Segmentation Reports

Use Segmentation reports to create segmentation reports with your customer data, profiles, and target groups to help you better understand and target your best customers.

Match Level Summary

Assigns customer records to a match level based on the geographic code assigned to each customer.

Learn more about Match Level Summary.

Geographic Summary

Displays the geographic areas where most of your customers are located, ranked top to bottom, according to the number of customers in each area. Customer records are assigned to a match level based on the geographic code assigned to each customer.

Learn more about Geographic Summary.

Demographic Profile

Summarizes the demographic makeup of the geographies where your customers live.

Learn more about Demographic Profile.

Tapestry Profile

Displays the Tapestry segments and summary groups that most accurately reflect your customer records and compares your customer profile to the Tapestry profile of your base geography.

Learn more about Tapestry Profile.

Tapestry Profile with Volume

Shows the predominant Tapestry segments and summary groups in your customer address file as well as incorporates volumetric information such as dollars spent, sales, or number of visits into a comparison of your target profile and base profile.

Learn more about Tapestry Profile with Volume.

Core Segments

Displays Core and Developmental segments in a table with customer count and percent, market area count and percent, and index. Use this report to determine customer target groups.

Learn more about Core Segments.

Understanding Your Profile (New)

Displays characteristics from the GfK MRI consumer survey data for a customer profile or geographic profile. This report provides the expected number of adults or households, percent, and index for all variables within a GfK MRI category. The report can be sorted by count or index. Use this report to determine customer lifestyle habits and preferences.

Learn more about Understanding Your Profile.

Understanding Your Target Group (formerly Understanding Your Target Customers)

Displays the top 20 characteristics, in each of up to four GfK MRI consumer survey categories, of your Core and Developmental target groups, as well as your overall customer profile. Characteristics are sorted by index, from high to low, for the core customer target group. Use this report for a snapshot of customer lifestyle habits and preferences.

Learn more about Understanding Your Target Group.

Developing Market Strategies

Displays the top 20 characteristics, in reading, watching, and listening from the GfK MRI consumer survey data, of your Core and Developmental target groups, as well as your overall customer profile. Characteristics are sorted by index, from high to low, for the core customer target group. Use this report to determine how best to market to customers.

Learn more about Developing Market Strategies.

Market Potential

Measures the likely demand for a product or service for your market area by a specific geography level. Use this report to make decisions about where to offer products and services.

Learn more about Market Potential.

Market Potential with Volume

Measures the likely demand for a product or service for your market area by a specific geography level using volumetric data such as dollars spent or number of visits. Use this report to make decisions about where to offer products and services.

Learn more about Market Potential with Volume.

Market Area Gap Analysis

Analyze a market by displaying total households, percent core households, percent developmental households, actual customers, customer penetration, expected customers, and the gap. Use the gap to determine areas of untapped customer potential.

Learn more about Market Area Gap Analysis.

Match Level Summary

Use this report option to better understand how well your customer records are address geocoded. The cleaner the address information on your customer table, the more accurately Business Analyst is able to assign your customers to the correct geocode. This geocode is what the segment code and demographic characteristic assignments are based on; therefore, it is important to understand how well Business Analyst was able to assign this geocode.

The first step in running this report is to click Customer Setup from the Business Analyst drop-down menu and choose View Existing Customer Layer or Create New Customer Layer (see Customer setup tool for instructions on creating a new customer layer). Then choose the customer layer you want to use from the drop-down menu of customer layers displayed in your existing Business Analyst project. Enter the desired customer layer description and click Next. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Geographic Summary

Use this report option to learn more about the geographic areas where most of your customers are located. The first step in running this report is to click Customer Setup from the Business Analyst drop-down menu and click View Existing Customer Layer or Create New Customer Layer (see Customer setup tool for instructions on creating a new customer layer). Then choose the customer layer you want to use from the drop-down menu of customer layers displayed in your existing Business Analyst project and click Next. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Demographic Profile

Use this report option to learn more about the demographic characteristics of your customers. For this report, Business Analyst uses the geographic information obtained from your customer address information to append demographic characteristics to each customer record. The Demographic Profile summarizes the demographic makeup of geographies where your customers live. Based on the information in this report, you can get a sense of the demographic makeup of your customer base.

