PrintMap (arcpy.mapping)


Prints a specific data frame or a map document (.mxd) layout to a printer or file


PrintMap provides the ability to print a specific data frame or a map document layout to a system printer or a print file. If a printer name is not provided, PrintMap will use the printer that is saved with the map document or will use the default system printer if the map document does not have a printer saved.

An easy way to determine the printers that are available to the local computer is to use the ListPrinterNames function.

If you want to print using ArcPress, you must set up the printer properties and save the printer with the map document.


Driver based printing is not supported on ArcGIS for Server. However, non-driver based printing is supported in web applications. For more information, see Printing in web applications.


PrintMap (map_document, {printer_name}, {data_frame}, {out_print_file}, {image_quality})
パラメータ説明データ タイプ

A variable that references a MapDocument object.


A string that represents the name of a printer on the local computer.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)


A variable that references a DataFrame object.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです PAGE_LAYOUT)


A path that includes the name of an output print file. The format created is dependent on the printer. If you are using a postscript printer, the format will be postscript, and it is recommended that a .ps extension be provided; if you are using a Windows printer, use a .prn extension.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)


A string that defines output image quality, the draw resolution of map layers that draw as rasters. Using the default value of "None" will cause the function to use the image quality saved in the map document.

  • BESTAn output image quality resample ratio of 1.
  • BETTERAn output image quality resample ratio of 2.
  • NORMALAn output image quality resample ratio of 3.
  • FASTERAn output image quality resample ratio of 4.
  • FASTESTAn output image quality resample ratio of 5.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)



PrintMap example 1

The following script prints a map using the default printer options.

import arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\Project.mxd")
PrintMap example 2

The following script prints the first data frame within a map document using a specified printer name.

import arcpy
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\Project.mxd")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
arcpy.mapping.PrintMap(mxd, r"\\olyfile\OLYCanon", df)