GlobalId Structure Members
See Also  Fields  Methods  Send Feedback
ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile Namespace : GlobalId Structure

The following tables list the members exposed by GlobalId.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorGlobalId ConstructorOverloaded.  Initializes a new instance of the GlobalId class using the value represented by the specified string.  

Public Fields

Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Empty A read-only instance of the GlobalId class whose value is guaranteed to be all zeroes.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCompareToOverloaded.  Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values.  
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded.  Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified GlobalId object represent the same value.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeOverridden.  Overridden. Returns the hash code for this instance.  
Public MethodGetSchema This property is reserved, apply the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute to the class instead.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)NewGlobalId Initializes a new instance of the Guid class.  
Public MethodReadXml Generates an object from its XML representation.  
Public MethodToByteArray Returns a 16-element byte array that contains the value of this instance.  
Public MethodToStringOverloaded.  Returns a String representation of the value of this Guid instance, according to the provided format specifier.  
Public MethodWriteXml Converts an object into its XML representation.  

Public Operators

Public Operator Equality == operator.
Public Operator Greater Than Greater than operator.
Public Operator Inequality != operator.
Public Operator Less Than less than operator.

See Also

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