The first step in running this report is to click Customer Setup from the Business Analyst drop-down menu and click View Existing Customer Layer or Create New Customer Layer (see Customer setup tool for instructions on creating a new customer layer). Then choose the geography level for which demographic data will be aggregated to create this report from the drop-down menu of available levels. Block groups are the lowest available level of geography and provide the most accurate demographic profile. This may take a long time to process because Business Analyst will be aggregating weighted demographic information for every block group in which your customers are located. Next, choose the customer layer you want to use from the drop-down menu of customer layers displayed on your existing Business Analyst project. Once you have chosen your geography level and customer layer, click Next. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Tapestry Profile

Use this report to display your customers summarized by Tapestry segment and by Tapestry LifeMode and Urbanization groups. The Tapestry Profile report helps you better understand who your customers are and how they compare to the overall market area. The report can be sorted on a variety of data fields. By sorting on customer percentage, you can see which segments make up the largest percent of your current customers.

First, choose a target segmentation profile from an existing customer or survey profile listed in the drop-down menu. This target profile will be used to calculate the percent composition for each segment. Then choose a base segmentation profile from the drop-down menu of existing profiles. The base profile will be used to calculate the index. In most cases, the base profile you choose should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100 percent of your customers. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles, click Next. You can change how the descriptions of the target and base profiles are displayed on the Tapestry Profile by editing their names in the boxes. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Tapestry Profile with Volume

Use this report to display your customers summarized by Tapestry segment and by Tapestry LifeMode and Urbanization groups. The Tapestry Profile with Volume report helps you better understand who your customers are and how they compare to the overall market area. The report can be sorted on a variety of data fields including volumetric information such as dollars spent, sales, or number of visits. Profiles based on volumetric data can be powerful because you are applying more weight to customers who spend/visit/use more and less weight to those who don't. In a profile without volumetric data, each customer is weighted the same and none is given higher importance over another. This can make a difference if you have some customers that spend $100 and other customers that spend $10,000.

First, choose a target segmentation profile from an existing customer or survey profile listed in the drop-down menu. This target profile will be used to calculate the percent composition for each segment. Then choose a base segmentation profile from the drop-down menu of existing profiles. The base profile will be used to calculate the index. In most cases, the base profile you select should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100 percent of your customers. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles, click Next. You can change how the descriptions of the target and base profiles are displayed on the Tapestry Profile by editing their names in the boxes. Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Core Segments

Using this report helps you identify your target customers using a combination of two factors: index and percent of customers. These two factors, in different combinations, can define your Core and Developmental target groups.

The first step in creating a Core Segments report is to choose a target segmentation profile from an existing customer or survey profile listed in the drop-down menu. This target profile will be used to calculate the percent composition for each segment that will be used to determine your Core and Developmental target segments. You will then need to choose a base segmentation profile from the drop-down menu of existing profiles. The base profile will be used to calculate the index used to identify Core and Developmental target segments. In most cases, the base profile you choose should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100 percent of your customers. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles, click Next.

To identify which segments will be included in your Core and which segments will be in your Developmental target groups, set the threshold percent customer composition and threshold index. You can choose between two methods for defining Core and Developmental target groups.

Method 1—Use thresholds to define groups

The default value for the Percent composition threshold is 4 percent which means only segments that make up at least 4.0% of total customers will be included in your Core and Developmental target groups. The default value for the Index threshold is 100 which means only segments that have an index of 100 or greater will be identified as Core segments. Segments with an index less than 100 and greater than 4.0% composition will be defined as Developmental target segments.

You can also choose to set these threshold values interactively using a Game Plan chart. Click Show Game Plan Chart to display a Game Plan chart with center line values set to the current threshold values, adjust the center lines to set the desired % Composition and Index values, then click OK.

