Base Type: NAServerSolverParams
A class that describes the default properties on an origin-destination cost matrix network analysis layer and is used to set the input properties that are used by the Solve method to perform network analysis.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Barriers |
NAServerLocations |
The input locations to load as point barriers to restrict traversability during analysis. |
DefaultCutoff |
object |
The default cutoff to limit how far to search for destinations from each origin. |
DefaultTargetDestinationCount |
object |
The default number of destinations to find from each origin. If not specified, it will find all of them. |
Destinations |
NAServerLocations |
The input locations to load as destinations. |
MatrixResultType |
esriNAODCostMatrixType |
The type of ODMatrix to compute. Valid values include none, full, or update. |
Origins |
NAServerLocations |
The input locations to load as origins. |
OutputLines |
esriNAOutputLineType |
The type of lines to generate. Valid values include straight lines, or no lines. If you are not returning ODLines, set this to none for better performance. |
PolygonBarriers |
NAServerLocations |
The input locations to load as polygon barriers to restrict traversability or scale cost during analysis. |
PolylineBarriers |
NAServerLocations |
The input locations to load as line barriers to restrict traversability or scale cost during analysis. |
PopulateODLines |
bool |
Indicates if you want to populate the ODLines class. If ReturnODLines is false, you should set this to false as well. |
ReturnBarriers |
bool |
Indicates if the point barriers used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnDestinations |
bool |
Indicates if the destinations used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnODLines |
bool |
Indicates if the origin-destination line features should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnODMatrix |
bool |
Indicates if the ODMatrix result object should be populated and returned. |
ReturnOrigins |
bool |
Indicates if the origins used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnPolygonBarriers |
bool |
Indicates if the polygon barriers used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnPolygonBarriersSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if ReturnPolygonBarriers is specified. |
ReturnPolylineBarriers |
bool |
Indicates if the polyline barriers used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnPolylineBarriersSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if ReturnPolylineBarriers is specified. |
TimeOfDay | dateTime | Indicates start time from Origins. |
TimeOfDayUsage | Indicates how TimeOfDay value will be used during the analysis. Only the "esriNATimeOfDayNotUsed" and "esriNATimeOfDayUseAsStartTime" values are supported by the OD Cost Matrix solver. |
You cannot set return both the ODLines and the ODMatrix. If you want to return the ODLines, ReturnODLines should be set to true, MatrixResultType must be set to esriNAODCostMatrixNone and ReturnODMatrix must be set to false. If you want to return the ODMatrix, ReturnODMatrix should be set to true, OutputLines must be set to esriNAOutputLineNone, and PopulateODLines and ReturnODLines must all be set to false.