ArcObjects Library Reference (SystemUtility)  

SystemUtility Library Contents


Interface Description
IAddCommands IAddCommands Interface.
IARControlEventsHelper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the ArcReaderControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
IAssemblyLookup Provides facilities to find the type library for a given type amongst a collection of type libraries.
IAssemblyLookup2 Provides further facilities to find the type library for a given type amongst a collection of type libraries.
ICatHelper ICatHelper Interface.
ICodeConverter Provides facilities to upgrade ArcObjects code to work the latest release of ArcGIS.
ICommandEnum ICommandEnum Interface.
ICommandLineHelper ICommandLineHelper Interface.
IComponentCategoryEnum IComponentCategoryEnum Interface.
ICreationHelper ICreationHelper Interface.
IDocumentHelper Provides access to the DocumentHelper.
IDocumentHelper2 IDocumentHelper2 Interface.
IDocumentHelper3 IDocumentHelper3 Interface.
IElementHelper IElementHelper Interface.
IErrorDialog Interface used to manipulate the Error Log UI.
IErrorMessageBox Interface used to manipulate the Error Message Box UI.
IGlobeControlEventsHelper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the GlobeControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
IGUIDHelper IGUIDHelper Interface.
ILib83Lookup Provides facilities for inspecting the names of libraries that were supplied at ArcGIS 8.3.
ILib91Lookup Provides facilities for inspecting the names of libraries that were supplied at ArcGIS 9.1.
ILibLookupExtension Provides information about an extension to the library handling classes used by the VB6 Code Converter addin and the Library Locator tool.
ILibraryLookupInfo Returns information about the library lookup handling environment.
IMapControlEvents2Helper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the MapControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
IPageLayoutControlEventsHelper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the PageLayoutControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
IRegisterServer IRegisterServer Interface.
IRegistryHelper IRegistryHelper Interface.
ISceneControlEventsHelper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the SceneControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
ITOCControlEventsHelper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the TOCControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
IToolbarControlEventsHelper Provides access to events that occur with interaction with the ToolbarControl. This interface is for use with the C++ API only.
IVB6ErrorHandler Provides facilities for creating ErrorHandlers in VB6 projects.
IVB6LibraryLister Provides a list of library references used in a chunk of VB6 code.
IVB6ReferenceHandler Provides facilities for manipulating references in VB6 projects.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
ActiveViewEventsListener Helper coclass to provide event IActiveViewEvents support to the C++ API.
AddCommands AddCommands Class.
AnnotationErrorEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IAnnotationErrorEvents support to the C++ API.
ARControlEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IARControlEvents support to the C++ API.
BasicOverposterEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IBasicOverposterEvents support to the C++ API.
CatHelper CatHelper Class.
CommandEnum CommandEnum Class.
CommandLineHelper CommandLineHelper Class.
ComponentCategoryEnum ComponentCategoryEnum Class.
ComPropertySheetEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IComPropertySheetEvents support to the C++ API.
CreationHelper CreationHelper Class.
CustomizeDialogEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ICustomizeDialogEvents support to the C++ API.
DisplayEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IDisplayEvents support to the C++ API.
DocumentHelper DocumentHelper Class.
ERasterStatusListener Helper coclass to provide IERasterStatus support to the C++ API.
ErrorDialog Error Dialog Class.
ErrorMessage Error MessageBox Class.
FeatureLayerSelectionEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents support to the C++ API.
FeatureProgressListener Helper coclass to provide IFeatureProgress support to the C++ API.
GeoReferenceEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IGeoReferenceEvents support to the C++ API.
GlobeControlEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IGlobeControlEvents support to the C++ API.
GlobeDisplayEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IGlobeDisplayEvents support to the C++ API.
GraphicsContainerEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IGraphicsContainerEvents support to the C++ API.
GUIDHelper GUIDHelper Class.
LayerEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ILayerEvents support to the C++ API.
MapControlEvents2Listener Helper coclass to provide IMapControlEvents2 support to the C++ API.
MapEvents2Listener Helper coclass to provide IMapEvents2 support to the C++ API.
MapEvents3Listener Helper coclass to provide IMapEvents3 support to the C++ API.
MapEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IMapEvents support to the C++ API.
MapFrameEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IMapFrameEvents support to the C++ API.
MapSurroundEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IMapSurroundEvents support to the C++ API.
NAContextEvents2Listener Helper coclass to provide INAContextEvents2 support to the C++ API.
NAContextEventsListener Helper coclass to provide INAContextEvents support to the C++ API.
NALayerEventsListener Helper coclass to provide INALayerEvents support to the C++ API.
NetworkLoaderProgressListener Helper coclass to provide INetworkLoaderProgress support to the C++ API.
ObjectClassEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IObjectClassEvents support to the C++ API.
ObjectClassSchemaEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IObjectClassSchemaEvents support to the C++ API.
OperationProgressListener Helper coclass to provide IOperationProgress support to the C++ API.
PageEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IPageEvents support to the C++ API.
PageLayoutControlEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IPageLayoutControlEvents support to the C++ API.
RasterDataManagementEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IRasterDataManagementEvents support to the C++ API.
RasterStatus2Listener Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatus2 support to the C++ API.
RasterStatusEvent2Listener Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatusEvent2 support to the C++ API.
RasterStatusEventListener Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatusEvent support to the C++ API.
RasterStatusListener Helper coclass to provide IRasterStatus support to the C++ API.
RealTimeFeedEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IRealTimeFeedEvents support to the C++ API.
RealTimeFeedManagerEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IRealTimeFeedManagerEvents support to the C++ API.
RegisterServer RegisterServer Class.
RegistryHelper RegistryHelper Class.
RelationshipClassEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IRelationshipClassEvents support to the C++ API.
RepairConnectivityProgressEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IRepairConnectivityProgressEvents support to the C++ API.
ReplicaProgressListener Helper coclass to provide IReplicaProgress support to the C++ API.
SceneControlEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ISceneControlEvents support to the C++ API.
SceneGraphEventsDispListener Helper coclass to provide ISceneGraphEventsDisp support to the C++ API.
SceneGraphEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ISceneGraphEvents support to the C++ API.
SceneRendererEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ISceneRendererEvents support to the C++ API.
SelectionEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ISelectionEvents support to the C++ API.
TOCBuddyEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ITOCBuddyEvents support to the C++ API.
TOCControlEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ITOCControlEvents support to the C++ API.
ToolbarControlEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IToolbarControlEvents support to the C++ API.
TopologyClassEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ITopologyClassEvents support to the C++ API.
TransformEventsListener Helper coclass to provide ITransformEvents support to the C++ API.
VersionEvents2Listener Helper coclass to provide IVersionEvents2 support to the C++ API.
VersionEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IVersionEvents support to the C++ API.
WMSClientEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IWMSClientEvents support to the C++ API.
WorkspaceEditEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IWorkspaceEditEvents support to the C++ API.
WorkspaceEventsListener Helper coclass to provide IWorkspaceEvents support to the C++ API.


Enumeration Description
esriDocumentHelperElementTypes Document Helper Element Types.
esriDocumentHelperObjectTypes Document Helper Object Return types.
esriDocumentHelperReplacementObjectTypes Document Helper Replacement Object types.
esriElementUpdateTypes Document Helper Element Update types.