ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback


ClassDataChangedEventArgs Special implementation of EventArgs that contains data changed information.
ClassMapLayer Representation of Layer exposed to the user via MapLayers collection in Map.
ClassMapLayerCollection Represents a collection of MapLayers accessible from Map.
ClassMapMouseEventArgs Event arguments passed by the map mouse events.
ClassMapSurface Wraps a Graphics instance and provide additional methods and properties to draw on the Graphics using Map coordinates.
ClassMetricUnitLabels Metric unit label system implementation.
ClassScaleBarUnitLabels Defines the base class for ScaleBar's Unit labels.
ClassSingleColorMapLayer SingleColor MapLayer class. Used for applying tinting between map layers
ClassUSCustomaryUnitLabels U.S. Customary unit label system implementation.
ClassWindowsExceptionHelper Helper class to work with Win 32 errors.


InterfaceIMap Interface for Map Control
InterfaceIMapEvents Map Events Interface


StructureGlobalId Structure that represent a Geodatabase GlobalId value (Used to guarantee the uniqueness of rows).
StructureTextSize Size struct used to return size in Map units of Text.


EnumerationScaleBarUnitSystem Units systems.
EnumerationSnapToleranceUnits Options for Snap Tolerance Units
EnumerationTextAlignment Text alignment enumeration for the MapSurface.DrawText method.

See Also

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