Method 2—Use existing Target group

Using this method, you can choose your Core and Developmental groups using a predefined target group. (See Create target groups for more information.) Choose the target group from the first drop-down menu. Choose your Core and Developmental groups and click Next.

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Understanding Your Profile (New)

Use this report to learn more about the lifestyles of your customers. Using the Tapestry profile of your customers or market area, a weighted index is calculated that takes into account the percent composition for each segment of your target profile as compared to the index for that segment for any specific product, service, or lifestyle characteristic from the GfK MRI survey data included with Business Analyst Premium. This report displays characteristics from a syndicated survey database for a customer or geographic profile. The report provides the expected number of adults or households, percent, and index for all variables within a survey category.

First, choose the target and base segmentation profiles from the existing customer or survey profiles listed in the drop-down menus. In most cases, the base profile you select should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100% of your customers. Next, choose a survey category. You can sort the report on expected number of adults or households and the index.

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Understanding Your Target Group (formerly Understanding Your Target Customers)

Use this report to learn more about the lifestyles of your target segments. Using the Tapestry profile of your customers, a weighted index is calculated that takes into account the percent composition for each segment of your target customers as compared to the index for that segment for any specific product, service, or lifestyle characteristic from the GfK MRI survey data included with Business Analyst Premium. You can add up to four GfK MRI groups of your choice to the report. (You must choose at least three.) Because you want to focus on the difference between the target segment groups (Core and Developmental), the calculated weighted indices are shown separately for each group. If the weighted index is above 100, your customers are more likely to purchase this product or service or have this lifestyle characteristic than the average household in the United States. The tables provide indices for the top 20 lifestyle characteristics that your Core and Developmental customers are expected to use at the highest rates sorted from high to low based on the index for your core customers.

The first step in creating this report is to choose the GfK MRI survey data groups to be displayed on the report. This could be a category that is related to your line of business. For example, if your business is a restaurant, you could add the GfK MRI restaurant category to learn more about what restaurant-related products and services your target customers are most likely to purchase or use.

The next step in creating an Understanding Your Target Group report is to choose a target segmentation profile from an existing customer or survey profile listed in the drop-down menu. This target profile is used to determine your Core and Developmental target segments and to calculate the percent weighted index for each of the survey data categories based on the Core and Developmental target segments. Choose a base segmentation profile from the drop-down menu of existing profiles. The base profile will be used to calculate the index used to identify Core and Developmental target segments. In most cases, the base profile you choose should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100% of your customers. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles, click Next.

To identify which segments will be included in your Core and which segments will be in your Developmental target groups, set the threshold percent customer composition and threshold index. You can choose between two methods for defining Core and Developmental target groups.

Method 1—Use thresholds to define groups

The default value for the percent composition threshold is 4 percent, which means only segments that make up at least 4.0% of total customers will be included in your core and developmental target groups. The default value for the index threshold is 100, which means only segments that have an index of 100 or greater will be identified as core segments. Segments with an index less than 100 and greater than 4.0% composition will be defined as developmental target segments.

You can also choose to set these threshold values interactively using a Game Plan chart. Click Show Game Plan Chart to display a Game Plan chart with center line values set to the current threshold values. Adjust the center lines to set the desired % Composition and Index values and click OK.

Method 2—Use existing target groups

Using this method, you can choose your core and developmental groups using a predefined target group. (See Creating Target Groups for more information.) Choose the target group from the first drop-down menu, choose your core and developmental groups, then click Next.

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Developing Marketing Strategies

Use this report to learn more about the media preferences of your target segments. This report helps you develop a marketing and media strategy designed to reach your target customers and more like them. Using the Tapestry profile of your customers, you are able to calculate a weighted index that takes into account the percent composition for each segment of your target customers as compared to the index for that segment for any specific media usage characteristic from the GfK MRI survey data included with Business Analyst Premium. By default, this report includes the Media Read, Listen, and Watch survey data groups. Because you want to focus on the difference between the target segment groups (core and developmental), the weighted indices for each group have been calculated separately. If the weighted index is above 100, your customers are more likely to purchase this product or service or have this lifestyle characteristic than the average household in the United States. The tables provide indices for the top 20 Media Read, Listen, and Watch characteristics that your core and developmental customers are expected to use at the highest rates sorted from high to low based on the index for your core customers.

