Marker placement styles and geometric effects (Maritime Charting)

Marker placement styles determine how representation markers are placed relative to input geometry.

Geometric effects allow you to dynamically alter the geometry of features as they are drawn on your map without affecting their underlying shape or spatial relationships.

In ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop, the representation effects have been added from Esri Production Mapping into ArcGIS for Desktop. For additional information on these changes, see Representation effects added to ArcGIS for Desktop.

Marker placement styles

Input geometry

Marker placement style




Rotation on Point

Allows the marker to have a specified rotation (in addition to the marker’s angle) based on either degrees or radians using a specified direction (geographic or arithmetic and clockwise or counterclockwise). The marker is on or in relation to a point based on x-offset and y-offset.

Rotation on Point
Marker placement style available in Production Mapping

Geometric effects

Input geometry

Output geometry

Geometric effect





Line extension

Creates a dynamic line that is extended from either the beginning or the end of the line feature at a specified deflection angle and length.

Line Extension



Suppress outline

Creates a dynamic line that hides sections of line features between two sets of (representation) control points.

Suppress Outline
List of geometric effects available in Production Mapping

Representation effects added to ArcGIS for Desktop

As of ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop, the following representation effects have been added from Production Mapping into ArcGIS for Desktop.

ArcGIS for Desktop

Production Mapping extension



Line Extension

Line extension



Suppress outline

Suppress outline

Offset tangent (with Offset attribute)

Offset tangent

Offset tangent (with Offset (Tan) attribute)

Offset tangent

Clockwise (Property Marker Symbol)

Clockwise marker

Rotation on Point (replaced by Clockwise Property at 10.1)

Rotation on point

To ensure continuity and to avoid backward compatibility problems for .mxd files generated in previous versions, it is recommended that you migrate from the former Production Mapping geometric effects listed in the newly added geometric effects in ArcGIS for Desktop.

Implementing this migration will avoid the loss of rendering for layers with these properties in version 10.1 and future releases when Production Mapping will no longer have the listed geometric effects available in the extension.
