Checking out the chart and preparing it for editing (Maritime Charting)
Each chart product must be checked out of the product library before it can be edited and updated. The product library term product is interchangeable with the nautical term chart.
Before you begin working with your chart product perform the following tasks:
- Configure the Nautical properties
- Add the following toolbars to ArcMap:
- Nautical Cartography
- Nautical Symbology
- Nautical Editing Cartography
- Nautical
- Production Editing
Checking out the chart
Once all the above steps have been completed, you can check out the product for editing.
- Start ArcMap.
If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- Navigate to the product you want to edit.
Right-click the product and click Check Out Product.
The Check Out Product dialog box appears.
If you previously checked out from the product library, the output location you chose appears in the Output Location field.
If your product has a .mdf as a production database, your SQL Express server must be local and the checkout location must be accessible; My Documents and Desktop are not accessible to the SQL Express server.
The Options button allows you to run template instructions when checking out.
- Check the Open file check box.
Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Output Location field.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
Navigate to the folder to which you want to check out the product.
If necessary, you can click Make New Folder to create new folders and subfolders.
Click OK.
The Check Out Product dialog box appears with the path you defined.
Click OK.
The Checking Out Product dialog box appears with the progress of the checkout.
- Click OK when the process completes.
The production database and .mxd are checked out to the path you specified, and the .mxd file is opened in ArcMap.

The map document is empty since it is the first time it is being opened after its creation.

If the product instance is not associated with a map document data frame, a new data frame is added when you check out the product MXD. If you don't want to keep the data frame that is created, you can delete it and associate another data frame for the product instance.
Adding data
You need to add data to the map document since it was recently created.
- Expand the production database in the Catalog window in ArcMap.
If you didn't delete the extra data frame (with the name of Layers or Map 2) in the previous section, you can remove it by selecting it and right-clicking it; keep the data frame that matches your database (instance) name.
- Click the Nautical feature dataset and drag-and-drop it into the data frame.
The layers from the Nautical feature dataset are added to the map document.
- Press the CTRL key and select the following layers in the Table Of Contents window.
- PLTS_VectorConnectedNodes
- PLTS_VectorIsolatedNodes
- PLTS_VectorEdges
- PLTS_SpatialAttributeL
- Right-click all the selected layers and click Remove.
Save the map document by clicking the Save button
on the Standard toolbar.
Switching to the editing version of the production database
You need to open the map document in ArcMap and switch to an edit version of the production database if you are working in a versioned environment.

If are using a desktop implementation, you will need to create an edit version first.
- Click the List By Source button
at the top of the Table of Contents window.
- Right-click on the top node in the Table of Contents window under the data frame and click Change Version.
The Change Version dialog box appears.
- Select the CM version.
- 单击确定。
Create an edit version (desktop only)
If working in a desktop production environment, you need to create an edit version from DEFAULT. Make sure you connect to your edit version before moving forward in this workflow.
- 在目录树中,右键单击地理数据库连接,指向管理,单击管理地理数据库,然后单击版本选项卡。
- 在 ArcMap 中,单击“版本管理”工具条上的版本管理器按钮。
将弹出新建版本 对话框。
版本名称的长度不能超过 62 个字符。
您可以使用版本描述来提供有关版本用途的附加信息。描述内容的长度不能超过 62 个字符。
- 选择版本所需的访问权限级别:私有、公有或受保护的。
- 单击确定创建新版本。
Next in the chart production guide book, you will create grids based on an area of interest.

You can check the chart back into the product library when you are finished working with it.