The first step in creating a Developing Marketing Strategies report is to choose a target segmentation profile from an existing customer or survey profile listed in the drop-down menu. This target profile will be used to determine your core and developmental target segments and to calculate the percent weighted index for each of the survey data categories based on the core and developmental target groups. Then, choose a base segmentation profile from the drop-down menu of existing profiles. The base profile will be used to calculate the index used to identify core and developmental target segments. In most cases, the base profile you select should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100% of your customers. Once you have selected the desired target and base segmentation profiles, click Next.

To identify which segments will be included in your core and which segments will be in your developmental target groups, set the threshold percent customer composition and threshold index. You can choose between two methods for defining core and developmental target groups.

Method 1—Use thresholds to define groups

The default value for the percent composition threshold is 4 percent, which means only segments that make up at least 4.0% of total customers will be included in your core and developmental target groups. The default value for the index threshold is 100, which means only segments that have an index of 100 or greater will be identified as core segments. Segments with an index less than 100 and greater than 4.0% composition will be defined as developmental target segments. You can also choose to set these threshold values interactively using a Game Plan chart. Click Show Game Plan Chart to display a Game Plan chart with center line values set to the current threshold values, adjust the center lines to set the desired % Composition and Index values, then click OK.

Method 2—Use existing target groups

Using this method, you can choose your core and developmental groups using a predefined target group. (See Creating target groups for more information.) Choose the target group from the first drop-down menu. Choose your core and developmental groups. Click Next.

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Market Potential

Use this report option to measure the likely demand for a product or service for your market area by a specific geography level. You can use this report to make decisions about where to offer products and services.

First, choose the target and base segmentation profiles from the existing customer or survey profiles listed in the drop-down menus. In most cases, the base profile you choose should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100% of your customers. These profiles will be used to calculate the percent penetration. Choose either Total Households or Adults from the drop-down menu depending on the type of profiles you are using. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles and base, click Next.

Choose the geography level you want to analyze. For example, by choosing ZIP Codes, the Market Potential report displays demographic information for all ZIP Codes in your current extent. Once you have chosen the desired geography level, click Next.

Check the Create Market Potential Map check box to create a thematic map of selected geography in the current extent by one of the following variables:

  • Expected Customers—Based on the customer Tapestry profile and the Tapestry profile of the geographies selected, the estimated number of adults or households that use a particular product or service.
  • Percent Penetration—A measure of the percentage of adults or households that use a particular product or service compared to the total adults or total households in the geography.
  • Index—Measures the likelihood of adults or households in a specified area to exhibit certain consumer behavior compared to the U.S. national average. The index is tabulated to represent a value of 100 as the overall demand for the base area. A value of more than 100 represents high demand; a value of less than 100 represents low demand. For example, an index of 120 implies that demand in the trade area is likely to be 20 percent higher than the U.S. national average; an index of 85 implies demand is 15 percent lower than the national average.

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Market Potential with Volume

Use this report option to measure the likely demand for a product or service for your market area by a specific geography level. You can use this report to make decisions about where to offer products and services.

First, choose the target and base segmentation profiles from the existing customer or survey profiles listed in the drop-down menus. In most cases, the base profile you select should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100% of your customers. These profiles will be used to calculate the percent penetration. Choose either Total Households or Adults from the drop-down menu depending on the type of profiles you are using. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles and base, click Next.

Choose the geography level you want to analyze. For example, by selecting ZIP Codes, the Market Potential with Volume report displays demographic information for all ZIP Codes in your current extent. Once you have selected the desired geography level, click Next.

