ArcObjects Library Reference (SystemUtility)  

ICodeConverter Interface

Provides facilities to upgrade ArcObjects code to work the latest release of ArcGIS.


Method ConvertCode Makes all replacements for the supplied ArcObjects code. Does the work of all the other methods in this interface. Returns a status, some reporting text and the number of replacements made.
Read/write property DevelopmentLanguage Sets the programming language of the code to be converted.
Method ReplaceLibraries Replaces all the old library names with appropriate new library names, in the supplied ArcObjects code. Returns a status, some reporting text and the number of replacements made.
Method ReplaceLibrary Replaces occurrences of the specified library name with the appropriate new library name, in the supplied ArcObjects code. Returns a status, some reporting text and the number of replacements made.
Method ReplaceTagEsris Replaces occurrences of tagesri<xxx> enumerations with the approprate new enumeration name, in the supplied ArcObjects code. Returns a status, some reporting text and the number of replacements made.
Method WarnControls Make warnings about QI to IMapControl2 and IPageLayoutControl, in the supplied ArcObjects code. Returns a status, some reporting text and the number of replacements made.