FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Properties | Example


The user store or the identity store is a repository of user accounts and credentials. ArcGIS Server connects to the user store to authenticate a user requesting access to a resource.

In addition to connecting to your enterprise user store such as Windows Domain or any other directory service that supports an LDAP interface, ArcGIS Server also ships with a built-in storage mechanism where you can create your user accounts.

ArcGIS Server requires you to configure a user store while setting up
security on your site. The user store configuration is represented in JSON format as follows:

		"type": "<BUILTIN | WINDOWS | LDAP | CUSTOM>",
		"properties": <properties>


BUILTIN Properties Description
n/a n/a
LDAP Properties Description
ldapURLForUsers The LDAP URL pointing to the user accounts
Example: ldap://server:389/dc=mydomain,dc=com???(|(objectClass=userProxy)(objectClass=user))?
memberOfAttributeInUsers The attribute of the user entry that contains role information
Example: memberOf
usernameAttribute The attribute of the user entry that is to be treated as the username
Example: name
adminUser The administrative account to the LDAP that has at least read access
Example: cn=admin,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com
adminUserPassword The credentials for the administrative account
Example: secret
WINDOWS Properties Description
adminUser The administrative account to the LDAP that has at least read access
Example: cn=admin,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com
adminUserPassword The credentials for the administrative account
Example: secret
CUSTOM Properties Description
class The fully qualified name of the Java class that implements custom access to the user store.
Example: com.myorg.userstore.DBUserStore
... Any custom properties that are required by your class.


The JSON representation of a connection to LDAP:

	"type": "LDAP",
	"properties": {
		"ldapURLForUsers": "ldap://server:389/dc=mydomain,dc=com???(|(objectClass=user))?",
		"usernameAttribute": "name",
		"adminUser": "cn=admin,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com",
		"adminUserPassword": "secret"

The JSON representation of a connection to Windows Domain users:

	"type": "WINDOWS",
	"properties": {
		"adminUser": "ourdomain\\myreadonlyaccount",
		"adminUserPassword": "secret"