Check the Create Market Potential Map check box to create a thematic map of selected geography in the current extent by one of the following variables:

  • Expected Customers—Based on the customer Tapestry profile and the Tapestry profile of the geographies selected, the estimated number of adults or households that use a particular product or service.
  • Percent Penetration—A measure of the percentage of adults or households that use a particular product or service compared to the total adults or total households in the geography.
  • Index—Measures the likelihood of adults or households in a specified area to exhibit certain consumer behavior compared to the U.S. national average. The index is tabulated to represent a value of 100 as the overall demand for the base area. A value of more than 100 represents high demand; a value of less than 100 represents low demand. For example, an index of 120 implies that demand in the trade area is likely to be 20 percent higher than the U.S. national average; an index of 85 implies demand is 15 percent lower than the national average.
  • Expected Volume—Based on the expected number of adults or households that use a particular product or service, the expected dollars spent, number of visits, or other measure of volumetric information.

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.

Market Area Gap Analysis

Use this report to analyze where there are concentrations of your target segment customers and households in any market. Using this report, you can analyze a market by displaying total households, percent core households, percent developmental households, actual customers, customer penetration, expected customers, and the gap. Based on your customer profile and the Tapestry composition of the geography, Business Analyst identifies the number of customers you should expect for any geography. Then you can calculate the gap, which is the difference between actual customers minus expected customers. Geographies with large negative gap should be targeted for further marketing and expansion.

The first step in running this report is to click Customer Setup from the Business Analyst drop-down menu and choose either View Existing Customer Layer or Create New Customer Layer (See Customer setup tool for more information). Next, zoom to the market area you want to analyze. The geographies listed on this report will be based on the extent of the current map view.

First, choose a target segmentation profile from an existing customer or survey profile listed in the drop-down menu. This target profile will be used to calculate the percent composition for each segment that will be used to determine your core and developmental target segments. Then, choose a base segmentation profile from the drop-down menu of existing profiles. The base profile will be used to calculate the index used to identify core and developmental target segments. In most cases, the base profile you select should be the geographic area from where you draw close to 100% of your customers. Once you have chosen the desired target and base segmentation profiles, click Next.

To identify which segments will be included in your core and which segments will be in your developmental target groups, set the threshold percent customer composition and threshold index. You can choose between two methods for defining core and developmental target groups.

Method 1—Use thresholds to define groups

The default value for the percent composition threshold is 4 percent, which means only segments that make up at least 4.0% of total customers will be included in your core and developmental target groups. The default value for the index threshold is 100, which means only segments that have an index of 100 or greater will be identified as core segments. Segments with an index less than 100 and greater than 4.0% composition will be defined as developmental target segments.

You can also choose to set these threshold values interactively using a Game Plan chart. Click Show Game Plan Chart to display a Game Plan chart with center line values set to the current threshold values, adjust the center lines to set the desired % Composition and Index values, then click OK.

Method 2—Use existing target groups

Using this method, you can choose your core and developmental groups using a predefined target group. (See Creating target groups for more information.) Choose the target group from the first drop-down menu. Choose your core and developmental groups. Click Next.

On the Create Segmentation report wizard, choose the geography level you want to analyze. For example, by selecting ZIP Codes, the Market Area Gap Analysis report displays customer and demographic data for all ZIP Codes in your current view extent. Check the Use all features check box if you want to also display geographies that don't contain any customer records. Next, choose the customer layer you want to use from the drop-down menu of customer layers displayed in your existing Business Analyst project. If you do not have a customer layer for this analysis, you can choose <none>. Once you have chosen the desired geography level and customer layer, click Next.

Check the Create Gap Analysis Map check box to create a thematic map of selected geography in the current extent by one of the following variables:

  • Gap—The difference between actual customers and expected customers
  • Expected Customers—Based on the customer Tapestry profile and the Tapestry profile of the geographies selected, the number of customers you should expect in each geography
  • Actual Customer Households—The count of customers from the customer layer in each geography
  • Customer Household Penetration Percent—The percentage of all households that are actual customer households in the geography
  • Percent of Core Households—The percentage of all households that come from Core Tapestry segments
  • Percent of Developmental Households—The percentage of all households that come from Developmental Tapestry segments

Enter a report name and report title in the text boxes. These should be descriptive of the profiles selected to create this report.
