+++Areal Interpolation Layer To Polygons (Geostatisical Analyst)

Niveau de licence :BasicStandardAdvanced


Regroupe les prévisions d'une couche d'interpolation surfacique dans un nouvel ensemble de polygones.



ArealInterpolationLayerToPolygons_ga (in_areal_interpolation_layer, in_polygon_features, out_feature_class, {append_all_fields})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

Input geostatistical layer resulting from an Areal Interpolation model.

Geostatistical Layer

The polygons where predictions and standard errors will be aggregated.

Feature Layer

The output feature class containing the aggregated predictions and standard errors for the new polygons.

Feature Class

Determines whether all fields will be copied from the input features to the output feature class.

  • ALL All fields from the input features will be copied to the output feature class. This is the default.
  • FID_ONLY Only FID will be copied, and it will be named Source_ID on the output feature class.

Exemple de code

Exemple 1 d'utilisation de l'outil ArealInterpolationLayerToPolygons (fenêtre Python)

Regroupez les prévisions d'interpolation surfacique sur un nouvel ensemble de polygones.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/gapyexamples/data"
Exemple 2 d'utilisation de l'outil ArealInterpolationLayerToPolygons (script autonome)

Regroupez les prévisions d'interpolation surfacique sur un nouvel ensemble de polygones.

# Name: ArealInterpolationLayerToPolygons_Example_02.py
# Description: Averages (in the case of Gaussian data) or aggregates (in the cases of Binomial or Poisson)
#    the predictions of an Areal Interpolation layer to a new set of polygons.
# Requirements: Geostatistical Analyst Extension
# Author: Esri

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/gapyexamples/data"

# Set local variables
inArealInterpolationLayer = "C:/gapyexamples/data/AI_layer.lyr"
inPolygonFeatures = "C:/gapyexamples/data/new_polys.shp"
outFeatureClass = "C:/gapyexamples/output/aiout.shp"
appendAllFields = "FID_ONLY"

# Check out the ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extension license

# Execute ArealInterpolationLayerToPolygons
arcpy.ArealInterpolationLayerToPolygons_ga(inArealInterpolationLayer, inPolygonFeatures, outFeatureClass, appendAllFields)


Thèmes connexes

Informations de licence

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Requis Geostatistical Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requis Geostatistical Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requis Geostatistical Analyst