ArcGIS Runtime SDK 1.0 Quick Start Guide

Table of contents

System requirements

Download, extract, and install the ArcGIS Runtime SDK

Authorizing ArcGIS Runtime


More information about ArcGIS

Getting support

System requirements

Prior to installing, please review the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java and the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF system requirements.

Download, extract, and install ArcGIS Runtime SDKs


  1. To begin development of ArcGIS Runtime-based applications on Windows, you will need to install an ArcGIS Runtime SDK. There are two choices for ArcGIS Runtime development on Windows. You can install the WPF and/or Java SDKs. The different SDKs provide the necessary API reference, documentation, and samples to help you get started with ArcGIS Runtime development.
  2. ダウンロード ディレクトリの場所と ArcGIS のインストール ディレクトリの場所に対する書き込み権限があり、他のユーザがその場所にアクセスしていないことを確認します。
  3. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal. Recommended: Use the Esri Download Manager to manage your downloads.

    Esri Download Manager を使用してダウンロードする場合は、複数の製品を選択してダウンロードすることができます。ただし、ダウンロードが完了した後は、製品を一度に 1 つずつ開始する必要があります。

  4. 展開ウィザードの最初のパネルで、インストール ファイルを抽出するコンピュータ上の場所を指定することができます。設定が完了したら、[OK] をクリックします。

    *.exe ファイルを起動する(Esri Download Manager の[Launch] オプションを使用するか、ダウンロードした自己解凍型の *.exe を手動で実行する)ときに、展開場所を変更するよう選択した場合は、ファイルの展開先として一意に識別される場所を選択してください。

  5. ファイルの展開が完了すると、メッセージが表示されます。ソフトウェアを自動的にインストールするには、展開ウィザードの最後のパネルで [セットアップ プログラムを起動する] チェックボックスをオンのままにします。ソフトウェアを後でインストールする場合は、チェックボックスをオフにします。製品が展開された場所を参照して setup.exe を実行することで、いつでもソフトウェアをインストールできます。 The setup program will guide you through the installation process.

    ArcGIS ソフトウェア製品をインストールするには管理者権限が必要です。必要な権限がない場合は、システムの管理者に製品の展開場所で setup.exe を実行してソフトウェアをインストールするよう依頼します。


  1. To begin development of ArcGIS Runtime Java applications on Linux, you will need to install the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java. The Java SDK provides the necessary API references, documentation, and samples to help you get started with ArcGIS Runtime development.
  2. Make sure you have read-write-execute (rwx) access to your intended ArcGIS installation location.
  3. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal.
  4. ファイルを、gzip ファイルと tar ファイルの両方を格納する十分な領域があるディスク上の場所に保存します。
  5. gunzip the ArcGIS Runtime gzip file for Linux to get the tar file. Ensure that the last letters of the file name are .gz. Otherwise, the gunzip command will not work. At the prompt, type % gunzip <file_name>.tar.gz.
  6. % tar xvf <ファイル名>.tar」と入力し、製品の tar ファイルを展開してインストール ディレクトリを作成します。
  7. Change directory (cd) into the extracted tar file directory, and run the provided ./Setup script to install the ArcGIS Runtime Java SDK. The setup program will guide you through the installation process.

Authorizing ArcGIS Runtime


Recommended: Use an Internet connection to complete the authorization steps below. If you do not have an Internet connection for the machine on which you intend to install the software, you can authorize the software via e-mail or Web site from a separate machine with Internet access.


  1. After the ArcGIS Runtime SDK setup program completes, the Software Authorization wizard will launch automatically. Alternatively, you can launch the Software Authorization wizard by going to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > Runtime SDK > ArcGIS Runtime Tools.
  2. In the Software Authorization wizard, select the default option I have installed my software and need to authorize it.
  3. Select Authorize with ESRI now using the Internet.
  4. Enter your personal information.
  5. Enter your ArcGIS Runtime authorization number (RUSxxxxxxxxx). This information is provided to you by Esri Customer Service. If you do not have this information, contact Esri Customer Service.
  6. Click Finish after the authorization process is complete.
  7. Use the License Viewer utility to view the license strings needed for authorizing your ArcGIS Runtime applications. You can launch the License Viewer utility by going to Start > Programs > Runtime SDK > Runtime Tools.
  8. To license your application, copy the license strings from the License Viewer into the licensing section of your application's code. For more information on licensing your application, refer to the licensing documentation provided by the specific SDK you are using.


  1. After the ArcGIS Runtime SDK setup program completes, the Software Authorization wizard will launch automatically. Alternatively, you can launch the Software Authorization wizard by going to Applications > ArcGIS > Runtime SDK for Java 1.0 > Runtime Tools > Software Authorization Wizard 1.0.
  2. Select the default option I have installed my software and need to authorize it and click Next.
  3. Select Authorize with ESRI now using the Internet and click Next.
  4. Enter your personal information.
  5. Enter your ArcGIS Runtime authorization number (RUSxxxxxxxxx). This information is provided to you by Esri Customer Service. If you do not have this information, contact Esri Customer Service
  6. Click Finish after the authorization process is complete.
  7. Use the License Viewer utility to view the license strings needed for authorizing your ArcGIS Runtime applications. You can launch the License Viewer utility by running the licenseViewer script provided in the installation directory location: <install path>/arcgis/runtime/runtime_sdk/java1.0.
  8. To license your application, copy the license strings from the License Viewer into the licensing section of your application's code. For more information on licensing your application, refer to the licensing documentation provided by the specific SDK you are using.

More information about ArcGIS

More information and assistance for ArcGIS products are available via the ArcGIS Resource Center. Use the Resource Centers Web site as your portal to ArcGIS resources, such as finding out what's new at the ArcGIS Runtime SDK 1.0 release, help, forums, blogs, downloads, samples, and knowledge base articles.

Getting support

Your Esri office or distributor provides support of ArcGIS 10.1 and ArcGIS Runtime SDKs 1.0. For your Esri office or distributor's contact information, please visit
