ArcGIS API for Silverlight - Library Reference
IdentityManager Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Client Namespace : IdentityManager Class

The following tables list the members exposed by IdentityManager.

Public Properties

public PropertyChallengeMethodGets or sets the method that will challenge the user in order to get a valid credential object. To activate the IdentityManager, you have to set a challenge method. To deactivate the IdentityManager, you have to set a null challenge method (in this case, the stack of waiting credentials is reset).  
public PropertyCredentials Gets the credentials registered by the identity manager.  
public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CurrentGets the single IdentityManager instance. This is the only way to get an IdentifyManager instance.  
public PropertyEnabledGets a value indicating whether the IdentityManager is enabled.  
public PropertyServerInfos Gets the registered servers.  
public PropertyTokenGenerationReferer Gets or sets the default referer used to generate tokens.  
public PropertyTokenValidity Gets or sets the default suggested lifetime of the token in minutes.  

Public Methods

public MethodAddCredentialAdds a new IdentityManager.Credential the IdentityManager will use for accessing the resources.  
public MethodFindCredential Returns the token credential for the resource identified by the specified url. Optionally you can provide an user name to find credentials for a specific user.  
public MethodFindServerInfo Returns information about the server that is hosting the specified url.  
public MethodGenerateCredentialAsync Generates a token credential object asynchronously. You need to provide the service URL, the username and the password. This is a helper method typically called by the UI challenging the user.  
public MethodGetCredentialAsync Returns a Credential object that can be used to access the secured resource identified by the input url. If required the user will be challenged for a username and password which is used to generate a token. The IdentityManager sets up a timer to update the Credential object with a new token prior to the expiration time. This method is typically called internally when a request fails due to an "invalid credentials" error.  
public MethodRegisterServers Register secure servers and the token endpoints. The Identity Manager makes its best guess to determine the location of the secure server and token endpoint so in most cases calling registerServers is not necessary. However if the location of your server or token endpoint is non-standard use this method to register the location.  
public MethodRemoveCredential Removes an existing credential so the challenge method will be called the next time an access to the resources is needed.  

See Also

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