IMap Interface Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Send Feedback
ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile Namespace : IMap Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IMap.

Public Properties

 PropertyBackColor Gets or sets the background color for the Map.  
 PropertyDrawingEnabled Returns true if the drawing is enabled.  
 PropertyExtent Gets or sets the map extent  
 PropertyFullExtentGets or sets the full extent of the map as defined in its data source.  
 PropertyInvokeRequired Gets a value indicating whether the caller must call an invoke method when making method calls to the control because the caller is on a different thread than the one the control was created on.  
 PropertyIsValid Map Is valid  
 PropertyMapLayers Map Layers  
 PropertyRotatedExtent Gets the rotated extent of the map  
 PropertyRotationAngle Map Rotation Angle  
 PropertyScale Map Scale  
 PropertySnappingEnvironment Gets the SnappingEnvironment that's associated with current map.  
 PropertySpatialReference Spatial Reference  
 PropertyUnit Gets the map unit.  

Public Methods

 MethodCenterAtCenters the map at the specified location.  
 MethodDisableDrawing Disables the map drawing. This method is using an internal counter for the number of requests for disabling or enabling the drawing (see EnableDrawing).  
 MethodEnableDrawing Enables the map drawing. This is method is using a internal counter for the number of request for disabling or enabling the drawing. Only when there is no more request that the actual drawing is re-enabled (see DisableDrawing).  
 MethodGetMapDrawingCancelReference Returns the IntPtr to the bool indicating if the drawing has been cancelled. This method is used by MapLayer implementers if they are using native drawing for their MapLayer.  
 MethodGetRedrawRectangles Returns an array of 2 rectangles that needs to be redrawn on the client. any Cutson Map layers that handles thier own rendering should use this method to find out the regions to redraw.The second rectangle may be empty if the region to be drawn is the entire client area.  
 MethodInvoke Executes the specified delegate synchronously at the specified priority on the thread on which the GUI thread is associated with.  

See Also

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