Essential product library vocabulary (Aviation)


AOI stands for Area of Interest. See Area of interest.

Area of interest

A polygon feature that represents the specific geographic extent of the instance. This could be an index feature from a feature class that contains all the chart or map extents for a region or the world. Examples include a country, region, or area based on an index of map extents. Area of interest is abbreviated as AOI.

Associated batch job

A collection of database validation rules that will be applied to the production database when features are created or edited.

Learn more about batch jobs


When you check a product back into the product library, there can be occasions where there are conflicts between the properties of the map document being checked in and the values stored in the product library for the product's instance and area of interest properties.

Learn more about conflicts with the product library and how to resolve them

Data model

An Extensible Markup Language (XML) workspace document that contains the structure that can be applied to your database for the type of data or map/chart you want to create or with which you are working.

The structure is a theoretical schema constructed of feature classes and attributes used to codify real-world phenomena in a consistent fashion, such as polygons that represent states, points that represent cities, and lines that represent roads.

Nautical data model
Nautical data model

Learn more about data models

Data model version

A data model contains the structure of your database for the type of data with which you are working. When changes occur to your data model or you have a new type of data, a new version of the data model should be created. Many tools that interact with product library use the data model version set as the default data model version to determine how they should behave.

Extraction query

A SQL statement Where clause that allows you to determine which features are extracted into products, instances, or areas of interest that are going to be included on your products. Extraction queries are only available with ArcGIS for Maritime : Création de diagrammes and ArcGIS for Aviation : Création de diagrammes.

Field configurations

Define custom Production Mapping properties about your fields. This includes how the field is displayed in tool dialog boxes and windows, such as Feature Manager, what type of control is used to edit the field, or if the field is considered feature-level metadata. Field configuration can also be used to determine which attributes will be used when dissolving features with the Production Dissolve tool and how the other attributes will be populated. Field configurations are created using the Manage Field Configurations command, which can be accessed from the Product Library window.


A geographic extent on a product. An instance is associated with a data frame on the map document. A product can have one or more instances on it, which means it can also have more than one data frame (one for each instance). The instance can contain the main map data or be used as an inset.


One of the individual maps, charts, or cells of geographic data being created (the map document, or .mxd file). Products are the primary deliverable from the production system. They are represented as individual map documents and the data they display. A product is part of both a product class and series and can consist of one or more product instances.

Product class

A type of geographic product designed for a particular use, typically unique types of maps, charts, or digital data that share common properties.

Examples include Topographic Line Maps (TLMs), AP1B, and Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs).

The complete grouping of all individual products that fulfill a single navigation/orientation purpose. All products within a class share rules and features that define how and what type of data will be produced to meet the defined specific navigation/orientation need. Product classes are made up of one or more series.

Product class version

A product class is a type of geographic product designed for a particular use. A product class version includes changes that occurred to the product class or to the data that is used to create a product. Many tools that interact with the product library use the product class version that is set as the default product class version to determine how they should behave.

RemarqueRemarque :

At 10.1, you cannot create new product class versions; only existing ones can be used.

Production database

A production database contains the data you are using for production tasks such as creating and updating features. Depending on the data model you are using, data in a production database can be used to create a digital or hard-copy map or chart or a specific type of data.

Product library

Geodatabase that allows multiuser environments to centralize information and behavior for cartographic and digital data production. Production business rules, documents, and spatial information are stored inside the product library, allowing an organization to enforce and standardize production. Data model information, data validation rules, geographic extents, symbology rules, and map documents can all be managed inside the product library as examples of production business rules.

A product library can also contain the data for production and be a production database. When this is the case, the geodatabase contains tables from the schema of a product library and production database.


A subgrouping of a product class based on a common geographic area or presentation style. A series is useful for subdividing product classes that have a large number of products. Some common geographic series can be based on a state, country, or any part thereof. A series could also be defined based on appearance such as a common page size or layout for a product class that produces maps.


The name of the specific projects or industry grouping that corresponds with the products being created. This could also match the name of one of the Solutions Esri Mapping and Charting that is installed or a project.

XML workspace

The XML document that can be imported into a geodatabase. It contains one or more geodatabase feature datasets, feature classes, and tables. It can include schema and data or just the schema.

Learn more about a geodatabase XML
