MapGraphicLayer Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WinForms Namespace : MapGraphicLayer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by MapGraphicLayer.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorMapGraphicLayer Constructor Provides abstract class initialization.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyDefaultPointSymbol Gets or sets the default symbol for point graphics added to the selection graphic layer.  
Public PropertyDefaultPolygonSymbol Gets or sets the default symbol for polygon graphics added to the selection graphic layer.  
Public PropertyDefaultPolylineSymbol Gets or sets the default symbol for polyline graphics added to the selection graphic layer.  
Public PropertyDefaultSymbol Gets or sets the default graphic symbol.  
Public PropertyGraphics Gets the collection of MapGraphics  
Public PropertyLayerName Gets or sets the MapGraphicLayer name.  
Public PropertyMap Gets the associated Map. Returns null if this MapGaphicLayer has not yet been attached to a Map control.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets the visibility of the MapGraphicLayer.  

Public Methods

Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  Disposes the instance.  
Public MethodRefresh Forces a redraw of the layer.  
Public MethodToStringOverridden.  Returns a String that represents the current Object.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodDraw Invoked by the Map Control during the drawing phase. Implementers must verify if MapSurface.DrawAuthorized is true, if not the Draw method should return as soon as possible to free the Drawing process.  
Protected MethodOnDataChanged Informed the Map the MapLayer data have changed.  
Protected MethodOnGraphicsListChanged Invoked when the graphic collection has changed.  
Protected MethodOnMapChanging Invoked when the Map is attached or Detached from the MapGraphicLayer.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged Raises the PropertyChanged event.  

Public Events

Public EventDataChangedOccurs when the MapLayer data has changed.  
Public EventPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes.  

See Also

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