Setting extraction queries for product classes (Aviation)

Extraction queries allow you to determine which features are going to be included on your products. The queries that are created at the product class level of your product library control what is extracted for the products, instances, and areas of interest within the product class.

They can be defined for all or specific feature classes based on the specifications for your product class. The most common method for configuring the extraction queries is to choose a table or feature class in the Tables drop-down list and create a WHERE clause that can be applied to records in the table or feature attributes in the feature class.

Extraction queries are a set of defined filters used to limit the creation of cartographic features. Cartographic features will not be created or maintained for features not meeting these queries. Extraction queries are ignored if Use Geographic Extent is set to False on the class properties.

There are additional built-in filters that you can apply to a product class. You can also choose which series, product, or instance types are going to have features extracted, as described below:

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  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  3. If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
  4. Navigate to the product class for which you want to define extraction queries.
  5. Right-click the product class and click Extraction Settings.

    The Extraction Settings dialog box appears.

  6. Right-click in the Selections table and click Add Record.
  7. If necessary, click the Series Type cell, click the drop-down arrow that appears, then choose the series type from which you want to extract features.

    A new row appears in the table.

  8. If necessary, click the Product Type cell, click the drop-down arrow that appears, then choose the series type from which you want to extract features.
  9. If necessary, click the Instance Type cell, click the drop-down arrow that appears, then choose the instance type from which you want to extract features.
  10. If necessary, click the AOI Type cell, click the drop-down arrow that appears, then choose the area of interest type from which you want to extract features.
  11. Click the Tables cell, click the drop-down arrow that appears, then choose a table or feature class from which you want to extract features or records.
  12. Click the SQL Statement browse button.

    The Query Builder dialog box appears.

    RemarqueRemarque :

    The Add Table button is enabled if you selected a particular table instead of ALL in the Extraction Settings dialog box.

  13. Type or paste the WHERE clause you want to use with the table in the cell.
  14. Click Verify to verify your query.
  15. Click OK to close the Query Builder dialog box.
  16. Repeat the steps starting at step 6 for each extraction query you want to create.
  17. Click OK when you are finished.