IMapEvents Interface Members
See Also  Events Send Feedback
ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile Namespace : IMapEvents Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IMapEvents.

Public Events

 EventDataSynchronizationFinished Occurs when all the map layers synchronizing data are finished. Use by map layers that work with online data.  
 EventDataSynchronizationStarted Occurs when a map layer has informed the map that a data synchronization activity has started. Use by map layers that work with online data.  
 EventExtentChanged Occurs if the extent of the map changes.  
 EventIsValidChanged Occurs when the property IsValid has changed.  
 EventLayersDrawingCompleted Occurs when the map component has completed rendering the layers in its MapLayers collection.  
 EventLayersDrawingStarted Occurs when the map component starts drawing the layers in its MapLayers collection.  
 EventMapLayerCollectionChanged Occurs when the collection of MapLayer has changed (visibility, number of layers, layer substitution).  
 EventRotationAngleChangedOccurs when the map's rotation angle has changed.  

See Also

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