ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WinForms Namespace
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ClassAddVertexSketchTool Sketch Tool that uses mouse and key events to add a vertex on the sketch.
ClassDeleteVertexSketchTool Sketch Tool that uses mouse and key events to delete a vertex on the sketch.
ClassDragRectangleMapAction MapAction that allows you to drag a rectangle on the map.
ClassInsertVertexSketchTool Sketch Tool that uses mouse and key events to insert/move a vertex on the sketch.
ClassMap Represents a collection of geographic, annotation, and graphic layers drawn using a map transformation.
ClassMapAction Abstract class for map interaction.
ClassMapActionStatusChangedEventArgs Provides data for MapActionStateChanged event using StatusID. See the MapAction members for a list of values.
ClassMapGraphic Class defining a graphic object used for rendering on a MapGraphicLayer
ClassMapGraphicLayer MapGraphicLayer is a layer rendered by the Map control after all MapLayers and Annotation layers have been rendered.
ClassMapGraphicLayerCollection Collection used by the Map control to hold the list of MapGraphicLayer.
ClassMapPaintEventArgs MapPaintEventArgs is used by the Map Paint event. It contains the MapSurface and Graphics objects. Both MapSurface and Graphics objects should be used but not hold by the client. These objects are disposed by the Map when necessary. Both Graphics and MapSurface objects can be used to draw on the Map. Graphics is using System.Drawing library and works in screen units. MapSurface is using map units.
ClassMoveVertexSketchTool Sketch Tool that uses mouse and key events to move a vertex on the sketch.
ClassPanMapAction Pans the Map.
ClassScaleBar ScaleBar base class.
ClassSelectionMapAction Allows you to select features on Map by a point, envelope, or polygon.
ClassSketchEventArgs EventArgs used by the sketch for finish part and finish sketch events.
ClassSketchGraphicLayer Used to sketch new or existing geometry.
ClassSketchTool Base class for sketch operation classes.
ClassZoomInMapAction Zooms the map in.
ClassZoomInOutMapAction Zooms the map In and Out.
ClassZoomOutMapAction Zooms Out the Map.


InterfaceIMapWinFormsEvents IMap Windows Events


EnumerationScaleBarDisplayPosition ScaleBar's alignments.
EnumerationScaleBarLabelPosition Units label vertical position on the ScaleBar.
EnumerationSelectionType Specifies the desired type of Selection.

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