About constructing parcels

Este tema se aplica a ArcGIS for Desktop Standard y ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced exclusivamente.

Parcels can be created using the parcel traverse tool or built from a network of construction lines.

The parcel traverse works with one parcel at a time, where lines are entered separately for each individual parcel. Parcel construction works with a network of lines where many parcels can be built from closed loops. Once construction lines have been created or pasted, parcels can be built from the line work by clicking the Build Parcels tool Crear en la estructura on the Parcel Details dialog box. Any dangling lines are automatically set to dependent lines unless another valid category has already been set for the line, for example, a connection line.

Build parcels from construction lines
Build parcels from construction lines.

Parcel construction is useful for copying and pasting line work representing parcel boundaries such as CAD files.

Creating parcel construction lines

To open the parcel construction environment, open the Plan Directory dialog box, right-click the plan in which you want to construct parcels and click Construction.

You can also convert any unjoined parcels to a set of construction lines in the parcel construction environment. In the Parcel Explorer window, right-click an unjoined parcel and click Construction.

You can use any of the following methods to create parcel construction lines:

Digitizing lines

You can digitize straight lines in a freehand approach in the parcel construction environment. As each line is added, the dimensions are computed from the line geometry and are populated in the Construction grid on the Parcel Details dialog box.

To begin digitizing construction lines, open the parcel construction environment, right-click the map using the Construction tool Construcción and click Digitize Mode. Click Keep Changes on the Parcel Details dialog box to save your construction lines as an unjoined construction, or click Build Parcels to build new parcels and join them to the parcel fabric.

Entering lines

You can traverse construction lines by entering a sequential set of dimensions in the Construction grid on the Parcel Details dialog box. You can traverse in any number of construction lines in the construction line grid; however, you cannot generate misclose information like you can in the parcel traverse grid, as you are not working with an individual parcel. The purpose of the construction line grid is to store a network of construction lines from which parcels can be generated.

To enter construction lines, open the parcel construction environment. Using the Construction tool Construcción click anywhere in the map to place the starting point of your first construction line. Enter dimensions in the Construction grid on the Parcel Details dialog box. Click Keep Changes on the Parcel Details dialog box to save your construction lines as an unjoined construction, or click Build Parcels to build new parcels and join them to the parcel fabric.

Pasting lines from an external data source

You can copy lines from an external source, such as a feature class, and paste the lines into the parcel construction environment. This is an easy way of bringing CAD line work into the parcel construction environment. When copying lines from an external source, ensure the lines are planarized. Planarized lines are split at their points of intersection (in other words, there are always nodes at points of intersection). Lines that are pasted into the construction environment are automatically planarized for you. You can also planarize lines before copying and pasting them into the construction environment by using the Planarize tool Planarizar líneas on the Topology toolbar.

Learn more about pasting lines as construction lines

Creating parallel offset lines

You can add new construction lines that are parallel to existing construction lines or parcel lines using the Create Parallel Offset tool. To create a parallel offset line, right-click a construction line and click Create Parallel Offset.


You can create parallel offset lines from parcel lines when splitting parcels using the Construct From Parentcommand.

Creating lines using an internal angle and a distance

You can create construction lines that are deflected off an existing construction line or parcel line at a specified angle and length using Angle/Length. To create a line using a deflection angle and a length, right-click a line with an endpoint that is the same as the starting point of your construction line and click Angle/Length. This tool would typically be used when splitting parcels that are created using internal angles instead of bearings.

Adding segmented construction lines

The Segmented Line tool Segmentación de línea located on the Parcel Details dialog box can be used to add construction lines that are already segmented or split with a specified number of segments.

To create a segmented construction line, click the Segmented Line tool Segmentación de línea and click the starting point of the construction line. Right-click and enter the number of segments to add to the construction line on the Enter the number of segments dialog box. You can also simply type the number of segments with the Segmented Line tool Segmentación de línea tool active.

Creating construction lines using COGO tools

COGO tools are available for adding construction lines. For example, construction lines can be added using tools such as Delta X,Y and distance-distance intersection.

Building parcels from construction lines

Parcels can be built from construction lines by clicking the Build Parcels tool Crear en la estructura located on the Parcel Details dialog box. The build process generates new parcels from each closed loop detected in your construction lines. You can also choose whether to flag any parent parcels as historic or to keep all parcels current by clicking the Build Parcels arrow and clicking Build and mark Historic or Build and keep all Current. For example if you are splitting an existing parcel using construction lines, you would chose the Build and mark Historic build option.

If the build process detects construction lines that are not part of a closed loop, for example, dangling lines, the build process will keep the dangling lines as attached, dependent lines.

Build parcels with dangling lines
Build parcels with dangling lines.


When building parcels, any adjacent line segments that lie within an angle tolerance of 36 seconds or a radial tolerance of 1 millimeter for curved lines, are merged into single lines. This ensures that parcel backlot lines are preserved as single, straight lines when adjacent parcel corner points lie on top of the line.

Planarizing construction lines

When building parcels from construction lines, the build process requires that each construction line be a single line between two construction points. Lines that intersect need to have a construction point at their point of intersection. In other words, construction lines need to be planarized. Planarized lines are split at their points of intersection.

When lines are pasted into parcel construction, they are automatically planarized during the paste process. For example, in CAD files, lines are often not planarized, and when these lines are pasted as parcel construction lines, they are automatically planarized for you.

Copying and pasting unplanarized CAD lines
Copying and pasting unplanarized CAD lines

Planarized construction lines
Planarized construction lines

Construction lines need to be manually planarized if they intersect without a construction point. To planarize construction lines, click Planarize Lines Planarizar on the Parcel Details dialog box.

Planarize construction lines
Planarized construction lines

When snapping the end point of a construction line to another line, a construction point is automatically added to split the line.

Snap to line to add a construction point
