Manage Edits task

The Manage Edits task allows you to inspect the features that have been added (collected), modified, or deleted. You can perform various operations to edited features such as viewing it or cancelling the edits. See the table below for the supported operations for each edit state.


Added features

Modified features

Deleted features

View the feature on map




View attributes and attachments



Yes (Windows Mobile device only)

Edit attributes and attachments




Delete the feature




Cancel the edits




Add to work list

Yes (Windows device only)

Yes (Windows device only)

Yes (Windows device only)

Using Manage Edits task in a Windows Mobile device

  1. Open your mobile project (see Opening/Closing/Deleting projects for details).
  2. The Task List page appears. Tap Manage Edits.

    The Updates page appears and lists the edited features.

  3. You can sort the features or filter them by tapping Menu > Sort By or Menu > Filter.
  4. To browse or edit a feature, tap it to see the available operations:
    • Tap View Feature to view the feature's attributes. When the View Attributes page appears you can tap Edit at the bottom right to edit its attributes (see Updating features using Windows Mobile device for details), or tap Back to return to the Updates page.
    • Tap Edit Feature to update the feature (see Updating features using Windows Mobile device for details).
    • Tap Browse On Map to see the feature at the center of the Browse Updates page. As shown in the image below, if the feature is a point, it will be marked by a blue pin. If it's a polyline or polygon, it will be highlighted in cyan. Note that on the bar near the bottom of the page, you can tap the carets (< >) to switch to other edited features. You can also tap Done to return to the Updates page, or tap Menu for more operations.
      Browse update on map
    • Tap Delete Feature to delete the feature.
    • Tap Cancel Edits to roll back the edits.
    • Tap Cancel to return to the Updates page.

Using Manage Edits task in a Windows device

  1. Open your mobile project (see Opening/Closing/Deleting projects for details).
  2. The View Map page appears. Tap Tasks > Manage Edits.

    If there are edits in your project, you will see the edit count next to the Manage Edits button.

    The View Updates page appears. The features are rendered on the map and are listed on the Features Updated list on the left pane. Tap each feature on the list, and it will be highlighted on the map in orange with a red outline.

  3. On the View Updates page you can sort or filter the features by tapping Menu > Sort Features or Menu > Filter Features. If you want to add all edits to the work list, tap Menu > Add All to Work List.
  4. To view a feature's attributes or attachments, tap the Attributes tab or Attachment tabs respectively. If the feature is deleted, these two tabs will be blank.
  5. To edit a feature or add it to the work list, tap the feature on the Features Updated list, then tap the Show feature's available operations button.
    • Tap Edit Attributes or Manage Attachments to update the feature's attributes or attachments (see Collecting features using Windows device for details).
    • Tap Cancel Edits to roll back the edits.
    • Tap Delete Feature to delete the feature.
    • Tap Add to Work List to add the feature to the work list.