaProgress support to the C++ API. |
SceneControlEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ISceneControlEvents support to the C++ API. |
SceneGraphEventsDispListener | Helper coclass to provide ISceneGraphEventsDisp support to the C++ API. |
SceneGraphEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ISceneGraphEvents support to the C++ API. |
SceneRendererEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ISceneRendererEvents support to the C++ API. |
SelectionEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ISelectionEvents support to the C++ API. |
TOCBuddyEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ITOCBuddyEvents support to the C++ API. |
TOCControlEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ITOCControlEvents support to the C++ API. |
ToolbarControlEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IToolbarControlEvents support to the C++ API. |
TopologyClassEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ITopologyClassEvents support to the C++ API. |
TransformEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide ITransformEvents support to the C++ API. |
VersionEvents2Listener | Helper coclass to provide IVersionEvents2 support to the C++ API. |
VersionEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IVersionEvents support to the C++ API. |
WMSClientEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IWMSClientEvents support to the C++ API. |
WorkspaceEditEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IWorkspaceEditEvents support to the C++ API. |
WorkspaceEventsListener | Helper coclass to provide IWorkspaceEvents support to the C++ API. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriCodeConverterStatus | |
esriDevelopmentLanguage | |
esriDocumentHelperElementTypes | Document Helper Element Types. |
esriDocumentHelperObjectTypes | Document Helper Object Return types. |
esriDocumentHelperReplacementObjectTypes | Document Helper Replacement Object types. |
esriElementUpdateTypes | Document Helper Element Update types. |