The attribute table
The bottom panel of the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight displays a table of records of the selected layer's dataset. Only layers rendered on the client will have records to populate this table. This includes feature layers, SharePoint list layers, graphics layers, and geoRSS layers.
For more information on the different layer types, see Layer types.
If a uniform resource locator (URL) exists as a field value in your service, the Application Builder shows the field as a hyperlink in Pop-Up windows, but as a text string in the Attribute Table.
Open the attribute table
Click the Attribute Table button on the Main toolbar in the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight to display the Attribute table for the selected layer:
Configure the attribute table
The attribute table can be configured to display specified fields and alias names for layers. For instructions on how to configure this table, see Configuring fields in the attribute table.
Configure the appearance of the attribute table
For instructions on how to configure the appearance of the attribute table, see Application layout and theme.
Select layer features using the attribute table
For instructions on how to use the attribute table to select specific layer features on the map, see Selecting features.