FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Response
Parent Resource: Security
Supported Operations: Update Security Configuration   Update Identity Store  


This resource returns the currently active security configuration. A security configuration involves the following pieces of information:

The user and role store can be updated by using the Update Identity Store operation whereas the remaining security configuration can be updated by using the Update Security Config operation.

The security configuration can be represented in JSON format as described in the response section.


Parameter Description
f The response format. The default response format is html.
Values: html | json

Response Format

		"securityEnabled": <true|false>,
		"httpEnabled": <true|false>,
		"sslEnabled": <true|false>,
		"virtualDirsSecurityEnabled": <true|false>,
	  	"authenticationTier": "<auth_tier>",
	  	"userStoreConfig": <userStore>,
	  	"roleStoreConfig": <roleStore>,
		"allowedAdminAccessIPs": "<comma separated IP addresses>"