SingleColorMapLayer Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile Namespace : SingleColorMapLayer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by SingleColorMapLayer.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorSingleColorMapLayer Constructor Create's a new instance of SingleColorMapLayer with default color Gray and Transparency set to 80 percentage  

Public Properties

Public PropertyColor Gets or Sets the color of this layer  
Public PropertyFullExtentOverridden.  Get Extent  
Public PropertyInitialExtent Gets the MapLayer initial extent. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertyMap Gets the Map that owns the MapLayer (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertyMaxScaleThe maximum scale this Maplayer will render at. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertyMinScaleThe minimum scale this Maplayer will render at. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the MapLayer name. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertyOpacity The value of the Opacity property is expressed as a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The default value is 1.0. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertySpatialReferenceOverridden. Gets the data source's spatial reference.  
Public PropertySupportPartialRedraw Indicates if the MapLayer supports partial redraw. This property is consumed by the Map. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets the visibility flag for the MapLayer. (Inherited from MapLayer)

Public Methods

Public MethodInScaleRangeReturns true if the MapLayer is visible at the specified scale. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public MethodToStringReturns the name of the MapLayer in Map control. (Inherited from MapLayer)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodDispose Dispose the object. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Protected MethodDraw Invoked by the Map during a drawing process. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Protected MethodFinalize Finalizes the object. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Protected MethodOnDataChanged Informed the Map the MapLayer data have changed. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Protected MethodOnMapChangingOverridden.  Invoked when the MapLayer is attached or detached from a Map.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged Raises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Protected MethodRaiseDataSynchronizationFinished Indicates the Map that data synchronization finished for this MapLayer. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Protected MethodRaiseDataSynchronizationStarted Indicates the Map that data synchronization started for this MapLayer. (Inherited from MapLayer)

Public Events

Public EventDataChangedOccurs when the MapLayer Data has changed. (Inherited from MapLayer)
Public EventPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from MapLayer)

See Also

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