DeleteVertexSketchTool Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events Send Feedback
ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WinForms Namespace : DeleteVertexSketchTool Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DeleteVertexSketchTool.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorDeleteVertexSketchTool Constructor Creates a new instance of DeleteVertexSketchTool class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyActionInProgress Indicates if an action is in progress. (Inherited from MapAction)
Public PropertyActive Indicates if the MapAction is active. When active the MapAction is receiving Map input events. (Inherited from MapAction)
Public PropertyFeedbackCoordinate Gets the feedback coordinate for the construction module. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyFeedbackHaloColor Gets or sets the halo text color. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyFeedbackLineSymbol Gets or sets the part symbol. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyFeedbackTextColor Gets or sets the text color. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyFeedbackToleranceSymbol Gets or sets the feedback symbol for the tolerance. If the symbol contains VertexPaintOperations, it will set the symbol size to the tolerance. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyFeedbackVertexSymbol Gets or sets the feedback symbol for the vertex. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyFont Gets or sets the font use by text displayed by the SketchTool. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertyMapGets or sets the map associated with this MapAction. (Inherited from MapAction)
Public PropertySketchGraphicLayer Gets/Sets the SketchMapAction (Inherited from SketchTool)
Public PropertySketchToolName The visible name. (Inherited from SketchTool)

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyCanDrawFeedback Indicates if all the conditions are reunited for the sketch tool to draw a feedback. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected PropertyGeometry Gets the target geometry. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected PropertyIsValid Indicates if the sketch tool is valid, the Map is defined and valid, and the Sketch is defined. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected PropertySnappingEnvironment The sketch Snapping Environment. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected PropertySnappingEnvironmentActive Returns true if the snapping environment is defined in the SketchMapAction. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected PropertyUseSnappingEnvironment Indicates if the sketch tool should use the snap environment. (Inherited from SketchTool)

Public Methods

Public MethodCancelCancels the map action, the map action will return to its initial state. (Inherited from MapAction)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources. (Inherited from SketchTool)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodDrawFeedback Draws the feedback lines on the sketch. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected MethodGetFirstAnchorCoordinateOverridden.  Gets the first anchor point coordinate for the feedback.  
Protected MethodGetSecondAnchorCoordinateOverridden.  Gets the second anchor point coordinate for the feedback.  
Protected MethodInvalidateMap Invalidates the Map attached to the sketch for the feedback position. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected MethodOnActiveChanged Invoked when the Active property is set by the Map. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected MethodOnActiveChangingInvoked when the Active property is about to change, raises StatusChanged event. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodOnMapDoubleClick Method invoked when the attached map raises the DoubleClick event. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodOnMapKeyDownOverridden.  Method invoked when the attached map raises the OnKeyDown event.  
Protected MethodOnMapKeyPress Method invoked when the attached map raises the KeyPress event. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodOnMapKeyUp Method invoked when the attached map raises the KeyUp event. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodOnMapMouseDoubleClick Method invoked when the attached map raises the MouseDoubleClick event. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodOnMapMouseDownOverridden.  Method invoked when the attached map raises the MouseDown event.  
Protected MethodOnMapMouseMoveOverridden.  Method invoked when the attached map raises the MouseMove event.  
Protected MethodOnMapMouseUpOverridden.  Method invoked when the attached map raises the MouseUp event.  
Protected MethodOnMapMouseWheel Method invoked when the attached map raises the MouseWheel event. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodOnMapPaintOverridden.  Methods called on Map Paint event.  
Protected MethodOnSetMap Invoked when the Map is set on the MapAction. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected MethodOnSketchSet Invoked when the sketch map action is attached to the SketchConstructionModule. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected MethodOnStatusChanged Raises the MapActionStatusChanged event with the given statusId. (Inherited from MapAction)
Protected MethodResetFeedbackCoordinate Reset the FeedbackCoordinate to it default value. (Inherited from SketchTool)
Protected MethodSnapToNearestVertex Finds the nearest vertex in the geometry (Inherited from SketchTool)

Public Events

Public EventStatusChanged Occurs when the MapAction state has changed. (Inherited from MapAction)

See Also

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