Set CAD Alias (Conversion)

Niveau de licence :BasicStandardAdvanced


Renames one or more existing field name aliases by matching columns from the input table with a list of CAD-specific fields with the appropriate name recognized by the Export To CAD tool.

HéritageHéritage :

This is a deprecated tool. To learn more about how this tool works click here. This functionality can be accomplished using Add_Field and making simple field calculations.



SetCADAlias_conversion (input_table, field_info)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The feature class, feature layer, table, or table view to which you would like to assign CAD-specific field name aliases.

Table View

Field info relating a list of aliases matched to the list of existing fields in the input table.

Field Info

Exemple de code

# Name:
# Description: create aliases
# Author: ESRI

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set workspace
env.workspace = "c:/Workspace/network.mdb"

arcpy.toolbox = "conversion"
arcpy.setcadalias  ("primary_roads", "area area; name layer")


Informations de licence

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Oui
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Oui
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Oui