Single symbol rendering

Single symbol rendering can be used to symbolize layers that allow configuration of symbology. For more information on the different layer types and their capabilities, see Layer types. Features in layers that have single symbol rendering applied will all be displayed on the map with the same symbol.

Configuring single symbol rendering

The Application Builder makes it simple to apply a single symbol to a layer. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the desired layer on the Configure Layers panel.
  2. Right-click the layer and click Configure. Alternatively, click the Configure button at the bottom of the panel:
    Configure layer
  3. On the resulting panel, click Symbology to view the configuration options:
    Symbology menu
  4. Configure single symbol rendering:
    • Select a symbol by clicking the drop-down button on the right side of the Symbology menu to open the symbol picker. To change the symbol gallery shown, expand the drop-down menu at the top of the symbol picker and choose a gallery:
      Gallery menu with Standard gallery selected
      For more information about symbol galleries, see Symbol galleries.
    • To apply a symbol to the layer, choose the desired symbol from those shown in the symbol picker:
      Selected symbol

Changing symbol size

The buttons under the Size label can be used to change the size of the selected layer's symbol. The buttons that are enabled and the effect of each vary depending on the geometry type of features in the selected layer. The variations are described in this section.

  • Points—For layers that contain point features, the size buttons with point icons are enabled. These can be used to manipulate the size (that is, width and height) of the point symbol. Click the Increase Symbol Size button to increase the size of the symbol, and click the Decrease Symbol Size button to decrease the size of the symbol.
  • Lines—For layers that have linear features, the size buttons with linear icons are enabled. These can be used to manipulate the width of the line symbol. Click the Increase Symbol Border Width button to increase the width of the line symbol, and click the Decrease Symbol Border Width button to decrease the width of the line symbol.
  • Polygons—For layers with polygon features, the two size buttons with linear icons are enabled. These can be used to manipulate the border width of the polygon symbol. Click the Increase Symbol Border Width button to increase the width of the symbol's borders, and click the Decrease Symbol Border Width button to decrease the width of the symbol's borders.

Changing symbol color

The buttons under the Color label on the Symbols tab of the ribbon allow you to specify the color or colors of the selected layer's symbol. Clicking either of these buttons opens a color picker:

Color picker palette

When the color picker is first opened, a color palette is displayed as shown above. The currently selected color is shown at the top of the color palette under the Current Color label. The colors in the Theme Colors section are derived from the theme of the current SharePoint site. To choose a color, click the desired color square.

For finer control over the color selection, click the Advanced label at the bottom of the color picker. An advanced color picker is shown:

Advanced color picker

To select a shade of the current hue, click and drag in the large color square. The hexadecimal color code and the small square showing the selected color update as you drag the mouse pointer. To change the hue, drag the hue slider (the rainbow-colored slider immediately to the right of the large color square). To change the transparency, drag the transparency slider (the slider all the way to the right of the color picker). You also have the option of specifying a color by typing the hexadecimal color code into the text box at the bottom of the color picker.

The color buttons that are enabled and the effect of each vary depending on the geometry type of features in the selected layer. The variations are described as follows:

  • Points—For layers that contain point features, the color button with a paint bucket icon is enabled if the layer's symbol supports specification of color. Color cannot be specified, for instance, for image-based symbols. If this button is enabled, you can use it to manipulate the color of the point symbol:
    Point symbol color picker

    The only pre-supplied symbols that support specification of a fill color are the symbols in the Colors gallery.

  • Lines—For layers that have linear features, the color button with a pencil and line icon is enabled. Colors selected from this color picker determine the color of the line symbol:
    Color picker for line symbols
  • Polygons—For layers with polygon features, both color buttons are enabled. Use the color button with the paint bucket to set the polygon symbol's fill color. Use the color button with a pencil and line icon to set the polygon symbol's border color.
