Export Data And Territories (Territory Design)

Nivel de licencia:BasicStandardAdvanced


Exports a Territory Database and Alignment Layer records to an external feature class.

Exporting a territory alignment layer is helpful, especially if you have joined attributes from another database.



ExportDataAndTerritories_td (in_territory_solution_layer, out_feature_class, {in_fields}, {in_geometry_type})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The Territory Solution layer whose data is to be exported.

GP TD Layer

The type of Feature Class to which the Territories are exported.


The Fields to export.

GP Value Table

The type of output geometry.

  • MULTIPOINT Only applicable for Territory Solutions based on a point Alignment Layer
  • POLYGON Feature geometries will be exported if the Solution's Alignment Layer is an polygon layer; background polygons will be exported if the Solution's Alignment Layer is an point layer

Ejemplo de código

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use Business Analyst geoprocessing tool in immediate mode.

import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.ExportDataAndTerritories_TD("new layer", "C:/Temp/data.shp", "AREA;TOTPOP_CY", "POLYGON")

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the tool.

# Import system modules
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

# Set local variables
solution = "new layer"
featureclass = "C:/Temp/data.shp"
fields = "AREA;TOTPOP_CY"
geometry = "POLYGON"

# Execute tool
gp.ExportDataAndTerritories_td(solution, featureclass, fields, geometry)


Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Temas relacionados

Información sobre licencias

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst