Creating an enterprise chart product (Maritime Charting)

With ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting, all chart products are created through the New Nautical Product wizard. This wizard is accessed from the series level in the Product Library tree view and can be used by those with Administrator, Editor, or Check In/Check Out product library permissions.

The wizard performs the following actions in an enterprise production environment.


The administrator needs to add the editor to the permissions on the enterprise geodatabase in SQL Server so the editor can create a product.

The following sections guide you through each process of the wizard.

Accessing the wizard

When you first open the New Nautical Product wizard, the Overview area displays a description of all the processes you will encounter. In addition, there is a link to the AOI creation process help topic. Before you open the New Nautical Product wizard, you need to create the AOI features. It is mandatory that the AOI feature class be populated before you can complete the New Nautical Product wizard.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  3. If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
  4. Right-click the series for which you want to create a product and click New Nautical Product.

    The Overview area of the New Nautical Product wizard appears.

  5. Review the content in the Overview area.
  6. Click the About defining AOIs link to open the AOI creation help topic if you haven't created the AOIs.

    AOI features must be created before continuing.

  7. 单击下一步

Defining metadata values for the product

There are specific metadata fields at the product level where you define information for the entire chart, such as chart title, number, edition, and edition date. If your agency produces BSB products, there is also product-level metadata specific to the BSB raster export format.

  1. Click the cell next to Chart Title and type the name.
  2. Click the cell next to Chart Number and type the number.
  3. If necessary, click the cell next to Edition Number and type the edition number.
  4. If necessary, click the cell next to Update Number and type the update number.
  5. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Edition Date and choose the edition date.
  6. Click the cell next to Chart Scale and type the scale.
  7. If necessary, click the cell next to Reference Number and type the chart's reference number.
  8. If necessary, click the cell next to Stock Number and type the stock number.
  9. If you support BSB products, you can expand Product BSB Metadata and continue with the next section to add the BSB metadata values; otherwise, click Next to define panels.

Defining metadata values for BSB at the product level

There are metadata fields specific to BSB production that are stored at the product level. These include information such as the chart name (CHT/NA), raster edition (CED/RE), and originator (ORG). This information is written to the documentation header file that is generated during the BSB export process.

  1. Click the cell next to Chart Name and type the name.
  2. Click the cell next to Chart Number and type the number.
  3. If necessary, click the cell next to Source Edition and type the source edition number.
  4. If necessary, click the cell next to Raster Edition and type the raster edition number.
  5. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Edition Date and select the edition date.
  6. If necessary, click the cell next to Coast Guard District and type the Coast Guard district.
  7. Click the drop-down arrow next to Chart Format and select the format value.
  8. If necessary, click the cell next to Region and type the region.
  9. 单击下一步

Defining panels for the chart

You can create multiple instances under one chart product. When you click the Add button, the New Nautical Instance wizard appears where you select one of the predefined AOI features and define the instance metadata for the product. The AOI features are the outline of the chart product's extent and can be used as input to generate the grids and graticules layers. The AOI features must be present in the chart AOI feature class before you can use the New Nautical Product wizard to create products.

Like the chart product metadata, the panel metadata contains fields for panel title, number, type, and scale. The panel scale is a required field for building the extraction query. For example, if you input 20,000 as your panel scale, the wizard will reference the Scaleband.xml to get the next highest compilation scale value. So, if the next highest value stored in the Scaleband.xml was 25,000, then the extraction query would be built to get all features falling within a 20,000 to 25,000 scale range. If your agency produces BSB products, you can define the BSB instance-level metadata.

  1. Click Add.

    The Add Chart Panel wizard appears.

  2. Click the Zoom In button and drag a box around the area where your AOI features are located.
  3. Click Select and choose one AOI feature.

    If you have multiple overlapping AOI features, you can use the Identify tool to select a specific AOI feature.

  4. Click Next.

    The Panel Metadata area appears.

  5. Click the cell next to Panel Title and type the name.
  6. Click the cell next to Panel Number and type the number.
  7. Click the drop-down arrow next to Panel Type and choose a category.
  8. Click the drop-down arrow next to Vertical Datum and choose a vertical datum.
  9. Click the drop-down arrow next to Sounding Datum and choose a sounding datum.
  10. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Height Units and choose a value.
  11. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Depth Units and choose a value.
  12. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Positional Units and choose a value.
  13. Click in the cell next to Panel Scale and type a value for your compilation scale.
  14. If you need to produce BSB products, continue with Defining panels for BSB-enabled products. If the chart coverage has areas that were compiled at a different scale than defined in the panel scale, continue with Adding extra compilation scale ranges.
  15. If you don't need to define panels for BSB-enabled products, additional scale values, or postpone the database creation, click Finish.

    The New Nautical Product wizard appears.


    You can also remove a panel or edit existing panel entries. If you need to make changes to any of the chart panel properties, click the ellipsis button (...) for Panel Properties.

  16. Repeat steps 1 through 14 and the next subsections if you need to add more panels, define panels for BSB-enabled products, add extra scale values, or postpone the database creation.
  17. 单击下一步

Defining panels for BSB-enabled products

These are the metadata fields specific to BSB production stored at the panel level.

  1. Expand Panel BSB Metadata.
  2. If necessary, click the cell next to Source Edition and type the source edition number.
  3. If necessary, click the cell next to Raster Edition and type the raster edition number.
  4. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Edition Date and select the edition date.
  5. If necessary, click the cell next to NTM Edition Number and type a value for the notice to mariner edition number.
  6. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to NTM Date and choose a date for the notice to mariner.
  7. Click the cell next to KAPP Name and type a name.
  8. Click the cell next to KAPP Number and type a value.
  9. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to KAPP Type and choose a type.
  10. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to KAPP Depth Units and choose a unit.
  11. Click the drop-down arrow next to Vertical Reference Code and choose a value.
  12. Click the drop-down arrow next to Sounding Code and choose a value.
  13. Click the drop-down arrow next to Grid Code and choose a value.

    When the chart coverage has areas that were compiled at a different scale than defined in the panel scale, the extraction query needs to be modified to account for these additional scale values. Perform the steps in Adding extra compilation scale ranges to add these additional scale values.

  14. If you don't need additional scale values or postpone the database creation, click Finish.
  15. 单击下一步

Adding extra compilation scale ranges

You can add additional extraction scales to the current panel, outside of the panel scale.

  1. Click Advanced.

    The Enterprise Setup dialog box appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A row is inserted in the Compilation Scale Ranges area.

  3. Click the Lower Bound drop-down arrow and choose a value for your largest scale value.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional area values you need to insert.
  5. Click OK.

    The Panel Metadata area appears.

  6. If you don't need to postpone the database creation, click Finish.
  7. 单击下一步

Postponing database creation (optional)

If your enterprise product requires unique extraction settings apart from the series it belongs to, you can check the Postpone Database Creation check box to allow the product level in the Product Library tree view to be built without creating the production database. You can then edit the product's custom extraction settings before executing the Create Database command.

  1. Check the Postpone Database Creation check box.
  2. 单击完成
  3. 单击下一步

Reviewing the summary

The summary shows you the metadata entries you input before starting the creation process.

  1. Review the metadata entries.
  2. If necessary, click Back to go back to the panel and product metadata and make any corrections.
  3. Click Finish.

    A progress dialog box appears with the status of the creation process.

  4. Click OK when the process completes.

Once your chart product, panel (instance), and AOI are created, the product is checked in to the product library, and you need to check it out to begin working on it.
